OCWFED.com Presents Riot



We come back from the commercial break to Drago Cesar and the Northern Americas Grand Prix Champion, Mugen sitting on opposite sides of a desk in the ring.

Standing next to Drago and Mugen are Johnny Law and Molly, respectively. Stacy Clark, who is the mediator of the contract signing for the OCW Northern American Championship picks up the microphone off the table and begins to speak.

Stacy Clark: Ladies & Gentlemen, tonight we will have a contract signing of epic proportions as the challenger Drago Cesar and the North American....

Molly grabs the microphone away from Stacy as she puts her hand right in Stacy's face. Molly keeps the microphone away from Stacy as Mugen picks up the microphone in front of him. With his free hand he pats the Northern Americas Grand Prix championship that is around his waist.

Mugen: Stacy, you will refer to me as the Northern Americas Grand Prix Champion. And.....you will like it.

Mugen looks over to Molly and motions for her to hand back the microphone to Stacy.

Stacy: Right.....the Northern Americas Grand Prix Champion. I will be your mediator for this signing.

Mugen: I want everybody to notice that our "hero" Sensation could not make it out here, for he is a certified buster.

Stacy: Actually....he had other matt...

Mugen: EH EH EH, he had other "business" things to do? He had other things to do when THIS is taking place? Seriously?

Drago: You shut up, Bubba!. You talk too much.

The crowd pops at the sudden interjection by Drago. For a moment Mugen is staring Drago down with fire in his eyes but suddenly he just starts laughing. Mugen starts to mock Drago.

Mugen: Shut up. Shut up. You know what? You need to STEP up to me. I liked your little montage video of your accomplishments last week. I really did. Did your little friend Johnny Law over there put it together for you? Real cute you two.

Drago: Get to point. Let's sign this and fight.

Mugen: Oh, I'll sign the contract. Right after you admit that I am the better man and that last time was a fluke. I lost to you in a fluke and never received my rightful rematch because you couldn't handle the big leagues and you disappeared.

Drago: You not better man. You don't deserve North American Championship!

Mugen hops out of his chair as does Drago. Johnny Law and Molly rush to the sides of their allies.

Mugen: NORTHERN AMERICAS GRAND PRIX. GET IT RIGHT. I'll be the bigger man in this situation and I'll sign the contract.

Mugen takes the pen in front of him. He turns to the back page to put his signature on the line. Mugen picks up the stack of stapled papers and throws it at Drago. Drago calmly takes it and places it down on the desk before he signs it as well.

Stacy: Well, there we have it! The Northern Americas Grand Prix Championship will officially be defended by Mugen against Drago Cesar in a Falls Count Anywhere match at The Clash.

Mugen walks right up to Drago with the microphone.

Mugen: What you gonna do....

Before Mugen can finish his sentence he hits Drago in the head with the microphone, knocking him down to the ground. A bewildered Johnny Law runs over to Drago. He is on his knees trying to aid his friend as Molly comes running in and kicks Johnny Law right in the head.

How did you not see that coming? Jeez. Molly, take care of Johnny will ya sweetheart?

With a big smile on her face, Molly nods and continues to stomp on Johnny as Mugen rolls out of the ring. Mugen yells at the ringside staff to hand him a steel chair. He gets one and goes back towards the ring where he slides back in.

Mugen: I feel like I'm going to enjoy this one a bit too much.

He winds back with the chair and delivers a vicious chair shot to the back of Drago. As Drago is in immense pain from the attack, Mugen rolls him outside of the ring. Mugen turns around to put his focus on Molly who is taunting the nearly lifeless body of Johnny Law who is laying on his stomach. Mugen tosses the chair at her and she catches it.

Mugen: You know what to do.

Molly nods as she places the folded chair underneath Johnny Law's face. Mugen slowly climbs to the second rope while still pandering to the crowd. He finally jumps off the second rope and does a double foot stomp to the head and neck area of Johnny Law impacting his face into the chair. Mugen is on his knees laughing maniacally as he reaches over for a microphone.

Mugen: Step by step. I will destroy everything in my way. Drago, this is just a preview of The Clash. C4............Over Everything.

