The camera cuts to an old beat down looking gym in Sacramento, CA. On one side is a fairly new looking sign reading “Capitol City Gym” on the other is a stair case that leads up to an apartment that sits atop the gym. Trisha Waldrop and the cameraman head up the steps and knock on the wooden door. As Trisha waits to for the occupant she looks down and reads the floor mat that reads “People don’t lack strength, they lack will.” After a few more moments Tobin Frost opens the door dressed in grey sweats and a black shirt. Trisha tries to walk inside but Tobin stops her and closes the door as he steps outside. Trisha looks at him confused. Tobin begins to walk down the steps slowly, still feeling the effects of the attacks on Riot, as he speaks to Trisha.
Tobin: This is in your crib right? Isn’t a crib a home? That room up there is just a place I lay my head. I’m going to show you the place I call home…
Trisha and the camera man follow quickly as Tobin walks to the front of the gym. He knocks three times. As he does this Trisha tries to ask him a question.
Trisha: So let’s get right to it, what is your relationship with Lexington Walker after last week?
Tobin ignores the question as he waits at the door. Soon the clattering of keys can be heard and the door opens. Tobin and Trisha are greeting by a short black man that has to be in his 70s. Time has done a number on him as he stands hunched over. His eyes light up at the sight of Tobin who walks over and gives the old man a hug.
Tobin: This man right here is Samuel Hudson. He’s like a father to me. This place the Capitol City Gym is my home. It’s where I grew up this place is my home.
Samuel: Tobin, son it’s good to see you. You must have just gotten in last night. Take a look around we’ve made a lot of improvements with the money you’ve been sending in here. We owe you a lot Tobin.
Tobin: You don’t owe me anything. I can’t begin to pay you back for what you’ve given me. I can only give you what I can in hopes that you can help more people.
Tobin walks by and begins to check out the updated facility as Trisha and the camera man walk in as well. The camera cuts back to ringside.
Pugh: See Lacey, what he doesn’t understand is I will never stop. Nobody will ever stop us Lacey. Dimsmore doesn’t need to come back. Do you even want him back?
Pugh is pacing up and down in the deserted locker room maniacally, waving his finger around and pointing in her direction. He takes a kendo stick off his back and starts wildly waving it around. Lacey sits on a bench, seemingly scared out of her wits as Kid Ego roams around
Pugh: Lacey we’re having a conversation… Do you want him back in OCW?
Lacey: This is all he…
Pugh: All he knew. Lacey he can be anything, he just can’t be a professional wrestler anymore. How hard is that to understand? All I need you to do is understand…
Lacey: What do you want?
Pugh: I want my face on a dollar bill. I want a house in the Hamptons, I want a Mercedes… I want it all.
Lacey: Are you joking?
Pugh: Do I look like I’m joking Ms. Love?
Pugh rests the kendo stick on Lacey’s head. She cowers and takes a deep breath
Lacey: You’re crazy.
Pugh laughs
Pugh: No Lacey I’m realistic. I actually knew a crazy man once… He had a head full of bad wiring, I guess. Crazy you know? The kinda guy who would piss on an electric fence, who would… a man who would fight despite not being able… do you know who that man is Lacey?
Lacey: You’re crazy…
Pugh: Lacey if you keep questioning my sanity you and I are going to have a problem… do you know who that man is Lacey? …Do you know what happened to him? No? Well... I… put him down…
Lacey: You’re nuts…
Pugh: Nuts Lacey? You wanna get nuts?
Pugh grabs his kendo stick and swings it wildly around the room, smashing things up as he goes.
Pugh: Lets… Get… Nuts…
Lacey jumps up to try and escape as Pugh jams the kendo stick in front of her
Pugh: Go ahead, leave… you know I’m right about Dimsmore, and you know that no matter what you say he’ll still try and come back… and when he does…
Pugh makes a “cut throat” gesture as Lacey tries to open the door. Kid Ego quickly kicks the door closed.
Pugh: Woah, who said you could leave? The guests have yet to arrive… sit.
Pugh shoves Lacey back into the bench she was sitting on and takes his cellphone out of his pocket. Tears have started forming in the eyes of the terrified bombshell as he calls an unknown number and smiles as its picked up.
Pugh: Dupree? Paul here. I’ve got Lacey. Come get her.
He tosses the cellphone at the wall and bows his head, mumbling something as the scene fades.
I think he's flipped |
Flipped? Improved? Who's to say |
Definitely flipped |
Again we're in the office of Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq. M.D., the overseer herself is not present. After she found what Betty Ford left in her desk, what she found on her important documents and what she found on her favorite scarf, she pretty much storm quit Riot for the evening.
