
The scene opens in a childs play park just around the corner from the arena, there's a few broken swings hanging from rusty chains, and a slide that has a hole in the middle of it, and a few other aged childrens climbing frames with bars missing, there is a large sand lot in the middle of the park, and we can see a large green, dirty sack aside a hole in the middle of the lot, with sand being tossed out of the hole, which must be around 5 foot deep as Cut-Throat's head and shoulders can be seen as he grunts and sweats away, hard at work.
He can be heard singing to himself as he works.
Cut-Throat : Yo ho..thieves and beggars......
'Never shall we die'.......
A young teenage couple walking by notices this strange activity and decide to walk over an investigate.
Boy : Errr..are you ok there mister? That's a mighty big hole you've dug yourself.
Girl [nervously] : Not burying a body are you? [she prods the sack with her foot]
Cut-Throat stops digging and sticks his shovel in the sand, and places a soiled boot boot on top of the shovel, and rests his right hand ontop of the shovels handle, taking a breather.
Cut-throat : I wouldn't be doing that again if I were ye missy. [ he nods in the direction of the sack as the young couple slightly back off, realizing they are stood in the middle of a deserted park, with no one around, talking to a man wearing a mask and seemingly burying a giant sack]
Boy : Well, if you don't prove to me that isn't a body, you have about 30 seconds before I call the police, what exactly are you doing then?
Cut-Throat : First off, it's really none of your business what I be doing, ye accosted me remember, so maybe it be I that should be asking ye why ye has such an interest in what I be doing.
Boy : You are in a childs park, with a sack, digging a hole in a sand pit...do you not think that's a little unusual?? [The boy pulls out his cell phone] I'm about to start dialing...20 seconds.
Cut-Throat : Ok, ok..if ye must know, the hole be where the gold be going.
[The couple's eyes widen at the mention of 'gold']
Girl : What gold? Is it in the sack? [She takes a step closer to the sack]
Cut-Throat : No, it not be in the sack, the gold be in the belly of the HMS Matsuda..and it be sailing around these waters without a care in the world...ripe for the taking.
Boy : What is the HMS Matsuda?
Cut-Throat : Does ye watch wrestling? Are ye a fan of OCW?
Boy : Sometimes..I'm a huge A-Team fan...'Boots 2 Bustas'!! [The boy does a standing Wic Kick on the spot as his girlfriend just rolls her eyes]
Boy : But last I heard Cody Storm held the gold in OCW.
Cut-Throat : Aye..but he be carrying the Fool's Gold, the HMS Matsuda be carrying the richest treasure.
Cut-Throat : That where my path be taking me, and this be where I be burying me treasure when I sink her.
Girl : Why in the world would you bury a belt?
Girl : Easy there Mr...sorry I asked.
Cut-Throat : It be my time to ask a question.
Boy : Ok.
Cut-Throat : [He looks the girl up and down ] How much for the whore?
Cut-Throat : Ye heard me..how much ?
Boy [angrily] : You think I'm going to rent my girlfriend to you, for you to do god knows what with her?
Girl : I've never been so offended in my life!!!
Cut-Throat : That I do..ye see, I be tired from all my hole digging, I notice she has the legs of a fine sailor, and the shoulders of a mastodon, so I will pay ye to let her help me hide my hole.
Boy : Oh..What exactly did you have in mind? Cover it with something? I can help you do that.
Cut-Throat : No..If I give ye this shovel, I need ye to shovel that sand into the hole.
He points to the mound of sand that he has just spent most of the afternoon digging out of the hole
Girl : What??? That makes no sense at all..Why have you spent all this time digging it, just to replace the sand?
Cut-Throat : So nobody can find it!! Are ye stupid?
Girl : But if you replace the sand, surely you won't know where it is??
Cut-Throat : Aye..but neither will anyone else.
Boy : I'm so confused..why not just place a sheet over it? or cover it with some sticks or wood?
Cut-Throat : What be the point in that? Then it won't be hidden!
Boy : but...but...