Mugen rolls out of the ring as OCW Officials run down the entrance ramp to prevent him from doing any more damage. He casually punches one of the officials right in the face as he walks past them. Drago is seen slowly crawling into the ring to check on Johnny Law as we go to commercials.


The camera pans to the announce team.

What the hell man! He's supposed to be one of the good guys!

Are you insane?


The scene takes place backstage where Stacy Clark has been asked to interview Sid Harrison. Stacy is a bit nervous but she knows that her job can sometimes be a bit challenging. Stacy approaches the backstage boiler room where she is told Sid Harrison hangs around.

Stacy Clark: "Why would anyone be back here, it's dark."

The cameraman without speaking uses his hand and points to the camera.

Stacy Clark:
"Oh we are on? Apologies Ladies and gentlemen. I am here backstage looking for Sid Harrison. I am told this is where he spends most of his time. Justin do you have a light like a torch or something?"

Justin is one of OCW's longest employed cameraman. He grabs a flashlight from his back pocket and says
"You mean a flashlight?"

Stacy Clark:
"Yes that's exactly what I meant."

Stacy grabs the flashlights and turns the switch on. Stacy and Justin move around the boilers until they see Sid Harrison standing at the back of the wall. It's actually pretty lit up where Sid is. Sid looks like he is getting ready for tonight's match as he is doing some bodyweight squats . Stacy turns the flashlight off and along with Justin approaches Sid.

Stacy Clark: "Excuse me Sid?"

Sid Harrison doesn't acknowledge Justin or Stacy and continues his exercise.

Stacy Clark: "We last saw you back in 2014 where you were alongside Jacob Trance, shortly after wrestlelution you disappeared. Nearly two years later you decided to come back where you picked up a flawless victory against OCW newcomer Jimmy Henry. Then earlier this week you came out and pretty much laid out OCW hall of famer Aries. Do you have anything you would like to say?"

Sid Harrison stops his exercises , he ignores Stacy and goes to the little table he has up. He picks up his mug, which has a picture of Jimmy Henry being power bombed on it with the words underneath reading "Buried". You can buy this on OCWshop.net for an amazing price of $7.99. Sid likes his coffee as he walks up next to Stacy. He doesn't say anything.

Stacy Clarke: "Do you have anything you want to say?"

Sid Harrison the beast that he is downs his coffee within seconds . He holds out his mug to Justin, Justin grabs the mug and Sid walks away.

Justin: "Not very talkative."

Stacy Clark: "Defiantly not."

Just as Stacy and Justin are about to leave, they see a white piece of paper on one of the boilers. You can just about make out that Crossbones is on the paper with a big red X mark across the top of his face. The scene ends.

The camera pans to the announce team.

That was different.



As the last match comes to an end, the camera turns to an unfamiliar face stood in a corner backstage mumbling to himself. Jim Black timidly makes his approach.

Jim Black: E..E..Excuse...

Before he had chance to finish, the unknown man quickly turns to face Jim.

Jim Black: My apologies for interrupting, but can i ask...

Unknown: WHAAT?!?! Let me guess, you want to know who I am? Im the man nobody knows!!.

Jim is both confused and shaken, the unknown man takes notice of this and portrays a devilish smirk.

Unknown: Whats wrong little man, you scared?.

Jim Black: Forgive me sir, but do you have a...

The unknown man grabs Jim by the throat, forcing him against the wall.

Unknown: I dont have time for this! The names Fenton, now do me a favor little man and get out of my face!!!

Fenton forcefully knocks the microphone from Jim's hand.

Fenton: Ohh... one last thing little man, ill answer your next question for you. Why am i here right? Well little man you'll see soon enough, keep your eyes peeled!

Fenton aggressively kicks open the door and walks through as the camera begins to fade.


The camera pans to the announce team.

Fenton! FEEEENTON!!!

Jesus Christ FENTON!

(Scene opens to Austin Lee backstage after a tough match,Tre Golden is Shadow Boxing in a corner warming up for his match, he notices Lee waliking back through the curtain.)

Golden: My, my. Now why isn't it the franchise!

