The referee calls for the end of the match, announcing C-4 as the winners by disqualification, but they look like anything but winners. The Monster is standing over Mugen just watching the man crawl and groan in pain. Sean McGee on the other hand is still going to work on Pugh with kicks.
Sean McGee: Come hold this man down, I'm not done yet!
The Monster takes the cue turning from one victim to the next kneeling down to hold Pugh prone. McGee brings the hammer up into the air and brings it to crash back down across Pugh's chest. He flings his arms up and down again, raining shots down on the helpless World Champion.
Everyone is so absorbed in the attack they fail to notice the sound of rapid footsteps coming from the ramp until the side of someone's boot is driven into The Monster's forehead. McGee looks up with eyes set on the new target, he rears back with the hammer and brings it forward but misses and gets caught with the first punch of the Serbian Shuffle. Drago's about to cock back for the knockdown blow, but catches a blow of his own instead.
Mugen nails an uppercut to the groin sinking Drago to his knees. Mugen starts alternating chops to the chest and closed firsts to the head, but Drago quickly manages to catch a hand before it lands and starts throwing punches of his own. He starts backing up the ramp and Mugen gives chase, both men headed towards the backstage area trading a few shots whenever in range.
This leaves our impaired World Champion alone with BUFFNESS and his Monster.
Sean immediately grabs Pugh by the hair and drags him into the ring. The Monster quickly joins the two between the ropes and begins stomping away on C4's triumphant leader.
Screaming to The Monster to get Pugh to his feet, Sean hauls the padding off the top turnbuckle and throws it into the booing crowd. The Monster knows exactly what to do and positions Pugh against the turnbuckle with his face pressed tightly into the metal which holds the ropes in place.
Sean heads across the ring into the opposite corner and screams again for The Monster to move. He takes an enormous run up and careers into Pugh like a freight train. Both men bounce out of the corner and fall to the mat, with Pugh's face now a crimson mask.
McGee remains sitting on the mat next to his fallen Clash opponent and begins to chuckle to himself, shouting "I told you this would happen" at Pugh. Out of shot, The Monster has collected the World Championship belt and slides it across to McGee, who cradles it like a new born.
Both men remain in the ring as The Monster surveys the scene from ringside. Sean is again incredibly vocal as he begins to shout one more at the top of his voice. He hops to his feet and snatches the World Championship off the mat with him. Pugh seems to be trying to roll away at this moment, but Buffness certainly is not done. He grabs Pugh by the ankle and drags him into the centre of the ring before dropping a giant elbow across the throat of the World Champ.
Boos still rain down from the bleachers as Sean spreads Pugh out in the ring, almost like a ragdoll. As Riot comes to an explosive end, Sean places one foot on the chest of Pugh and poses into the hard camera - two hands in the air, holding the ultimate prize in Online Championship Wrestling aloft - a conqueror.

Editors Desk!
Short one this week, Editors desk I mean not the actual show! Oh boy talk about world building! Side note, don't mess around and just take the initiative with entrances, I'd rather not punish 3 people over one guys ineptness. Also I went from 14px font to 12 point, which do you guys prefer? Haven't heard any thing about not coloring actions either. I wonder if anyone reads these???? probably not! The big question is why is Carter wearing a hoodie?
cest la vi!

