OCWFED.com Presents Riot



Tre Golden slides out of the ring making his way towards the ramp. Stopping just before it looking back towards the ring with his back to the entrance ramp as The Franchise #Marvelous Austin Lee use this opportunity to attack. Landing a chair shot to the back of Tre Golden sending him to the ground, #Marvelous Austin Lee setting the chair up in front of a prone Tre Golden, starting to taunt and slap Tre in the back of his head.

Austin standing up from his chair starting to taunt the fans at ringside the boos echoing around the arena as he circles around Tre Golden. Austin walking back to his chair and standing up on it throwing his hands in the air with his back to Tre. The crowd slowly starts to cheer causing Austin to start yelling back at them unaware Tre Golden is slowly pulling himself back up to his feet.

The crowd starting to chant turn around, as Austin slowly turns around looking at a angry Tre Golden. Causing Austin to trip backwards out of the chair taking back bump rolling towards the ring and crawling inside. Austin Lee sticking his hand up in the air calling for a microphone to be thrown to him, catching it as he remains on his knees.

Austin Lee:
Tre. #Buddy #Pal #Old Friend…

Tre Golden picking up the chair as he makes his way towards the ring. Jumping up on the apron waving the chair at Austin.

Austin Lee:
#T Dawgs #Goldenboy you know I didn’t mean to hit you right? #You see what had happen was it slipped and #Just so happen to…

Tre Stepping into the ring now as Austin continues to plead his case.

Austin Lee:
#Really bro? Thought you were some kind of mma golden child, seems like to me you wouldn’t need that chair to beat me.

Tre Golden Shrugs and toss the chair up in the air at Austin lee, who tries to catch it only to be taken down by a single leg by Tre Golden as the crowd cheers.

Tre Golden transitioning right into mount landing punch after punch on Austin. The crowd cheering every punch as Austin tries to escape only for Tre Golden to go from transition to transition keeping Austin down with ease with his grappling skills.

Tre Golden standing up over top of Austin looking out towards the crowd asking if they want to see more, which they cheer louder for. Austin using this second to his advantage as he lands a low blow on Tre who falls down to one knee.

Austin rolls away from Tre as he uses the ropes to help him up to his feet across from Tre golden who is slowly pulling himself back to his feet. Austin finally back to his feet bounces off the ropes and connecting with his cast to Tre head as he hits a clothes line from hell, causing Tre to crumple down to the mat knocked out from the cast. Austin picking up a microphone a he runs away from the ring back up the ramp.

Austin Lee: *Shaking his head*
You see where being a pro wrestler gets you Tre? It leaves you laying on your back In the middle of that ring after The #Franchise of sports entertainment took your damn head off.

Austin Lee: You could have used that chair but you chose not to. That’s why your weak and never will be a #Franchise. You could have been entertaining but you failed and that why you will fail again at the clash. This is your shot Tre let’s see if your reborn or if this is just strike 3 for you.

Austin throws the microphone down as the screen fades to black.


The camera pans to the announce team.

Austin came up short tonight, but in the clutch he still left an emphatic message with the rookie Tre Golden!


It's a Match!
Crossbones vs Sid Harrison

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The camera pans to the announce team.

Baw gaWD

Settle down!

After the last segment draws to its conclusion the camera starts panning around ringside, taking in the crowd. There appears to be a slight lull in the show. The arena's silent as there's nothing to cheer for or talk about, but the silent doesn't have a chance to visit very long as it's soon replaced with raspy, deep, breaths coming from an unknown source.

The tron flips to a shot of the OCW website. For any that may have been perusing the OCW website roughly a week ago, this sight is somewhat familiar. Instead of video footage of a little girl's birthday party what appears to be an audio file is playing on the screen.

I.... I don't know what..... what that was..... One... one second I'm in control. Sam's captive. The title's mine..... but then he forces her out. And.... and I'm NOT The Son of God?! It was just a trick, it had to be a trick!

The crowd sits stunned, listening to a voice that apparently belongs to former OCW wrestler Cody Storm recount events from multiple years ago.

Cody Storm:
But.....but.... but I don't know what happened. I blacked out! I just.... She was laid out. And it was just me in the ring.... but I couldn't do.... I wouldn't do..... I DIDN'T DO THAT!!!

Sobbing sounds start coming forth from the tron.

