The camera pans into the Team Bad Wolf New York training facility. It passes various training sessions and fighters working out until it reaches the sparring cage setup in the middle of the facility.
Ryu is sitting on the floor of the cage, in a long sleeve compression shirt and gym shorts. He's sweating and breathing deeply to catch his breath.
RYU: Alright lets try again.
Ryu stands up and motions with his hands for his partner to make his move. His sparring partner approaches Ryu from behind. He grabs him by the shoulders and drops into a Backfire.
His sparring partner then gets back to his feet and locks in an Inverted Sharpshooter, the Twisted Nova. Ryu's face is contorted in pain as he pushes himself up to aleviate some pressure.
He begins to pull himself towards the cage, but before he can reach it his opponent lets off pressure on the hold drags him into the center and drops back into the Dragontamer.
Ryu twists his body and grabs hold of the sparring partners ankle and slips the hold. As he gets up his opponent grabs him to hit him with a Dragonshout. Ryu elbows him twice and drops back into a Tarantula Clutch.
Ryu wrenches the hold several times, his sparring partner taps out. Ryu lets go of the hold and sits up.
RYU: Again?
The camera pans to the announce team.
Looks like RYU is ready! |
Ready to get his lunch ATE! |

Xander Rane vs The Monster
The camera pans to the announce team.
What a battle. |
It came down to the wire! |
The scene cuts to the top side arena bar area that was previously branded as the Field from Smythe's previous faction 3K.
Tonight the area is set up as a movie theatre with chairs across and Massive big screen TVs across the front so that the VIP fans can get a clear view of tonight's super Main Event.
Even person in the crowd is wearing Smythe's new T-shirt which reads "The Epic Legend" with a quote underneath saying "It's hard to be this good, for this long".
Smythe D. Wonder and Blue Diamond are front and centre as the camera zooms in to check up on them.
Blue: Ragnarok called you out tonight Then Leonheart kicked Tre Golden in the head and your just sitting here.
Blue: Which kind of makes sense because the work has been done and we can just sit back and enjoy this lazer light show.
Blue: I get it... but how do you feel about not being in the biggest Riot Main Event in recent memory?
Smythe: I'll tell you something Blue.
Smythe: This match says so much to me... first it tells me that Buffness has something to prove.
Smythe: He has to validate being champion so he puts together this massive match to prove that he deserves to be top of the mountain and I'm ok with that.
Smythe: It also shows me that I should be at the pinnacle of OCW still. Even past my prime I'm still better than 99% of this roster and I'm doing this company a disservice by not representing them as their champion.
Smythe: But do you know what it shows me above everything else Blue?
Smythe: It shows me how much people don't respect the OCW world heavyweight championship.
Smythe: The most prized possession in the history of E-wrestling being defended 3 times in one night by an unworthy champion at a weekly episodic show.
Smythe: But that's just how I feel. It will be amazing Television, which is why we have a theatre setting tonight. I just need more popcorn!!!
The camera pans to the announce team.
What a mench! |
You watch, your god damn tone Charles! |
The Xtron Flickers On!
The camera pans to the announce team.
It all makes sense now! |
We turn to the inside of the OCW Headquarters, where Drago Cesar and his assistant, Bubba the Lion, are behind the office doors of the CEO, Mr. Sensation. Drago kneels and talks to Bubba. He puts a headset on him.
Drago Cesar: I'm gonna talk to boss to see if we can......arrange something for the Lution. You stay here, I would bring you with me too but I'm think he has allergy to lion or something.
Bubba tilts his head as if to tell Drago that he'd rather not stay in one place for long. Drago sighs.
Drago Cesar: Ok, you can walk around, but try not to make mess!
Bubba nods as Drago stands back up and knocks on the door. Something indistinct is heard from the other side, and Drago takes that as his cue to come in. The door closes behind him as the camera focuses on Bubba.
He walks down the hallways as several people who work at the headquarters stare at him in awe, wondering just what the hell a lion is doing here. Some noise is heard over his headset.
Drago Cesar (static): ....It is only way!
The feed from the headset cuts off as Bubba makes his way to the cafeteria. He notices a large line next to the salad bar, so naturally, he makes his way over to the front of the line and helps himself to some salad by devouring whatever's in there. The woman that was in front of the line taps Bubba's shoulder, looking quite furious.
