OCWFED.com Presents Riot



As the Main Event concludes the word exhaustion means very little, bodies are broken egos are bruised and pride is lost. As Tobin Frost looks on at the carnage about at the victory celebrations to be had he shakes his head in disbelief, giving it his all but still coming up short. He remains on the apron, being checked on by the referee at ringside.

Before anyone can react in the ring we’re quickly interrupted by a young upstart. The One Man Revolution has taken the mic and has arrived on the ramp. He stares down at the mic, before his voice slowly builds over the mic.

Bobby Minio: “Congratulations, Tibby, on your golden mic. We understand now. Man has trophy, man has free ride. You’ve been handed your reward, you have taken your foot off the gas. For two months, I’ve aired out your entire fraternity of forgettable toys week after week, I’ve disrespected you week after week, and finally, you were able to put your foam sword fighting aside to come out and address me.”

Bobby Minio: “Is that what you think is expected of you? Coasting downhill while the workrate work horses like myself have to carry your decadent dead weight for entire months, phoning it in while you focus on your own selfish pursuits, before you stumble out here and do a poor man’s Cheech and Chong stage show, that is your ‘hard work’? That is you ‘carrying the company’? The jokes aren’t in your punchlines, boys, your jokes are in the subtext. You can come out here, you can do your skits and your sketches, you can make everyone chant and chuckle, but you’re theater. You’re broadway. ...Stereotypes withstanding… and C4? C4 IS REAL.”

Bobby Minio: “You babble on about being forged in the fires of failure, you toiled away on some show that nobody watched, and you expect me to be impressed. Nobody watched because it wasn’t worth watching. Nobody watched because the Ambition roster and show, much like it’s personification in OMG, absolutely F***ING STINKS. If you could stop marking out over yourselves for five minutes, you would see that. You’re outdated, overrated, ego inflated garbage. You’re mental masturbation, except, there’s no release here. There’s no OH moment. It just keeps going and going until you’re red faced with a sore forearm. You’re awful, and the only reason you took the precious time out of your long day of dutch ruddering each other’s psyche’s, is because we exposed you, and we forced your hand. Here you are now, forced to acknowledge it.”

Bobby Minio: “You suck in a hurry, like you’re being chased. Take some time and take some pride in this, this is your JOB goddamnit!”

The crowd begins a roaring chant of “JOB-BY, JOB-BY, JOB-BY” as Minio sneers towards the fans in the front row.

Bobby Minio: “That’s right, I have a job, and I read the newspaper, so I’m well aware that many of you DO NOT. Take a moment to reflect on yourselves and realize how positively STUPID you look for mocking a man for being gainfully employed. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.”

Minio stands, dropping his weight on one foot as if he’s taking a break. He watches an imaginary watch impatiently before lifting the mic to speak again.

Bobby Minio: “There, doesn’t that feel better having the self awareness to understand how much of a burden you are socially? Thanks for being reasonable.”

The boos in response are deafening.

Bobby Minio: “It’s hilarious that you picked such a day to unleash your secret weapon, your nuclear option, to start a chant that changes a letter on my name. ‘Jobby’, well, there’s some more of that OMG creativity hard at work. This is why you boys get paid the big bucks. Well, this and all of the special favors you’ve provided for yet ANOTHER burden on the system, Inmate 69… or, I suppose, L7, if his bunkmate is being generous. Keep your head up in there!”

He winks into the hard camera, before pantomiming dropping the soap and making a bashful face after he bends over at the waist to pick it up.

Bobby Minio: “It’s also funny that some has been poof would draw his line of scrimmage at attacking me with his accomplishments. How long have you been here, Derpry? Since the ‘good ol’ days’ where mediocre performers could just inject their talent into their exposed hiney? and I’m supposed to be impressed? In a matter of MONTHS, I’ve written a legacy for myself in blood and soundbytes. I’ve revolutionized a stagnant industry, and my meager accomplishments pale in comparison to the MOUNT RUSHMORE OF OCW, C4, or YOUR RIGHTFUL WORLD CHAMPION AND YOUR NEW NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION, PAUL PUGH.”

The fans embrace Bobby with more boos which only seem to fuel his fire. We cut back to the ring where Dupree is looking on, half furious, half exhausted. Pugh is propped up against the bottom turnbuckle holding his neck while Tobin and Sean are just standing, looking on as Bobby continues.

Bobby Minio: “Reality check, OMG. I’m on my way UP. You’re on your way down, down down. We have simply met in the middle… and I will be grinning as I wave condescendingly down at you, while this elevator keeps rising. You’ve built your sandcastles, and that’s just adorable, really, go ahead and snap a pic, upload it to the OMG instragram, print it out, and hang it on the fridge right next to the pictures drawn in crayon of Matsuda holding more titles than Dimsmore’s hemmoraging brain will allow him to count… but C4 is the roaring wave that sweeps over your castles, bringing them back out to sea. Erasing any sign that you were ever there. We reset the landscape and we improve it, the way that nature intended.”

