
The camera fades in as Drago is seen leaning against an ambulance, an ice pack on his head. Police cars and news vans surround the place, sirens and shouts abound. Suddenly a reporter runs up to Drago, with her own camera crew surrounding her. Drago stares at her with a confused look on his face as she silently mouths "3....2.....1...." to the camera crew.
Reporter: Thank you for joining us tonight on Channel 6 Action News, we're here with the man who is suspected to have released a silverback from the zoo earlier tonight. Sir, what were you thinking when you released this poor gorilla?
Drago Cesar: .....Who are you? And who are those people across from me with the cameras?
Reporter: I'm Anne Robinson with Channel 6 Action News, and THAT'S my camera crew!
Drago Cesar: Look at this attitude from pretty lady! I'm no do interview with these amateurs, where is my cameraman?
Drago's cameraman rushes into the scene, but he's blocked off by Robinson's main camera guy.
Camera Guy: Sorry, we're live man. Can't have nobody else here while we're live.
Drago's cameraman is about to step out of the way when he plants a haymaker right to the face of the Camera Guy, sending him to sleep. Anne Robinson looks on in shock as Drago's cameraman takes Camera Guy's place.
Cameraman: You were saying, Drago?
Drago Cesar: Right. I'm free this animal because he was in danger, he was not having the freedoms! That is why I busted into this place and rescue him!
Anne Robinson: This is insane, the gorilla attacked you afterwards, how can you defend it?
Drago Cesar: Is no attack, is just how they play around! I'm know these species!
Anne Robinson: I can't believe this......You let this giant, dumb, idiotic monkey run around with its finger up its ass, causing mayhem and destruction all over the place, and you don't have ANY problems with this?!?!?! You call yourself an animal hunter?!?!?! You have got to be one of THE most dum-
Drago spaces out for a bit while he takes out the net from his vest pocket and drops it over the reporter's head, causing her to struggle in trying to remove it, but ultimately fail and get put to sleep. Drago looks down at her and shakes his head. He takes back his net and motions toward the cameraman to follow him. They walk down the street, toward the sunset.........
Drago Cesar: That was one crazy time we had!
Cameraman: Yeah, hopefully that gorilla will find its way back home soon.
Drago Cesar: It will, don't worry.
Cameraman: Man.....Just like old times, eh, Drago?
Drago Cesar: Yes, just like old times.......I think it's time for some sandviches.
Cameraman: Ditto.

We cut to the ring where, due to time constraints, Tobin Frost is already standing awaiting his opponents. He's hopping up and down on the spot, clearly in the zone, and hands over the North American Championship to the referee, ready for what he's about to go through.
North American Title Match
Tobin Frost(c) vs ??? vs ??? vs ???