The woman points to the back of the line as Bubba turns his head toward her. The middle-age woman's eyes widen and she walks away, as do the other people that were in the line.
After Bubba has his fill, he sits himself down and listens to the conversation Drago is having with the CEO, however it is difficult to hear because of the weak signal.
Drago Cesar (static): No, I'm not crazy person!
Our Hero (distant): What if you break your ass again? I'm sure as hell not gonna be responsible for that!
The feed cuts out again as the connection proves to be not as optimal as it should be.
Bubba picks himself up and walks over to the office area, where there are cubicles, printers, water coolers, everything that's supposed to be present in that type of environment.
Bubba goes over to a cubicle with nobody present and decides to have himself a seat. He takes his time admiring the scenery when he notices that the person whose cubicle this belongs to left his ID inside.
He looks at the picture and starts reading off the information when he overhears something outside. Bubba peeks his head out the cubicle to find the man in question talking with a woman....
Man: I can't believe that dumb lion's here. You'd think that Drago guy would know to put him on a leash or something.
Woman: Did you see what happened at the cafeteria? Seems as if he's very hungry....
Man: Filthy animal should be put at the zoo where he belongs. I'll be right back, bathroom break.
The man walks off as Bubba clenches his teeth. The lion's eyes narrow and he takes that as his cue for a little retaliation.
He starts by clenching the edge of his keyboard with his teeth, and smashing it onto the desk repeatedly, the keys flying out of the keyboard and its shape bending.
He tosses the keyboard aside and using his paws, he tips over everything that's on the desk, including papers, books, the computer monitor, a mug, among many other things.
The mug is broken into pieces, papers are all over the place, several of them torn, the damage has been done and the person that was here will probably regret messing with the lion, but Bubba has one more thing to do......
Bubba makes his way over to the nearest scanner. He opens the top part of it and sits his butt down where papers are normally scanned.
He smashes the "Scan" button with his paw several times, with the printer spitting out images of his arse over and over again. The people watch in horror as Bubba wastes their paper.
When he feels that it's been enough, Bubba takes all the paper copies of his arse and lays them down on the hater's desk, just so the lion can leave his mark. He makes his way back to where Drago is conversing with the boss, and more noise is heard from the headset.....
Our Hero: .......All right, you've got your match. I just hope you know what the hell you're doing. Now get out of here, I've gotta worry about stomping a dummy's head in.
Bubba makes it just in time next to the office of the CEO as Drago steps out. Drago notices Bubba sitting down right where he left him before. Drago smiles.
Drago Cesar: I have a little surprise for the Camel Bones! Seem like you been playing nice with everyone, huh?
Bubba nods, but suddenly both of them hear a scream way off in the distance/
Drago looks at Bubba and the lion acts as if nothing happened. Drago chuckles and shakes his head.
Drago Cesar: Never change....
They walk off as the feed fades to black.
The camera pans to the announce team.
That damned Lion is a National Treasure! |
Are you insane? IT'S A LION????!!!! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp

Majin slowly begins to pace the ring, making his way from corner to corner, taking in the crowds reaction. He reaches up to his head and pulls his beanie off, then reaches behind him and stuffs it into his back pocket.
He then runs both hands over his black, yet slightly graying and thinning hair. He rolls his head from side to side, popping his neck, then makes his way over towards the edge of the ring and motions for a mic.
From off camera, we see someone hand him one. Majin takes the mic, turns, and walks over to the nearest turnbuckle and leans back against it. With his free hand, Majin reaches into his right front pants pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
Majin pulls a cigarette from the pack, puts it in his mouth, lights it, and puts the pack and lighter back into his pocket. He takes a long drag from the cigarette, holds it, then exhales through his nose.
He looks out over the crowd once more, then slides down the turnbuckle, having a seat on the mat leaning back against the corner. He hits his cigarette one more time, then slowly raises the mic.
Majin- "Last week...."
The crowd erupts with 'Welcome back! Welcome back! Welcome back!' cheers. Majin lowers his mic, smiles, and nods. He then raises his mic again.
Majin- "Last week,... I made an open challenge for Wrestlution."
Majin raises his cigarette and hits it. He holds then exhales through his nose.
Majin- "And one week later,...STILL no match."
Majin slightly chuckles to himself.
