
As Queen's Princes of the Universe hits the Hartman Arena, this crazy Kansas crowd is almost instantly stirred into a frenzy, saturating the atmosphere with their cheers to pave the way for the Obelisk of OCW, OMG.
But the architects of the Ambition era were not themselves tonight, for tonight, with their compatriot Luke S. Dimsmore absent and recovering from a vicious C4 attack, Overness Meets Greatness appears less than peak form--starting with their entrance. Patolomai methodically meanders his way to the ring, politely requesting a microphone from a ring hand.
A look of concern is visibly written across the face of OMG's peaceful giant, who sighs before putting the microphone to his mouth to speak.
Pato: A very wise man once told me that what's done in the dark will be brought to light. And my OMG compatriots have done a poor job of airing out their dirty laundry on live television on a weekly basis.
The Samoan beast has a rare hint of anger in his tone as he continues.
Pato: And considering that you two never shy away from attention, I feel its time we get to brass tax. An OMG summit. So Tiberius, Hideto, please come out here.
Freddie Mercury's voice rains down once more as Matsuda and Dupree mope to the ring, squabbling like children down the length of the ramp. The two argue over who would get in the ring first, until the Dear Leader graciously allows the Baron of Betterness to use the stairs before him.
Matsuda trips Dupree, and speeds into the ring, Dupree quickly recovers and runs in behind him.
Dupree slaps Matsuda in the back of the head.
Matsuda slaps Dupree in the back of the head.
Dupree slaps Matsuda in the back of the head.
Matsuda slaps Dupree in the back of the head.
Pato: Now guys, nobody in the world can take away what we, the Ambition Four, have accomplished in our time here in OCW.
The crowd pops, and a brief Ambition chant builds. Pato waits for the crowd to simmer down.
Pato: We are game changers. Award winners. Champions. But we earned something more important than any of that.
Matsuda: [unmic'd] More championships?
Dupree: [unmic'd] A cute hipster love interest?
Pato: Friendship guys! The most important title of them all! And after last week, I'm afraid we, as a unit have lost sight of that. While you two were out in the woods LARPing last week, we weren't there for a friend and need. And he's very hurt because of that.
Matsuda grabs the microphone from Pato.
Matsuda: To be honest, if it wasn't for this golden turd over here, I would have gone over the King and been back in time for pancakes.
Dupree: Well if you didn't RUIN my birthday, I wouldn't have had to grace Mordor with my BETTERNESS!
Matsuda: ORN! It was the Fifth Shard of Orn you disgusting troglodyte!
Matsuda: OVERNESS!
Matsuda: OVER-NESS
Dupree slaps Matsuda in the back of the head.
Matsuda slaps Dupree in the back of the head.
Dupree slaps Matsuda in the back of the head.
Matsuda slaps Dupree in the back of the head.
The two stop squabbling after Pato let out a savage roar reminiscent of his past life. Both Matsuda and Dupree stand wide eyed.
Pato: You two are going to squash this beef or… or… Gosh darn it I don't know what!
Matuda and Dupree are still stiff, as if trying not to awaken the sleeping monster.
Pato: Now hug it out. We have more important things to worry about than your petty squabbles.
Matsuda and Dupree look at each other with disgust.
Pato: HUG. IT. OUT.
The two begrudgingly embrace, each choosing to take a couple of kidney shots at the other, and the scene fades with Pato rubbing his temples in frustration.
A delightful moment for OMG |
Gay. It was gay. |
With Stacy Clarke standing by backstage of OCW. She calmly waits for her cue to start her interview with Reckless Kid Luke Fuentes. Getting the signal to be ready in 5 4 3 2 1..
Stacy Clarke: Hello! Stacy-Clarke coming to you live backstage and we've got Reckless Kid here ready to give us a few words about his upcoming match tonight with what seems to be a bit of rivalry between these two guys. Marvelous Austin Lee vs Reckless Kid Luke Fuentes. Luke tells us your thoughts.