Cut-Throat : Listen boy, does ye really want to argue with me? I am the Legend of Cut-Throat, a man, who once as an adult, sat down to pee...through me own choice!!
Cut-Throat : And I be a man!
Cut-Throat : The Legend continues!!
Boy : What in the hell has that got to do with anything?
Cut-Throat : Are ye going to help me or not?
Girl : No we are not, you crazy freak! Why would anyone re-bury a hole they just spent hours digging!!??!!
Cut-Throat : I just told ye!!! God..[He scratches his head in frustration]..Just leave so I can be about me business before I do something ye will both regret.
[He reaches into his inside jacket pocket]
Girl :KNIFE!! Run! He's got a knife! Call the police!!
The couple turn and run away as the boy is trying to dial 911 on his phone
Cut-Throat removes his hand from his inside pocket, clutching a small flask of rum, he pops the cork, and takes a swig.
Cut-Throat : Kids [he shrugs his shoulders.]
He holds the flask up towards the sack and nods in it's direction
Cut-Throat : Hoist the colors.
The scene fades as he replaces the flask and climbs from the whole, he then begins to shovel the sand he earlier removed back into the hole, gradually hiding it again from the rest of the world.
Oh my lord |
Do they pay you for this? |
A camera cuts on to show a small black car pulling up outside the arena. It sits for a few moments before Garth Jones steps out in a red polo under a black vest to go with his faded black jeans and red Converses, his phone in one hand and a clipboard in the other.. He makes his way into the arena through a small side door where he promptly stops a stagehand.
Garth Jones : Can you tell me where the locker room the Rookies are?
Stagehand : I think its ov . . .
Garth Jones : I didn't ask for your opinion, I asked where it was.
The stagehand is taken aback a bit by the rudeness but defeatedly points down the hall. As Garth begins to walk down the hall, he raises his phone and proceeds to message someone, the cameraman carefully peering over his shoulder hoping that its OCW worthy.
-Garth Jones : Finally arrived. Some ass tried to ruin my schedule though.-
-? ? ? : LOL. Glad its all good. What do you plan to do about that Drago?-
-Garth Jones : Don't worry. I'll handle that when the time comes.-
Suddenly, Garth takes the phone and tosses it hard against the wall where it breaks into pieces and lands in a trash can. Garth then places his hand on the OCW Rookie Locker Room door before looking at the camera with an unamused look on his face and a slight shake of his head before walking in. The camera instantly catches a lonely King Tyga sitting in a chair getting ready to laceup his boots. As Garth nears his client, he raises the clipboard and starts to speak.
Garth Jones : Alright, so this match will need to be quick. You have a meeting with the PWM Committee about the state of the Tyga legacy in about . . . an hour. After that you have a meeting with a small time comic book producer about a possible King Tyga comic book, which of course will mean we will have to go and get your name trademarked. Then after that you've got a book signing.
King Tyga looks up from lacing his boots, a puzzled look morphed behind the mask.
King Tyga : Firma de libros? Yo no tengo un libro.
Garth Jones : Don't worry about it, I already took care of it for you.
Tyga just smiles and laughs before finishing up his boots and standing up to make sure they are correct before grabbing his robe.
Garth Jones : Then later tonight . . .
Tyga shakes his head with a small smile while patting Garth on the back.
King Tyga : Cálmate mi amigo, que está haciendo demasiado.
Tyga takes the first step towards the door, Garth slowly behind him still shouting out the agenda.
Garth Jones : Also, the higher ups say something about re-suiting you for a more elaborate attire.
Tyga stops, his hand resting on the door and his head turned to Garth, a slight smile on his face.
King Tyga : Elaborar? Elaborar no hace nada por el talento y la habilidad.
Garth Jones : Yeah, I know.
With that, the duo exits the room and the cameras go towards the ring.
We find ourselves outside the arena gates where the "girls" of Betty Ford are trying their best to attend tonights show despite the orders of Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq.
Mosity: Where the f%^& does this b%^ get off tellin' US where we can and can't be?
Sunshine: Who the f%^& is [hic] stopping us anyway?