Bobby Minio: “So grip your golden mic tight, Tibby. Grip it tight like you’re sitting between Matsuda and his ladyboy escort and you’re ‘going skiing’, because it is your golden pass to coast. Me? I’ll be here giving each and every mic I grab the midas treatment. See, I don’t need an award to tell people about my work on the mic, because everytime I touch a mic I produce GOLD. If you would like to debate that, COME SEE ME.”

Bobby throws his mic at the floor and poses as the crowd are anticipating a huge explosion of fury in the ring but are quickly interrupted by an explosion on the ramp – more specifically, Bobby Minio getting his jaw jacked by a raging Dimsmore.

Mugen quickly joins the battle on the stage area, and C4 are briefly in charge of the situation. Dupree shakes his head and dives over the top rope, looking to even the odds again. As he meets the brawl, Matsuda has also arrived and OMG are quickly overwhelming C4. Pugh is still sitting on the mat and clearly feeling the effects of the match, looking on as his teammates are being dragged through the curtain and onto a (wcw) backstage brawl. The returnee has left the ring, and Pugh rolls outside as the camera returns to Tobin Frost.

With the weight of the world put on his shoulders he has once again dropped the proverbial ball. As the thoughts race through Tobin's frame he see's the Road To Glory Banner featuring K.Dangelo and Cody Storm. 

He shakes his head trying to come to grips with being shafted yet again. Even still as a man of principle he will not be defeated mentally, as he marches up the ramp the arena goes pitch black.

As with all entertainment once the lights go out the crowd gets that extra bit of electricity in them. Something is about to happen, something bad? something big? who knows! As the crowd begins to reach a fever pitch the Xtron flickers on. Filled with static a melody begins to play on the screen ever so slightly but for a fleeting moment.



As the static ceases the screen comes into focus. The room is nearly pitch black, but you can clearly see a silhouette of someone pacing back and forth. The voice begins to speak almost familiar but slightly off. Almost friendly but with a hint of delirium. 

Voice: They can't stop the signal!


Voice: I see you Tobin, I see you for what you are.

Tobin looks on confused.

Voice: I see you for the man these people want you to be, and I see you for the man you choose to be. Frost, you've clawed and scratched your way to were you are today. I respect that Tobin. 

The figure paces back and forth.

Voice: In a river of mediocrity, sea of cowards, in an ocean of self serving primadonnas, you stand head and shoulders above it all. And what has that gotten you? a snake in the grass corner man, the adulation of a false champion, who climbed his way to the top not on raw talent but by taking every short cut known to mankind and playing second fiddle to an obsidian neanderthal. 


The crowd cheers

The signal dies for a moment but quickly returns.

Voice: Time is fleeting Tobin, for the powers that be are already making the rounds. But know this Frost, I may not be a man of honor, there is no honor among thieves here.
But I am a man of principle. 

Voice: You will get whats coming to you, I can promise you that. Because VERY SOON a change will come, A CHANGE WILL COME OH YES IT WILL, I'm so tired of living Tobin!, but...but I'm afraid to die..because I don't know what's out there, but I pray for a big old sky!

Tobin clearly doesn't know what to think.

Voice: Before this goes pear shaped Tobin I want you to think no matter how high you climbed who was there to sweep your legs from under you. 

Voice: And know very soon Retribution will be yours my friend. But mere words mean nothing today. Surely a demonstration is in order, THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING AS THE CHILDREN SAY!!!!!!!

Voice: I come bearing gifts.

A hooded figure appears from the crowd. Tobin immediatly turns to face the threat head on as he charges forward. The hooded person quickly gets into a defensive stance and puts there hands up as if to say :WAIT:

Tobin is once again confused by the ordeal before he begins to raise hell the Hood comes off. And we see long black hair. The woman stares at Tobin with a piece of paper in her hands. It's Birdie!!!!!

Tobin unsure quickly takes the piece of paper. He opens it and looks it over. His eyes widen and a small smile emerges.

Birdie nods at Tobin and runs through the crowd as Security comes rushing after her.

Voice: can not the enemy of my enemy be my friend? Take that as a sign of good face Tobin, because what happens next I cannot control. You have your path, just as I have mine.

Voice: Yours is to be the greatest.

Voice: And mine....mine is to burn this ********** to the ground. With that said a special message to the acting CEO of OCW.

The figure moves in close all we can make out is a manic smile. 

Voice: Leonheart....... Daddy's coming home!

The signal fades as the lights return, Tobin looks at the crowd and smiles.


..///...././././.END TRANSMISSION/./././././....////=  







