The crowd is stunned, an uncomfortable silence falls over the sold out arena as not a soul in the audience seems to know how to react to the events that have just occurred.
A cameraman, visibly shaken by the carnage clumsily moves into position.
The frame slowly moves to the bloodied ring canvas and cautiously pans over to Majin--the production truck cuts the feed to monochrome to maintain OCW RIOT’s PG rating. The camera darts up Matsuda’s leg catching a brief glimpse of the chair, still dripping with vermillion.
The usually bespectacled Matsuda’s wild eyes are on display for the world to see. Taking several deep breaths, he seems to regain some manner of composure and his open mouth twists into a sadistic grin. He calmly unfolds the chair.
And places it across Majin’s neck.
With the OCW Legend and Hall of Famer pinned down to the ring, the villain produces a microphone from his jacket and takes a seat.
Matsuda: Majin. Majin. Majin. I know exactly who you are. I’ve seen all of your work. Watched all of your matches. Majin, you’re the reason I came to this company. Why I came to this country. When I was a young boy in Japan watching the so called “Golden Era” of OCW, you spoke to me.
Matsuda: And you continued to speak to me. Even though you were gone I could hear you, Majin.
Matsuda: This kid is good, but he’s no Majin.
Matsuda: He gets violent, but he’s no Majin.
Matsuda: That’s a hell of a title reign, but…
Majin begins to stir at his feet, but Matsuda leans his chair further. The Eternal Ex Champ continues to deliver his promo directly to the Hall of Famer.
Matsuda: I think you get the jist.
Matsuda: So I know you, Majin. I’m obsessed with you. I’ve spent the entirety of my career chasing your ghost.
But you don’t know me, do you? Just like none of those no names in the back know who I am. Well allow me to give you a crash course. Allow me to introduce myself.
Matsuda: I am the UNBEATABLE.
Matsuda: I am the DEVIL.
Matsuda: I am the VILLAIN.
Matsuda: I’ve stomped out fires. Eaten cannibals. Turned dinosaurs into fossil fuels. Darkened the brightest egos. Quashed revolutions. Brought this company to the brink of destruction and built it back up.
And I did all this under the radar. Without the glowing support of the powers that be. Without morons shouting my name from the mountain tops on podcasts. I took my spot with these two hands.
Not for approval from an echo chamber--I don’t need it, but because I could.
Matsuda: I am the greatest and longest reigning Ex Division Champion in the history of this company. Over the past three years, I have painstakingly molded this division in MY image. I have established MY legacy.
Built an ivory tower in which I sit on a throne as the Final Boss of the Ex Division. But none of it… NONE OF IT… means anything unless I beat you.
Matsuda: After all I’ve done, I deserve my epic waltz, Majin. On the grandest stage of them all. And if this beating wasn’t enough to stir you into motion, I’ll even put my title on the line. So you want a challenger at Wrestlution? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
Matsuda stands up and stomps out Majin’s still burning cigarette, visibly mouthing “that’s a nasty habit” as he steps out of the ring and heads up the ramp.
The camera pans to the announce team.
The Xtron Flickers On!

The camera pans to the announce team.
Hahaha! |
That's just disrespectful! |
Camera Pans To The Ramp