Now inside her office are bombshells in Hazmat suits trying to clean up the mess left by Betty Ford. Jessica Jessie's suit is on backwards, Bu'Tay's is too tight around the waist, and Amazing Pine is three sizes to large for any suit. Molly made sure the good doctor got home safely. Of course Brandi Hostyle has something to cry about before we fade.
Brandi Hostyle: This Bombshell Initiative sucks, EVERYTHING JUST SUCKS!

KD'Angelo vs AC Cobra
The camera pans to the gates of Mourningwood Penitentiary. The once country club resort holding facility now converted to a private maximum security holding facility. As the feed loops through the different camera throughout the facility we once again reach the camera in front of the massive rusted door marked C74.
2 Guards are patrolling the quiet and poorly lit halls as they stop next to the giant door and begin to converse.
Guard 1: How's that one (points to C74) doing?
Guard 2: Why do you even care?
Guard 1: You know how you watch the nature channel or discovery and you watch a show about a deadly beast, like a crocodile, a komodo dragon, or hell some kind of venomous snake? It's kind of like that.
Guard 2: Well ever since the incident he's been a little tense. I mean don't get me wrong he's still a convict, a savage. But he doesn't bother us guards. Hell I kind of like him after what he did for the rookie, took a hell of a beating. I think they even damaged his vision or so the doc said.
Guard 1: One eye or two eyes, I'd prefer if I never met that guy in a dark alley.
Guard 2: Here here.
At that moment a loud series of thuds can be heard from C74. The guard turn there attention to the racket and ready up for a possible altercation.
Guard 1: Hey keep it down!
A voice bellows from the opening in the door.
Voice: What day is it?
Guard 1: March 12th! Why?
The voice mutters something inaudible.
Guard 1: Come again?
Voice: Soon...................................
The camera fades.
Soon he says... |
Not soon enough |
The camera cuts back to the Capitol City Gym, home to OCW’s North American Champion Tobin Frost. The camera pans around the facility and scans the various pieces of memorabilia that decks the halls. There are autographed gloves from George Foreman, Chris Webber signs sneakers, and also on the wall is a replica of Tobin Frost’s TV championship with a picture of Tobin holding it standing next to Samuel. The camera locks in on Tobin who is now in full work out mode. Fighting through the pain he is pulling on a resistance machine. Trisha and Samuel stand next to him.
Trisha: Ok Tobin could you talk to us a little about the events from last week?
Tobin ignores Trisha and continues to work out.
Samuel: Come here girly, I’ll give you the information you came here for. He’s not going to give you anything while he’s training.
Trisha follows the old man to a bench situated just outside the room.
Trisha: How did you meet Tobin?
Samuel: Well Tobin was a small kid probably about 10 years old. Nothing but skin and bones. He used to get beat up by the neighborhood kids so he came here looking to learn how to fight. He was small but even at that age he had more heart than anyone in this place. He showed up here every day afterschool. By the time he got to high school he was bigger than all the other kids. (Laughing) No one messed with him then.
Trisha: So he’s always had the drive to work hard then.
Samuel: It started with him just wanting to be able to stand up for himself. But somewhere between that first day he walked in and high school he wanted something more. I think it was when he talked to Ken Norton Sr. I had him talk to some of the guys and it woke something up in Tobin. It was like from that moment on he wanted to be the best. He’d come in and lift twice as much and run twice as hard. Before I knew it he was telling me that he had signed a developmental contract with OCW and now he’s a champion.
Trisha: He has indeed come a long way. He’s done it without taking a lot of the shortcuts that wrestlers in OCW have decided to take. But recently he’s become unleashed so to speak. The Tobin Frost that we’ve gotten to know seems to be gone. I mean he recently signed on with Lexington Walker who seems to be a fairly shady character. What are your thoughts on where Tobin is at now?
Samuel: Tobin is the same kid who walked into this gym all those years ago. The only difference being he’s about 160 pounds bigger. You know he’s just decided to even the playing field. These guys have been getting the upper hand on him because he always does the right thing. Even when people deserve to be hit he held back. But now he’s decided not to hold back. He’s decided to fight fire with fire. There is really nothing to say about Lexington either. Tobin signed because he was offered a chance to live his dream. To become OCW Champion and be immortalized.
Tobin now finished with his resistance training walks over.
Tobin: Trisha, I’m sorry that I haven’t answered you questions and I know you have a lot of them. I also know that the fans that will see this have questions too. I owe them answers face to face. So if you want I can show you around this wonderful gym. My home. I heard Mr. Hudson tell you just about everything. But if there’s anything else about this place I call my home I am more than willing to answer you.
Trisha accepts and walks with Tobin who begins to point out different areas of the gym that are special to him. The camera follows for a few moments before cutting back to ringside.