Gianni, Ronnie, Lonnie and Stevie D from YSL's entourage are shown on camera walking in the parking garage with YSL trailing them in the back of the pack. With his brand new Chanel sunglasses on, YSL looks as calm as ever coming off one of the greatest weeks ever. Not only did YSL win another match in OCW but his brand new music video just got 10 Million hits on YouTube in one week.
Gianni: You getting ready for the freestyle battle at The Clash Y?
YSL: Maaaaaan, there ain't nothing to it but to do it. I'm always ready for a battle.
At that moment, Ronnie sees one of the large black men from Buddy Burns' entourage a few feet away.
Ronnie: Watch this boys.
Ronnie walks down the hallway with some swagger as he nudges the man known as Big Will.
Ronnie: OH! Excuse me there buddy! You should watch out where you going tubby.
Big Will: What you say?
As Ronnie is laughing and trying to run away, he runs into the chest of Big Will's twin brother, Big Phil.
Big Phil: My brother asked, what you say boy?
Ronnie laughs nervously as he puts his hands in the air.
Ronnie: Hey hey hey, can't we settle this like gentlemen?
YSL and the rest of the crew quickly make their way over to the scene.
YSL: Hey! Get away from him! He can't help that you two cowards are fat.
Voice off Camera: Speaking of cowards.......
The camera pans to a doorway next to the Big Twins as "Flyboy" Buddy Burns enters the scene with another equally short thug seen last week in the studio
Buddy: How about you and your crew, face off against my boys. In the ring, tonight!
YSL: Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, with the exception of you and me, nobody here is even a trained wrestler. We can't be having that. Noooo way. But what we can do............is........BREAKDANCE BATTLE. Gianni assemble!
On command, Gianni grabs a large cardboard box which is magically next to him and throws it down on the ground in between YSL and Buddy's crews. Ronnie finally sneaks away from behind enemy lines and makes his way back next to Gianni.
YSL: Hit it!
Stevie D starts beatboxing
Stevie D: Boom.. chicka chick....boom.....chicka chicka boom. Boom.. chicka chick....boom.....chicka chicka boom. Boom.. chicka chick....boom.....chicka chicka boom.
As the beatboxing is going on, Gianni and Ronnie are breakdancing like the greatest duo since Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. Or since The Dudleys, or Peanut Butter and Jelly! YSL is orchestrating the dance routine like a conductor of an amazing orchestra.
YSL: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa get em boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys
The routine finally ends with YSL and the whole entire crew and their arms folded looking dead at Buddy Burns and his crew. They do not look impressed at all.
The largely overweight Big Will and Big Phil immediately start doing a syncronized running man then bust out into a B-boy toprock technique. Despite their size they're very smooth and fluent as the older short man next to Buddy steps up and starts beat boxing.
Old Gill: Chicka chicka boom chick...boom chick boom...chicka chicka...boom chick boom chick boom...uh uh chicka chicka uh....chicka chicka chicka chicka boom chick boom...chicka BOOM...uh!
Big Will and Big Phil freeze in full pose while the rest of Buddy's crew toss up various gang signs. Buddy sends two pint sized birds in YSL's direction for good measure. There is a brief pause then suddenly Old Gill and Stevie D start beat boxing while trying to actually box. Ronnie and Gianni start battling it out with the Big Twins using B-Boy techniques mixed with martial arts.
Everyone from both crews start squaring off with beat boxing, break dancing and freestyling. Buddy and YSL stand in the mist of the carnage giving each other "ice grills" that could freeze a man solid. The camera fades as the West Side Story-esque fight scene continues to a no contest.
The camera pans to the announce team.
It takes two to make a thing go right!!! |
Ugh , YEA!!! |
It takes two to make it out of sight! |
Ugh, Yea! I wanna rock right now but Riot rolls on, I got to clown! |

Sean McGee & The Monster
The camera pans to the announce team.
What a Main Event |
For serious! |
You are sitting here thinking it's over? It ain't over maaaaaaan!!!!!
