
The main event has ended Your World Champion stands victorious in the middle of the ring holding a microphone.
Cody Storm: "It's about that time again OCW. Time for me lead this era by example and give anyone in the back a chance to come claim a shot at this."
Cody takes the OCW World Championship from his shoulder and lays it out in the middle of the ring. He stands back up, waits a few seconds, and then quickly bends over again to pick the belt back up, but is cut short by some familiar theme music.
Tobin calls for a mic as Cody exits to the back. He is pacing back and forth still jacked from the events that just took place.
Tobin: I rushed all the way back here for that. As those two rooks who I dropped on their heads would say, C’MON!
The crowd cheers as Tobin continues.
Tobin: You may be in the back but I know you can hear what I’m saying now Cody. You said stake claim to a shot at that belt… well I’m doing it! You make these claims about bring change to this place. But you are no different than every half assed champion that has held that belt before you. I’m not talking about the Nates, Kages, and RD Money’s of the world. You all know the people I’m talking about. Running away when the fight is right in front of you. Not standing up and being a man when it’s time to be a man. Not being a champion when it’s time to be a champion!
Tobin: Your time will come soon enough Cody Storm, rest assured I am going to drop your ass on your head… But since I have this time here I might as well address my signing on with Lex Walker. It was not about me turning my back on my beliefs or selling out. It was all about taking an opportunity. A chance that I’ve yet to have in my time here. A chance to prove true a promise that I made on the very last edition of Ambition 2.0. Now I’m sure only a handful of you saw that show so I’ll remind you. I promised that within the year I would become OCW Champion!
Tobin: That is been the driving force behind everything I’ve done. From the moment I stepped foot in this place until now. All of the heart breaks and triumphs. From the moment I decided not to take the crap that half the roster throws out there anymore. I’ve taken the shackles off and I’m a runaway freight train ready to crash into OCW Championship gold. I don’t live to be the guy that was good. That guy who wins championships but never reaches the top. If I’m not at the top I might as well be at the very bottom. I live to be the best and that belt proves that.
Tobin paces around the ring.
Tobin: I’m the same man I was when I walked through that curtain last January. I am the Human Suplex Machine, the Hardest Working Man in OCW, the North American Champion… Tobin Frost!
Tobin drops the mic with a thud as the camera cuts back to the announce team.
..///...././././.END TRANSMISSION/./././././....////=