Golden: I'm starting to see it more and more twitter fingers. I can see why you don't want to wrestle me, you know you can't keep up, you know you don't work hard enough

(Tre continues to shadow box staying focused not looking over at Austin.)

Golden: You know you're not better me.

( Golden starts bouncing on his feet working his footwork as he continues to warm up)

Golden: In fact you call me a failure in MMA, I was a world champion, I've bled to be a world champion, I went to war to be a champion, I have the heart to be a world champion.

(Golden laughs as he starts his final preperations for his match.)

Golden: You can talk all the crap you want but I've worked hard for everything I've gotten, I've fought for every opportunity given to me with nothing but my hard work and it made me who I am today.

Golden: So for you to to discredit and mock myself and the other wrestlers in this locker room's effort is unforgivable. and for you to run your mouth to the fans about being the new face of OCW, while you sit on your ass and get delivered soy Latte's from your assistant is just down right pathetic.

(Golden walks by Lee not even glancing at him as he passes by.)

Golden: Don't worry Lee, I'll show you the spirit of competition. Right now I have very tough match with Jook, but you and I? We can settle this at the clash......... If your man enough that is.

(Golden disappears behind the curtain as his music hits the P.A. System.)

It's a Match!
Tre Golden vs Jookie Marley

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The camera pans to the announce team.

What a fight!

Didn't see that coming!

The camera cuts to the backstage area where the moving camera heads to Smythe's locker room. Which is infamously the women's locker room with a very expensive extreme makeover since there are no women wrestlers on Riot.

As the door opens Smythe's locker room has the same familiar settings. Smythe and Arnaud are both sitting in lazy boy chairs watching the rest of the show while Blue Diamond is shooting pool off to the side.

Rick Ross is playing in the background as Smythe and Arnaud sing at the top of their lungs with one of their favourites on the back of their tag match win a few moments earlier.

Smythe/Arnaud: It gets so lonely at the top.... it gets so lonely at the top.... We get so lonely at the to, we get so lonely at the top... we get so lonely at the top... We get so lonely at the top!!!

Blue: You both know he's just saying the same thing over and over right?

Smythe: Just A microcasm of our current situation precious!!!

Arnuad: Yes Princess... clearly you saw that out there. The winds of change are coming to OCW!!!

Blue: What are you two talking about now.

Arnaud: Blatant racism in OCW... Did you see that.

Smythe: Cobra wore a black face to the ring... a black face!!!

Arnaud: Absolutely ridiculous... did he think he was doing a tribute to the black superstars in OCW...

Blue: Please don't tell me that you guys are in on this movement as well. Marching up and down the streets for black justice.

Smythe and Arnaud both start laughing their heads off.

Smythe: We're rich... and Canadian... and talented!!! They wrote an article last week because I only wear one kneepad.

Arnuad: I saw that. "The injury that Smythe D. Wonder may be hiding". Let's be honest Blue we matter more than pretty much anyone else ever has in this industry. But we see a wave when we see a wave.

Blue: What wave are you talking about???

Smythe: Buffness has to win the OCW World Championship at the Clash. Or else breaking news will be.

Arnaud: Racist OCW refuses to crown black champion!!!

Smythe: Nice!!!

Blue: But that's completely untrue... Who would write an article like that!!!

Arnuad: Well I would of course... There's only one thing that entertains more than entertainment...

Smythe: Controversy!!!

The door knocks and Blue opens it to receive a letter. She laughs a bit then slams the door on the delivery man.

Blue: Not so great news... Since the Bomshells are back you gotta get all your stuff out of the women's locker room. They say you have until the next show to do it. Which is nice cause I was tired of getting changed with you guys anyway.

Arnaud: Aren't you just going to change with us in the guys locker room then.

Smythe: Sometimes that's our favourite part of the whole night.

Blue: Haha... hopefully watching me appraise these women's faces on the mat will be the best part of your night come Turmoil. Just waiting to be cleared to start the carnage.

Blue walks out of the camera as the scene fades out

The camera pans to the announce team.

What a disgrace!

Dehumanising scum!