The clearly intoxicated duo do their best to clumsily climb over the fence, using Eerie's leather cut to get over the barbed wire that would otherwise be their huckleberry.
After a few moments of strained and uncomfortable noises, the two land on the other side with a clumsy thud.
Suddenly a group of voices could be heard, stopping Betty Ford in their tracks.
Sunshine: The f%^&…
Eerie is interrupted by a vicious lariat from the Amazing Pine followed closely behind by Onyanna Bootay who tosses Anna into the gate. The amazon like Britannia is the last to enter the fray delivering stomps with the other members of her group, in what looked similar to a bum beating than wrestler on wrestler violence.
Britania: Believe that.
Pine punches out the camera and the scene fades.

King Tyga vs AirConditioning Cobra
We pan backstage because there's always an eager camera man ready to pry into someone else's business. This time he's in front of the Official locker room of Overness Meets Greatness with the even more eager Jim Black. The portable nameplate on the door is designed with the latest in rooksauce spit guard technology, Jim eyes it as he knocks.
The door opens without anyone actually opening it. Not only are OMG seriously hilarious, they apparently also know magic. Tiberius Dupree and Madeline Osiris are watching cartoons on small HDTV. Matsuda is seen in the background breeding Poke'mon in his velvet chair while making sure his jpop girlfriend polishes his titles counter clockwise.
Dimsmore and Patolomai sit at a small table looking over war drafts while Lacey brings them non-alcoholic beverages. Jim Black approaches Tibby who's enthralled into the latest episode of "Archer".
Jim Black: Dupree, I was wondering if I can ask you a few questions?
With his eyes still glued to the screen Tibby replies.
Dupree: Sure, but there's only 8.2 questions left, since you already questioned me about questioning me, that counts as a question. Any questions?
Jim Black: Um yeah, okay I'm just going to ask; Will OMG be able to keep it together when you face C4 in a six man elimination match at Road 2 Glory?
Dupree: Do we really have to talk about them, seriously?
Jim Black: Well, I do have other questions like...
Before Jim can ask, Tibby quickly replies.
Dupree: You know what I don't understand Jim? I don't understand this whole "revolution" thingy C4 runs their faces about. Revolution's don't get announced and broadcasted on twitter, they happen through hard work and sacrifice, am I right?
Still magically not taking his eyes off the screen.
Dupree: What has the 40 year old rookie Jobby sacrificed? How has he been oppressed? I just don't get it Jimbo, I just don't get it.
Jim sees his opening and goes for his next question....nope too late.
Dupree: You know what else Jim? I hate the fact that we've given C4 relevance in life. Now they can walk with their heads held high knowing they have a purpose in this cold cold world. Just look how their Assistant Manager Paul Pugh...
He pauses.
Dupree: I call him the Assistant Manager because he's no leader, nor is Mugen, he's just the assistant to the assistant manager. And well Jobby...Jobby does the fries. You know the guy that cleans the urinals Pugh hangs around.
At this point Jim doesn't need to ask any questions, he just sits there watching Tibby rant without blinking.
Dupree: Pugh is the definition of a parasite. He's fed off the popularity of the Ambition 4 to build himself a decent career. The pudding is in the proof...
Jim Black: I think you mean the proof is the pudding...
Dupree: That's what I said, anyway the members of OMG are the architects of Paul Pugh's success here in OCW. When Dimsmore nearly ripped his shoulder off a few years back, or when Matsuda showed him the strong spirit at Wrestlution 7.
Dupree: Or how about when he sabotaged the ring in order to beat Pato just recently. And let's not get into how my undeniable betterness made him into a certified star over the past year.
Dupree: So what does he do next Jim? I tell you what. He recruits like minded mongoloids like Mugen and Jobby to follow in his footsteps. Ain't it pathetic?
Finally Tibby takes a breath, Jim immediately goes in.
Jim Black: You know you still haven't answered my first question.
Dupree: I think your out of questions Jim, that was 8.2.
Jim Black: But I didn't...
The camera fades on an confused Jim.
