OCWFED.com Presents Riot



As the music quiets down the XTron flicks back on, a smirking Tank could be seen walking around a parking lot. He looks to the cameras and waves them over, the crew quickly running over to the man. Once they were there Tank would become still, hands clenched in fists at his side.

Good to see ya again Riot. How the hell are ya?

The boos roared through the crowd as Tank laughed almost hysterically. The booing would end as Tank's laughter filled the arena only for the crowd to start chanting "Septic Tank! Septic Tank! Septic Tank!" The big man got angry, the laughter turning into a scowl.

OH SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!! Hell, I'm doing somethin' you slacked jawed idiots are gonna like anyway. Ya see a few nights ago on Turmoil, a one Mr. Daryl Bradley said I wasn't gonna get paid. Look here buddy, I worked, you pay me that's how this works. Buuuuut...

Tank moved to his right to reveal a limo outside of some swanky hotel. He chuckled a bit as he knelt down and picked up his trusty tire iron.

See this is how it's gonna work. If you don't pay me, I'm gonna total some things out for ya. Hope ya got insurance ya fairy.

Tank lifted the tire iron above his head and smashed down onto one of the side mirrors, the mirror itself smashing into the ground, shattering on impact.

This is what happens Bradley! This is what happens! Do you see this? I coulda did this to your legs Bradley!

Again Tank lifted the tire iron and swung it, smashing out the driver side windows and the windshield. He smashed a few big dents into the side of the limo, walking down along side it, smashing the windows as he walked by them. He'd smash out the back left window before turning back to the cameras.

You get it now you mother f***er! Do you see what happens?

Tank moves to jump onto the trunk of the limo, climbing up and on top of it. He smashes out the sunroof, the mirrors on the other side, then walks down onto the hood and jumps down from it, only to turn around and put some dents in the hood. By this time, the driver has heard this smashing and had ran over to see what was happening.

H-Hey! What the hell are you doing!?! That is Mr. Bradley's limo you idiot! Who the hell do you think you are?

He shouted, Tank turning around and placing the tire iron on top of the hood as he slowly walked to the man, giving him a swift left hook, knocking him to the pavement. He picks up the driver and carries him over to the hood and lifts him up, delievering a 120mm to the driver, smacking his head off the hood with a sickening crack. He then lifts the tire iron back up and gives the man one final blow to his ribs before continuing to dismantle the limo.

Tank then pulls out a knife, slashes all four tires, then pops the hood. When he gets it open he lifts up the driver again and throws him head first into the engine block, leaving the driver bloody and battered on the engine. He'd suddening hit the bar away with the iron and the hood came crashing down onto the driver's back.

: You find my f**kin' money Bradley, or this is you next time you c**k sucker.

And with that Tank would smirk to the cameras, and walk off screen, the crowd speechless at how Tank took out his anger on the driver of the limo, the man still twitching and groaning in pain.


The camera pans to the announce team.

Do you see what happens Bradley? when you #### a stranger in the ass!!

WOAH WOAH WOAH, wrong movie Charles settle down, pal!

It's a Match!
Krosses, Krutches & Kaskets


Kassidy Hayes & A.C. Cobra

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The camera pans to the announce team.

Outta no where!



It's a Match!
Nathan Carter vs Drago Cesar

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The camera pans to the announce team.

He's sending a message!


The scene opens backstage in the vending machine area. The camera pans around and AC Cobra steps into the scene. The crowd stops as AC notices something then stops.

AC- Hmmmmmmmm

AC notices a poster of Xander Rane. Xander is flexing his muscles in the poster, in what appeares to be a promo poster for The Clash. AC smirks and reached his hands in his pocket and pulls out a marker.

The camera is now pand in on AC back as he his writing on the poster.

AC- Much better.

AC walks away from the poster and the scene. The camera zooms in on AC as he's walking away. Now, with AC gone the camera zooms in on the poster.

AC seemed to have gave Xander a mustache that resembles Mario signature stache. The Clash is also crossed out. There's a big X over The Clash and instead says Game Over.

The scene fades.

The camera pans to the announce team.

Doesn't seem bothered about earlier!

He likes to have fun, Scaggs, I LOVE IT!