Cody Storm:
But I did. I did do that. I saw the replay footage. I powerbombed her. I'm the one that put my mother in the hospital..... But I don't remember anything.... Why don't I remember anything!

???: Hey, Cody. Cody we brought back the food man, hope you're hungry....

Cody Storm: S**t..... That's Wheeler and D. Fine. As far as everyone's concerned, it was me. I can't show any signs of weakness going into 'Lution. And I can't let anyone know about this recording. I just had to talk this through with someone, even if that someone was an answering machine owned by no one.

As Cody trails off his voice is replaced by the sing song tune of Brand New's Noro I'm on my way to Hell....... God knows that I've tried.

And with that the file comes to its conclusion and the broadcast moves on.


The camera pans to the announce team.

The hell?

My guess good as yours!


Scene opens as Morrison makes his way to the lockerroom. He finds Kassie Jacobs looking down at her phone. He starts to look her up and down.

Morrison: Let me guess. You're my next "gift" for the evening?

Jacobs: *looks disgusted as she continues to type on her phone, holding up one finger telling Morrison to wait.* #Eww no. Austin asked me to keep you company while he gets everything prepared.

Morrison: *looks confused* "Prepared?" Is there some sort of human sacrifice happening tonight?

Jacobs: Don't worry about the #details.

Austin then walks in as he sees the two conversing.

Austin Lee:
Mr. Seth Morrison.*Looking down in shock at the whiskey bottle still full.* You sick or something? *shaking his head* Anyways How was the ride?

Morrison: *Still confused.* The limo was great. What is this all about?

Austin: *Puts his arm around Morrison.* Lets go for a walk.

Camera follows the three as they go outside the arena, where a table full of contents await, along with a big barrel.

Austin: I had to commend you on your speech last week . You know, getting rid of the old "you", and how you wanted to bring Turmoil to another level. I can see you doing that, I see your names in the lights. Seth Morrison the face of Turmoil, the Visionary of the future and dare i say it, Seth Morrison a Franchise just like me.

pulls contents out of the bag. Sitting out is his old Double A trademark gear, and a bottle of lighter fluid.

Austin: I want you to really be able to get rid of the old "you." I want you to set fire and "burn" the old you. I also want to make you an offer. *puts arm back around Morrison as both look onward.* I want you to envision something. I want you to think what it would be like to win that tournament and what that belt would look like around your waist. I want you to think about what we could do together as a team. The carnage, the anarchy, the absolute destruction, the chaos. With you the franchise of Turmoil, and me the Franchise of Riot, we would be unstoppable.

Both men Smile.

I want you to think long and hard about this and let me know know in a few weeks. Now, let's set fire to the old you, and drink to new beginnings.

Morrison takes the Double A gear and tosses it in the barrel. He pours the lighter fluid over the barrel and lights it up. The three of them starts to watch it burn. Jacobs takes the whiskey, pours two shots and hands one to Morrison and one to Lee. Both men toast and drink as they watch the fire. Scene fades.

The camera pans to the announce team.

Sober and Marvelous?

Kinda has a ring to it.

We turn to the parking lot of the arena, as recently-injured Johnny Law is being put on a stretcher and into an ambulance. Drago blankly stares at the ambulance from a distance. A paramedic pats him on the shoulder.

Paramedic: We're gonna do our best, don't worry. He should be fine.

The paramedic leaves Drago as he gets into the ambulance and drives away. Drago looks on, still silent and still lifeless in the eyes. Stacy Clark gets within view of the camera to ask some questions.

Stacy Clark: Drago, how do you feel about your best friend getting seriously injured by the North American Champion? It looks like he might have to go thr-

Stacy stops herself as Drago slowly turns his head to look at her. Drago's expression remains unchanged as he seems to staring a hole through her. Stacy lets out a nervous laugh before resuming.

Stacy Clark: Uh, Is there anything you have to say to Mugen?

Drago Cesar: ...

Drago's fingers on his left hand coil into a fist as Stacy tenses up in fear. Drago puts his right hand on her shoulder and gently pushes her aside. Drago then walks out of the camera's view. Stacy breathes a sigh of relief as the feed fades to black.

The camera pans to the announce team.

Drago looks more focused than ever.

Mugen may have just pushed the hunter over the edge!






