Camera is shown back stage.A.C. Cobra is standing with Stacy Clarke.Cobra appears to be winded.He's holding the back of head with his other arm placed on his hip.
Stacy Clarke-A.C. Cobra we waited weeks for your appearance.You've lost your first 2 matches since debuting.What's going threw your mind right now.
Stacy places the mic to Cobra mouth.Cobra begins to speak in an out of breath state.He's breathing heavy and is hunched over while talking in the mic.
A.C. Cobra-Stacy the Rebels aren't happy with me at all right now.
Stacy Clarke has an confused look on her face.She moves the mic from A.C. and begins to talk.
Stacy Clarke-I'm sorry who the Rebels?
Cobra has an slight grin across his face soon as Stacy say the word Rebels.He takes the mic and begins to speak in and tone like he's begging for his life.
A.C. Cobra-Look I'm sorry I'll make it up to you next week.I know your watching just give me time.I waited my entire life for this chance.I'll make you proud just believe in me.
Stacy still confused as hell just begins to shake her head.A.C. continues to speak.
A.C. Cobra-To all my rebels out there the fire still burns bright.Our time is coming brothers it is.
Stacy Clarke hastily takes the mic from A.C. Cobra
Stacy Clarke-A.C. who the hell is these Rebels you speak of?I know you refer to your fans as Rebels are you talking to them,Jesus like what in the diggity damn are talking about?
A.C. Cobra-I'm talking to those who can hear me.Whether it's the fans,the guys in back whoever can hear me.A veteran like Tyler Ewanchuk might be watching it doesn't matter.Those who needed to hear got my message.
AC walks off still holding the back of head and out of breath.Stacy watches AC walk off.The camera fades and goes back to the announce team.
Backstage, we’re following the three members of OMG through a labyrinth of backstage hallways as they desperately search for the room where Lacey is being held. Dupree shoves the camera out of his face as he gets closer to a door with a loud sobbing coming from inside.
Not knowing what awaits them, they quickly discuss a plan, but as they’re not mic’d correctly we can’t hear what’s happening. Patolomai seizes the door handle in his massive grip and, on Matsuda’s nod, he barges into the room. The camera, as well as the three men, survey the room for attackers but… nothing.
The sobbing is now fully audible as Lacey Love sits on the locker room floor curled up in a ball, tears rolling down her face and the Kendo Stick sitting next to her. Madeline Osiris joins the three in the room as they’ve realised its safe, and gets down to ground level with Lacey. Dupree takes the Kendo Stick off the ground and looks at it.
Lacey quickly jumps to her feet and lets out a massive scream as she slaps it out of his hand. The scene fades as OMG curse the damage, both physical and mental, C4 is doing to their ranks.

Mugen vs Cody Storm (C)