The whirlwind that is Riot 430 seems to be winding down. The main event for Wrestlution X is set (for now).
The fans in the Manhattan Center finally start to feel their heartbeats slow and return to a normal, healthy beat. The new OCW World Heavyweight Champion is gone.
The Franchise has returned to the back after soaking in the adulation from the crowd and accepting his next match. But the lights are still on. The broadcast hasn't ended. And poor Tobin Frost, the former OCW World Heavyweight Champion, is still in the ring.
He's seated in the far right corner, absentmindedly letting his head shake from side to side. It's as if he's not even there;he's having an out of body experience.
But, misery loves company, and as such, the lights go out around the arena. A spotlight stirs up at the top of the ramp as "Something's falling from heaven, looks like a nightmare......" fills the sad air.
The Monster walks out from behind the curtain, microphone in hand, and escorts his spotlight down to the ring. It's not until The Monster is literally towering over Tobin, that the light comes back to Tobin's eyes (and the arena).
He jumps to his feet, looks around, and realizes he's been backed into a corner. He positions himself into a fighter's stance, but declines to make the first move due to the hostage-like circumstances surrounding these events.
The Monster reaches a hand out, open-handed, palm facing down, at a slow pace. He starts patting Frost on the head as his vacant expression turns into a large grin (a most joyfully-condescending action). Tobin jerks his head back, refusing to be touched by such a vile person.
The Monster: So how does it feel champ?!
The Monster looks around pretending to look for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship somewhere on Tobin's person.
The Monster: ....... oh, that's right. How DID it feel chump?!
The Monster throws back his head in a roar of laughter at his terrible joke. Tobin, rage beginning to swell, rears back an arm in preparation of a swing, but before he can do anything hasty Monster raises the microphone again.
The Monster: You can't hit me! I still know something you don't know! But I'll make you a deal, if you can hold off on that thought, for just one second, I'd be more than happy to let you know what I know that you don't know.... you know?
That doesn't look like enough as Tobin throws his arm forward, but in his weakened state, The Monster is easily able to grab a hold of his fist.
The Monster: I'll even give you Sam back, look! Bring him out!
Tobin freezes as Sean McGee walks out to the top of the ramp escorting Frost's unofficial-adopted father, Sam. Sean forces a microphone into Sam's hands.
The Monster: Tell him what we found Sam. Go ahead, tell him!
Sam's eyes start to swell with tears as he prepares to let Tobin in on the secret, but before he can get a word out....
The Monster: No wait don't!
With that, McGee nails Sam with a forearm to the back of the head. Sam falls forward, collapsing onto the ramp. Tobin flies into a rage, no longer needing to be careful for Sam's sake. He lunges at The Monster.
Still, even with fight or flight setting in, he's no match for the Monster after facing off against two OCW World Champions. The Monster ducks the lunge and locks in a full nelson, forcibly holding Tobin Frost in place.
The Monster: That wasn't the secret Tobin! Why don't we show our friend what we're talking about Mr. McGee.
Sean goes back behind the curtain, and returns in a split moment, clutching another person by the shoulders. This person has their arms rope-tied together and a blackout bag tied around their head. The person is well built, stocky, buff.
The Monster: That's the secret Tobin.
There's no discernible change in Tobin, he's still struggling to get free, to no avail, and barely seems to notice the new figure standing across the arena. The Monster strengthens his grip, lifting Tobin just off of his feet so as to apply pressure.
The Monster: Focus!
He sets Tobin down enough to get a little relief from standing on his tip toes.
The Monster: Don't you know who that is Tobin?! Oh...... right. You thought he was dead! That's what Sam told you right? What your mother told you? That he left you to protect others? That he didn't like leaving, but he had to? And that he died trying to save others, but that he loved you and would watch you from heaven? That's what they told you Tobin, right?
The struggling from Frost stops as he zones into who or what may be underneath that bag.
The Monster: Well. They lied! Tobin Frost, I would like to introduce you to your father!
The Monster nods his head and McGee pulls the bag off, revealing a face weathered and scarred by time and hard circumstances.
Tobin's Father?: Son?!
But it's not Tobin Frost that this man is staring at, he's looking up at Sean McGee
Tobin's Father?: Sean?! Son what's going on?!
Sean points towards the ring, towards Tobin Frost.
The man's jaw drops as he lays eyes on Tobin Frost
Sean's Father?: To..... Tobin?
The Monster nods again and Sean kicks the man in the back of the knees, causing him to fall to the ground. He grasps and his arm, wrenches it around, and pulls back on the second arm with a crunching snap!
The Monster brings his head around Tobin's shoulders, keeping the full nelson locked in, so that he can speak directly into his ear.
The Monster: That's your father Tobin..... He wasn't a war hero. He didn't fight fires. He didn't die in the line of combat. He left you.
The Monster:
He lived off the streets. He stole. He brawled. He damn near killed a man. And he went to jail for it, for a long, long, time. And now he lays there silent, like a helpless victim, with a broken arm.
Tobin sinks to his knees as The Monster lets go of his grip.
The Monster: And in the mean time Tobin, the whole time, he had yet another family. Let me formally introduce you to someone. Tobin Frost, meet your long lost brother: Sean McGee.
BUFFNESS throws Tobin a wink from the top of the ramp as The Monster makes his way out of the ring and up the ramp, picking up the microphone one last time as he goes.
The Monster: Welcome to the family.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Holy shit.... |
.............. |
The din of the capacity New York City crowd can be heard reacting to what they’ve just witnessed in the ring as a camera catches Paul Pugh appearing through the curtain into the backstage area.
The OCW World Championship is draped over his shoulder, facing backwards like a knapsack as he calmly walks into the “Gorilla” position. Several of the OCW production staff are running about doing their thing, amongst them a familiar face.
The familiar man steps forward – The Franchize Nate Ortiz, and meets Pugh’s gaze. Pugh’s expression immediately changes from calm to resolute.
He looks down, then up through a furrowed brow at the OCW Hall of Famer. Sensing that something might be about to go down, the busy area has fallen silent – the staff waiting to see what happens between the two.
Pugh steps forward, and says something to one of the crew members. The man hurries over to a table where he presents Pugh with a piece of paper – the contract Pugh unveiled last week. He steps closer to Ortiz, who is standing his ground, and presses the contract into Nate’s chest.
Pugh: All yours…
Nate smiles coyly as a furious Pugh walks past him, the contract falling to the ground as Nate refuses to bow to Pugh’s disrespect. Kid Ego vanishes off out of the scene as a calm looking Nate turns his attention to a nearby monitor, where replays of Pugh’s triumph are being shown.
As Riot comes to an end, Nate Ortiz picks up the contract from the ground and then himself heads back into the locker room area.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Tonight was one for the history books! |
We will see you next week! |

