
The camera finds Cobra in the rookie locker room.He comes out the locker room with his suitcase in hand and on the phone.
A.C. Cobra-Yes I know it wasn't part of the plan.Have I made them happy at all?
Cobra is slowly walking towards the parking lot.He's taking his time walking slower than an 85 year old MILF on her wedding day.
A.C. Cobra-Look I just need you there next week.Please commander please be there!
Cobra stops in the middle of his tracks he places the suitcase down.The camera man that was following him comes to an hault as well.Cobra still has back turned to the camera man.Cobra has the suitcase by his side on the floor and continues the conversation.
A.C. Cobra-Listen next week will be an big match for me.I want to prove to you that I'm worth it.I need you there ring side next week.I never asked for much never have never will.Just be there please.
Whoever he's talking to Cobra likes what he's hearing.He's nodding his head and begins to pick up his suitcase and continue walking to the parking lot.
A.C. Cobra-Ok next week!?! You'll be there ringside right?! Sounds like a plan.I won't let you down.I'm going to restore order in my life starting with this one problem in Lucky then going from there.
The voice begins to speak.You can hear Cobra making small talk such as "ok got it" "sounds good"
A.C. Cobra-Ok commander see you next week! Hello...?!?! Hello...?!?!
A.C. Cobra is now in the parking lot walking over to an old school 1960 AC Cobra car.
A.C. Cobra-I must of lost service damn it!
AC nows hops in the car old school style.Just jumps in without even opening the door.The camera runs up to him before he pulls off.
Camera Man-AC who you been on the phone with these last few weeks? Who's coming to OCW next week on Road To Glory?!
A.C. Cobra-In due time my friend in due time.
Cobra throws on some vintage shades and pulls off the scene fades.
The camera pans to the backstage area of the Scott Trade Center as a rapping sound is heard and the door to Your World Heavyweight Champion's room opens up. Standing in front of him is the opportunist Lexington Walker and the less happy to be there, Tobin Frost. Quickly a smile lights up Storm's face as he invites the men into his locker room. The camera follows without being expressly invited or addressed in any way. Storm motions to the seats around the room.
Cody Storm: Have a seat gentlemen.
Walker sits down on the sofa against the wall, but Tobin elects to stand; noticeably a few feet away from the arm of the sofa and from Storm.
Cody Storm: "Right.... well if this is about last week I just want to make it abundantly clear that I'm just a sore loser. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that and I apologize."
Lexington sits up to take over the conversation.
Lexington Walker: "No, no, no.... My client understands competition can make people a little irrational. Especially at a level as high as the one you two compete at. We're not here for any apology, we simply want to hear more about what you're offering Mr. Frost in this partnership."
Cody Storm: "Oh! Of course. Alright, well first off............... YOU!"
Cody turns around and rudely points his finger at the cameraman.
Cody Storm: "Need to get the Hell out of here."
Cody shows the camera man the hallway and shuts the door in his face. Presumably a deal is being discussed behind closed doors as Riot changes focus.
Private business then |
Let's not worry about it |
Clink, clink, clink. The sound of metal on tiles, the camera enters the bathroom stall, Jacob Trance sitting on the sink block, in his hands he clasps the dog tags of Little Dagger as they sway back and forth. He seems to me mumbling something under his breath and as the camera nears he looks up wild eyed, head at a tilt.
Trance: And so into the spiders web walked the fly, bringing with it a medium with which to spread his word... For you see...
Jacob raises a hand, letting the dog tags dangle in the air.
Trance: I grow weary of having to ram the truth down everyone's throats... I don't understand... I don't comprehend why they won't just welcome enlightenment into the bosom of their soul. Oh lord how I am trying, how I am trying to help you all...
Jacob flinches, and punches his own knee.
Trance: And yet... You don't listen. The attention span of cadavers and the interest of pond scum... You mock me because you seem to believe everything your mother told you tucking you in at night... Let me give you a lesson if you will...
Trance siddles upwards, now sitting completely in the sink.
Trance: People need to stop looking under the bed for monsters... For you see.. MONSTERS... Monsters are walking around wearing the skins of your friends and families like sheepskin coats. Monsters are in every heart you touch...
Jacob lowers his head.
Trance: But I can save you from these monsters... I can help you ascend... But everyone acts with reason, and cause... Everyone is chasing the same thing... EVERYONE.
Jacob snorts.
Trance: You are all... Like dogs chasing cars... When you catch up with what you've wanted for so long, you won't know what to do... Expectation is a beautiful thing... Even if the mighty don't fall, burdened by its weight... The meek cannot be hurt...
Jacob lifts his head.
Trance: And I shall inherit the earth...

Cody Storm(c) vs Jacob Trance
A camera backstage turns on to show King Tyga in his robe followed by Garth Jones, both appearing to be heading towards the parking lot. However, their trip is cut a bit short as none other than . . . not Stacy Clark . . . appears from around the corner. Instead, its Jim Black who has a mic and questions ready.
Jim Black : Gentlemen, can I get your thoughts on King Tyga's win tonight?
Garth turns to Tyga and mumbles something before Tyga nods his head and continues towards their car, allowing Garth to tackle Jim's annoyance on his own.
Garth Jones : I'll take it from here.
Jim Black : Right, well, can you tell me King Tyga's thoughts on his first non-pay-per-view win here in the company, which is only his second win?
Garth Jones : Sure. His thoughts are this: Winning, losing, its all the same. What matters is that his opponent hurts when the night is over and his own name is highlighted in the spotlight. In my opinion, he was robbed of his first two wins because what twit puts arguably the greatest wrestler to come from Mexico against two goons who can't control themselves?
Jim looks slightly confused but tries to continue anyways.
Jim Black : Well, how does King Tyga feel about his opponent for Road To Glory?
Jim gets no response as Garth stands tapping his watch before pulling out his wallet, followed by pulling out a business card.
Garth Jones : Look, if you have any more questions you can just direct it to my business card.
Garth hands Jim his business card before following in the direction of King Tyga. The camera then peers over Jim Black's shouldr to look at the card which reads:
Garth Jones' Card Of Professionalism
For Comments, Questions, or Suggestions Please Call
As a silence fills the air surrounding Jim, the camera takes one more look towards the garage where Garth is walking out of view.
Hmm |
Hmm? Screw that. Lets have a MAIN EVENT! |
Sitting in her office surrounded by her Bombsheild Security Force Lima, Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq. M.D. talks on the phone. Yes this is another phone promo, deal with it!
Dr. Rothschild: Can you believe he brags about being the hardest worker in OCW. I work harder in one hour than any of these muscle bound carnies.
The person is saying on the other line isn't audible.
Dr. Rothschild: I know right, anyway I put him to work tonight. He's got a 4 way against all former International or North American champions.
Dr. Rothschild: Yeah, its... hold on, I got an incoming call.
Dr. Rothschild: Hello, Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esquire M.D. speaking...
Dr. Rothschild: Eatta..Eatta what...
This time the person or persons on the other line can be heard shouting "DICK".
Dr. Rothschild: Real funny...
She immediately switches back to her original call.
Dr. Rothschild: I swear I'm going to have Betty Ford's head on sticks in front of my office come Sunday.
The camera fades after another successful phone promo.
