The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
Kwan Watts looks as energetic than ever before on tonight's show of riot, and the fans as usual, are astatic
Kwan Watts: How is everybody doing tonight?
The fans yell very loud from the excitement they've had from tonights event
Kwan Watts: Great to hear you guys are having a good time tonight but let's kick it up a notch in here
Kwan Watts takes a deep breath while the crowd anticipates in silence what's coming next
Kwan Watts: Can everybody rise to their feet even if your at home even u Charles, and al hit the Kwan with me please.
Everybody follows kwan watts example, and does the kwan just like he does for a while till kwan stops, and puts the mic to his mouth
Kwan watts: Did everybody enjoy that?
Crowd screams from the fun they had doing the Kwan
Kwan Watts: Great to hear that,But on a serious note we all came to see matches tonight, so who is ready to see me in a match right now
Crowd yells in excitement and kwan watts stares down to the ramp waiting to see his next opponent

Kwan Watts vs The Artist
The camera pans to the announce team.
Settle Down! |
This has to be the largest collection of LARGE women in one place that isn't a fast food resturaunt. Really it's only 3 women, Big Bertha Stigglitz the Bombshell Killer, Amazing Pine the Maiden Masher and Samantha the old lady from the Pine Dojo.
Still it's nearly a ton of weight between the three. Samantha has taken a particular interest since she suggested a Strongwoman's Competition between Bertha and Pine. She infact organized the entire competition with the approval of Lindsay Rothschild Esq. and Odessa Ebony of course.
The 3 women are outside in a open field set up just for this event. Samantha stands in front of the two letting them know the rules and guidelines they must follow.
Samantha: There are 4 types of Strongwoman Events, today you will be partaking in 2 of these events. The Loading and Deadlift Events. Are you two ready to compete?
Pine as playful as ever smiles and nods, Berta just stares through Sam who takes that as a yes.
Samantha: Ok these here are Atlas Stones, the first one to carry the stones the marked distance and load them onto the platform will be the winner of this event.
Six huge grey stones the size of a beach balls are lined up behind each competitor. Samantha blows her whistle and the two are off.
Pine and Bertha pick up the stones at the same exact time, they race toe to toe loading the first Atlas stone onto the platform. Half way through the race, Pine stumbles nearly dropping her 2nd stone on her large feet, this allows Bertha to pick up a huge lead.
Samantha: And the winner of this event; Bertha Stigglittz!
Because of her dropping her Atlas stone Bertha easily takes this event. Bertha shows no reaction, while Pine just laughs it off and awaits round 2 as we fade for a short commercial break.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Those are some big body besses! |
Stop Objectifying them assface! |
The logo for WTV appears on the screen. As the video fades, we see the World Famous hip-hop personality and DJ, DJ Krunkmaster Klue.
DJ KK: What's up world. WTV has got yet another exclusive from Dem Rhyme Boyz. Brand new single dropping today with this music video and we got the World Premiere Exclusive. The song is called BMW. I got a Beamer and I know plenty of yall do too.
DJ KK: You ready? YOU READY?! Let's goooooooooo. World Premiere Excluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusive.
The Xtron Flickers On!
The camera pans to the announce team.
I have no words to describe how I feel right now! |
You feeling the Vibes, B! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp
The crowd is chanting "Let's get EX" as the entrance of Judas Hallows means another EX division exciting matchup is about to take place. Judas paces the ring pumping up the crowd before taking a microphone.
Judas: I know last week wasn't in my favour. But how did you guys like Jookie Marley getting EX last week.
The "Let's get EX" chant get louder as Judas continues to pump them up.
Judas: I told you I was bringing back the EX... I told you that great wrestling has to be the forefront of the EX division moving forward and I will continue to bring you five star wrestling with the Judas Hallows EX challenge every week... so without further ado... let's bring back an old time great and get this show on the road!!!

Judas Hallows vs ????
The camera pans to the announce team.
Well then! |
He looks like he sells booty on the docks during fleet week. |
We find Our Hero in an alley with his Executive Assistant/Sandwich Crust Remover/Head of Security/Translator/Friend/Jujitsu Instructor; Birdie.
The two seem to be plotting something, and by two we mean Our Hero with an indifferent Birdie.
The once feeble emotionally drained CEO is now filled with a new found energy or maybe its rage...its probably energy rage. He has a wild look in his eyes as Birdie is begrudgingly an accomplice.
Our Hero: So, you run up to the big guy, grab his arm and distract him. While you do that, I'll run and TIGER KNEE him in the face like WHAM!
Our Hero begins to do delicate "TIGER KNEES" careful not to actually hurt himself.
Birdie: You know I am trained in Close Quarters Combat from Mossad right?
Our Hero: Nonsense, I need to do it.
Birdie: Roger that...did you forget anything?
Birdie points at a Majestic Candy Apple Red Radio Flyer Hand Wagon. Loaded to the brim with all manner of of nonsense in it like a set of Arnold Palmer Limited Edition, Signed By Arnold Palmer Golf Clubs, a Don Mattingly Original Baseball bat, a bowling ball and a shoddy makeshift flame thrower made out of a 4 lighters and 6 cans of Axe duct taped together, and something huge hidden under a tarp.
Birdie: Is that a flamethrower?
Our Hero: It is not, not a flamethrower.....
Birdie: Why? What on earth could you possible need a homemade flame thrower for?
Our Hero: Spiders!
Birdie: Spiders?
Our Hero Nods!
Our Hero: Spiders in the Trash!
Birdie: Is this a good idea?
Our Hero: I never have bad ideas!
Birdie: What about Chris Ryd....
Before Birdie can finish Our Hero gently puts his index finger on her lips!
Birdie sighs.
Birdie: You know this is illegal right?
Our Hero: You're illegal.
Birdie: No, I have a green card.
Our Hero: And You're welcome. Now, let's go go go go go go go.
Our Hero starts running up the alley towards the street with his Majestic Big Red Radio Flyer Hand Wagon and Birdie trailing. He makes a sharp right turn and runs towards a very familiar looking restaurant with an Asian bouncer in the front.
Birdie grabs the man by the arm which distracts him from the knee stri...TIGER KNEE strike that Our Hero delivers. The two run into the restaurant as the scene cuts out.
The camera pans to the announce team.
The Boss is back true to form! |
Funny don't make money, Charles! |
The camera pans to the ramp!
The camera pans to the announce team.