Majin- "But that really doesnt surprise me. You see, like I said last week, Ive been gone and away from OCW for quite some time. Eight years to be exact. And while i was gone,..."
Majin hits his cigarette again.
Majin- "...all I heard from those that I still kept in contact with, was 'Majin, this person wants to kick your ass!'. 'Majin, that person wants to add your name to the notch on their belt!'. 'Majin, so and so is calling you out and wants to make an example out of you!'. 'Majin, such and such said this and did that about you!'."
Majin smiles and hits his cigarette.
Majin- "And now that Im here? Now that Im,... BACK?"
Majins head twitches and a sinister smile slowly starts to show on his face.
Majin- "NOTHING."
Majin hits his cigarette and faintly laughs.
Majin- "You see,... its easy to talk big when whoever your talking about isnt there to step up and shut you down. To prove you wrong. To SHOW you, that,...I,...am not just going to be somebodys..."
Majin snickers and laughs to himself again.
Majin- "...NOTCH."
Majin hits his cigarette again and slowly starts to shake his head 'No'.
Majin- "No. Now that Im back, noone seems to wanna make me that 'Notch'. No one seems to wanna make me, or wants to use me as, that... stepping stone."
Majin hits his cigarette one more time. He holds it for a moment, then exhales through his nose. Majin then reaches over and rubs the cigarette out on the mat and flicks the butt to the center of the ring.
With both hands, Majin then reaches over his head, grabs the top ropes, and pulls himself up. He then slowly starts to pace the ring.
Majin- "You see OCW,...all you 'New guys' in the back. Unlike all of you,... these people..."
With his free hand, Majin motions out towards the crowd.
Majin- "...know me. These people know if you wanna play with me,..."
Majin snickers to himself.
Majin- "...Ill PLAY! For 8 years..."
Majin pauses.
Majin- "For 8... LONG...years, I had to set back and listen to all of this. And for,...8...long...years,...there was nothing i could do about it. You see, long story short, I had a daughter that I needed to take care of. And as much as I loved this place,...well,...I loved my daughter just a little bit more."
Majin pauses again. He looks out over the crowd then raises the mic again.
Majin- "And as much as all of YOU wanted and needed me back,..."
Majin looks back towards the top of the stage area.
Majin- "...and as much as all of you in the back,...whether you admit it or not,...THOUGHT you wanted and needed me back,...my daughter wanted and needed me just a little bit more. And NOTHING can or will ever get between that. No meaningless challenges. No empty threats. No Title shots. No amount of money."
Majin pauses and chuckles.
Majin- "And trust me...there WAS money offered."
Again Majin pauses.
Majin- "Lets just say lots and lots of money offered over the years. BIG money."
Majin smiles as he shakes his head.
Majin- "Money and Title shots. Just for that,...'One more match'. But ya see,...what alot of you fail to realize is that some of us cant be bought. Not all of us are here simply for Titles and money."
Majin pauses for a moment. He stares wild eyed into the camera as a devilish grin begins to form.
Majin- "Some of us are here simply because we like to,...hurt...people."
Majin softly laughs to himself then shakes his head.
Majin- "So, no,...no amount of money in the world,..."
Again Majin pauses.
Majin- "...OR...8 years of,..."
Majin again slightly chuckles to himself and snickers.
Majin- "...Challenges,..."
Majin rolls his eyes as he laughs to himself.
Majin- "...will come between me and my daughter. But you see..."
Majin starts to pace again.
Majin- "...but ya see, Daddys baby girl,...my Angel Face,...Daddys Punkin Butt,...Daddys lil Monster,...shes all grown up now. She doesnt need Daddy any more. Not like and how she used to. So THAT means,..."
Majin stares directly into the camera. His head twitches as his eyes get wide for a split second and a demented grin slowly starts to show on his face.
Majin- "...Daddy... is free to play with the grown ups once again."
Majin laughs to himself.
Majin- "So,...Im going to try this once more this week. Wrestlution 10 is 2 weeks away. Times running out,..."
Majin snickers to himself.
Majin- "...BOYS. OCWs grandest Pay Per View of the year,...no,...of the DECADE,...is right around the corner. You 'Boys' wanna play? Here I am. Make me that,... 'NOTCH'... that Ive repeatedly heard about over the years. Make me...."