As The One Man Revolution and the Voice of the Purge, Bobby Minio, moves around the ring, the crowd can sense that familiar feeling that Minio has something to say.
Once he reaches toward ringside, gesturing for a microphone, the crowd turns the volume of their booing up to a solid eleven.
Bobby Minio: I don’t want to hear it.
Bobby Minio: That’s not how it works. It’s my time to talk. I’ve got the mic, it’s MY TURN.
Bobby Minio: Yeah, you’re all a bunch of really spooky ghosts. Real impressive.
For a split second, the hacky remark catches the crowd off guard. Ever so slightly, the boo brigade breaks down. Minio sees his opportunity and without hesitation, he takes it.
Bobby Minio: I want to talk about crutches today. See, ever since I strolled back into this company, back here to run support for the man I believe in, Mugen… I’ve seen nothing but crutches.
Bobby Minio: I see the old timers with their crutches. Not because their hips have blown out, just that… little something they have to lean on. They walk around backstage with their vape pens, with their wacky tobaccy, they blow it right in your face…
The Crowd: MINI-O’s! MINI-O’s! MINI-O’s!
A contempuous scowl plays across Minio’s face as he hears the crowd acknowledging Versus. Deep down, it drives him nuts that this had already taken off and become a thing.
He lets his resolve take the wheel, barrelling through the chants into the mic with a booming intensity in his voice.
Bobby Minio: These guys like… ugh. Like Versus. Pft. The Steve. uggh. They make a mockery of those of us who aren’t on Legends contracts and have to pass a test or two to stay employed.
Bobby Minio:
Those of us who take pride in our work, those of us who give a damn. They use any advantage possible to stay relevant, to look impressive.
Bobby Minio:
Some of these guys backstage have some much gas in them that they’re combustible, and that’s not a figure of speech it’s a goddamned shoot… they just lean on their crutches.
Bobby Minio: I see Sensation with his crutch. Not a physical crutch because he’s a banged up old man, but the crutch of veterans.
Bobby Minio:
Oh he loves to lean on his veterans. I’m surprised Sensation hasn’t snuck into Nate Ortiz’s condo and disguised himself as a toilet.
Bobby Minio:
Despicable… but he’s got his crutch. When he doesn’t know what to do to create buzz for this company, when he can’t see the SOLUTIONS staring him in his busted grill, he leans on his crutch and plays rolodex roulette to call up any old timer thirsty for a pay day.
Bobby Minio:
Oh, and they come a-runnin’!
Bobby Minio: That works two ways, ya know. See the veterans, they use the OCW the same way the OCW uses them.
Bobby Minio:
When one of their unsightly children come crawling out of the woodwork like some greased up termite, they come crawling to Sensation asking for a handout or some overblown match at a Pay-per-view that no one will ultimately give one s**t about. Worst of all... it will have zero bearing on this company and its future. ZERO.
By this point, Minio has shut his ears off to the chorus of boos that have laid the soundtrack for his opus. He’s shouting over them, and with a mocking tone, begins to sing.
He shakes his head at the reaction from the crowd. They’re not laughing, despite the fact that he is. He perseveres.
Bobby Minio: Worst of all of that, worse than the blatant drug-use, worse than the glad handing and the old brothers club…
Bobby Minio:
I see a company that leans on its talent as a crutch, the young and up-and-coming talent that spend so much goddamned time timing to make a name for themselves in this pit of quicksand called a wrestling company… that they break their friggen backs, and have to use crutches, REAL CRUTCHES, themselves! AND IT MAKES ME SICK.
For a moment, some of the crowd aren’t booing. They’re listening now. Most of the crowd are still booing their brains out however, but there is a noticeable shift, if only for a second.
Bobby Minio: It makes me absolutely sick, and I’m tired of it. I’m sick and tired of it.. And I’m sick and tired of being sic-
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!

The crowd is roaring with appreciation for the interruption. The Steve basks in the glow of the cheers, no-selling the daggers being shot from the eyes of Minio across the ring. He finally turns to face Minio, producing a mic of his own.
The Steve: Minio, Mini-O's, Cheerio's... Whatever your name is. No one wants to hear some Millennial rattle on about how you're jealous that the Inner Circle is back in OCW.
Bobby Minio: This isn’t about who wants to hear what. It’s about saying what needs to be sai-
The Steve: Listen kid, back when The Steve was early in his career, much like yourself now, he never got jealous when a legend came back. The Steve was never afraid of a legend taking his spot. The Steve saw it as an opportunity to learn from someone who held an OCW championship a time or two, and made a few bucks along the way.
The Steve: You Millennials, you think you know friggin' everything. It doesn't occur to you that maybe you could learn a thing or two from someone like Versus or The Steve.
The Steve:
Instead, you go all whiney bitch, carrying on about how its not fair that the legends can do this, get away with that, or that we're just back for the payday...
The Steve:
Which The Steve isn't going to lie, the money doesn't hurt. Supplements are expensive these days.
The Steve: The best one though... You think that with the Inner Circle back, that somehow, you are being held down.
The Steve:
The Steve hates to break it to you, kid. With the Inner Circle here in OCW, we are the benchmark. You compare yourself to us, and you fall well short.
If OCW were a cartoon, the camera would cut to outside of the arena where an exaggerated pillar of steam would blow the roof sky high.
Since the OCW, the arena and the people are real, that visual stays in your head, as the viewer can only really see the crowd going absolutely bananas in response to The Steve shutting Minio down.
Bobby Minio: … You… Yo-
The Steve: Look if you got a problem, let’s just handle it right now.
Without an immediate response, Minio stares a hole through The Steve’s face. The Steve stands casually watching Minio, not threatened by the brooding man across the ring.
The Steve: You want them to ring the bell?
The crowd are now standing in anticipation. Minio paces in the opposite direction of The Steve for about three steps before whipping his head back around and shouting at the top of his lungs…
A wave of cheers and excitement explodes from the crowd. The Steve grins, nodding as the bell rings. Both men begin to circle around to their respective corners.

Bobby Minio vs The Steve
The camera pans to the announce team.
Good god! |
Tooth and Nail, what a fight! |