RK: You see Stacy heres the thing. Every so often some guy always comes along and picks the fight with the wrong man. Sometimes a guy just needs a good ol fashion ass whoopin you know C'mon! Put him back in his place cmon. So tonight Austin Lee will learn that he picked a fight with the wrong guy.
Stacy Clarke: So you're saying you will be the victorious one tonight?
RK: Victorious? You damn right c'mon!
Stacy Clarke: Alright! You here it first ladies and gentleman. Reckless Kid Luke Fuentes predicting victory tonight over Austin Lee. We'll find out later on tonight. This is Stacy Cla....
Voice sounds off camera completely cutting off Stacy Clarke.
Voice: Well whatta you know!
Stacy and Luke both look off camera only to see Austin Lee coming into the shot to join in on the promo.
Austin: I must say Luke, strong words from a man who asked for help on how to wrestle.
RK: Hahaha thats funny man. You're not going to get under my skin tonight. You just make sure you have plenty of ice on hand cause tonight Im whooping your ass c'mon! See you in the ring.
Pushing the mic of out of his face, Luke walks off camera ending his promo. Austin and Stacy Clarke just look at eachother for a second and then Austin begins to talk into the mic about himself. Stacy Clarke quickly gives the camera man the cut off signal as the scene fades.

Austin Lee vs Luke Fuentes

Gosh! |
Evil. EVILLLL. |
Steam vents from a nearby pipe somewhere in the bowels of the arena, sitting alone on a chair, a bulb swinging above the midget known as Little Dagger. Dried blood mars his face as he stirs slowly, his kidnapper, Jacob Trance walks into view.
Jacob Trance: "Why are you spying on me?"
He demands, and the midget responds
Little Dagger: "431245 Little Dagger."
Jacob slaps him across the face.
Little Dagger: "431245 Little Dagger."
Jacob slaps him again, harder.
Jacob Trance: "Tell me!"
Little Dagger: "431245 Little Dagger."
The little person refuses to give up any information and continues saying his number and code name without any prompt. Jacob snarls and picks up a discarded rag and jams it in the midgets mouth, silencing him. He crosses the room towards an old cassette player and turns it on. The small speaker crackles for a few moments before Stealers Wheel's cult classic 'Stuck In The Middle With You' begins to play. Jacob begins dancing poorly, boogieing on over to the gas can, he picks it up and continues with his not so groovy moves, this time dancing backwards around Little Dagger, emptying the contents of the can every now and then to the sound of the music over him. Once finished he dances back towards the cassette player, retrieving what appears to be a straight razor. He cocks his head to one side as if to ask 'talking yet?'
Little dagger begins to shake his head emphatically as the scene fades, in the background four or so potted plants can be seen in storage in the basement.
Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq. M.D. and her Bombshell Security Force have just reach one of the side entrances to the arena. After Jessica Jessie was jumped in the woman's room by Betty Ford, Dr. Rothschild and her force have been in hot pursuit.
What she doesn't know is; while she's instructing her BSF to untie and ungag the hog tied security guards, Betty Ford are just leaving her office. The drunken duo stumble out the door as subtle as a marching band on the Fouth of July.
Eerie Sunshine: We gotta watch some mo' re runs of Riot on da network...dat was fun.
Anna Mosity: Yeah, dat Scumbag has some good idears...
As the camera pans behind the two, we see Eerie pick a wedgy from her buttocks.
Eerie Sunshine: So what you use to wipe? I....I....I use'd some papers I found.
Dragging her OCW Bombshell Title behind her she replies.
Anna Mosity: Oh I use a-sum ugly pink scarf thingy, it was so soft, like butterflies on my bum.
Eerie Sunshine: F%#@ I think I got a paper cut on mine, F%#@.
Anna bursts out laughing, Eerie shoves her into a crate, she no sells and continues walking.
Anna Mosity: Muahahaha she got poop poop in her drawers.
Eerie Sunshine: Did you just say poop poop...haha poop poop.
Anna Mosity: Poop Poop!
Eerie Sunshine: Poop Poop!
As Betty Ford continue have an intelligent conversation about fecal matter we fade out.
