Justice waits for no one.
Her job is never done.
She really likes cinnamon buns.
Sentai Hare~!
Zoom out. We are in a nice clothing retail store and Sentai Hare is pointing at another Sentai Hare.
All her mannerisms are the same its as if it were a reflection of some sort. Like a light reflecting on glass. Its a mirror.
A lady associate walks up to her.
Associate: I gotta ask you to ummmm leave. Like yeah, you’ve been like staring into this mirror for almost an hour and you are scaring off our customers. You’re kinda a total freakazoid.
Sentai Hare is still staring into her reflection.
Sentai Hare: You heard her, leave this establishment at once. ORRRR I’ll have to use force.
Associate: That’s a mirror you loser.
Sentai Hare looks at the associate for the first time in this conversation.
Sentai Hare: That was last week.
Associate: And your fashion sense is awful!
Sentai Hare: Sentai Hare is a master of all senses. Especially fashion.
Sentai Hare:
This here is a form of mind control by my mute doppelgänger… SENTAI KICK!
She Rolling Savates the mirror to the store’s horror. Glass shatters. She just gives a signature Peace Sign to the camera.
Associate: UGH... What!?
A middle aged woman wearing housewife clothing from the 50s tumbles out where the mirror used to be.
She tries to run away, but Sentai Hare just trips him with her foot knocking him out.
Sentai Hare: Ah so it wasn’t a clone like I thought, but I did defeat the Peeping Mom.
Sentai Hare:
You know who else is an OOOOOOOLD lady.
Sentai Hare:
Its that OCW legend Kat who I’ll ALSO defeat at Road To Glory to retain my Bombshells championship.
Sentai Hare:
This Championship means I’m a champion of justice and I must defeat the elderly.
Everyone in the store is super confused, but just goes back to shopping.
Associate: Whatever.
The associate just storms off as Sentai Hare just poses to the camera as it fades to pink.
… to be continue?
The camera pans to the announce team.
She better focus on Katherine! her match is up next GET YOUR NOTE PAD OUT!
Heather Angelo vs Katherine
The camera pans to the announce team.
Christ almighty!
What a battle!
The camera fades backstage and you see CJ O’Donnell walking around backstage at Riot 497. You can tell by the way CJ is looking around he is looking for someone specific but who.
CJ has on a pair of blue jeans and a green “Proud to Be Irish” T-shirt with white sneakers. Even tho O'Donnell is looking for someone specific he is still greeting everyone he bumps into showing that gingers have souls.
Anyway he suddenly stops and sees Valkyrie sitting up on a table: she is listening to some music, and looks completely absorbed in her thoughts. Caleb approaches her.
CJ: Hey Valkyrie. Just the person I was looking for. Are you okay?
She stares at him for a moment, then pulls her headphones down.
Valkyrie: I’m still breathing, if that’s what your asking. ShowBlitz gave me quite a beating last week.
CJ: I want to apologize for my sister and her friends behavior on Turmoil. They had no right to do that to you.
CJ smiles at the direction at Valkyrie. She quickly looks away, after awkwardly meeting his eyes.
Valkyrie: You don’t have to worry about me. I’m like Sigrún, you know? I never die. Actually, you should be worrying about the Road To Glory Tournament. Are you ready for it?
CJ: I kind of have to worry about you as I know how cruel my sister and her friends can be. What they did to you was completely uncalled for.
CJ seems a bit aggravated as you can tell he feels a little responsible for what happened at Turmoil.
CJ: I am actually shocked I am getting a huge opportunity like this.
I am sure some people expect me to choke in the first round but I’m going to give it my all that’s all I can do right?
O'Donnell pauses for a moment as he looks around to make sure no one is lurking or hiding behind a crate or corner.
CJ: I am going to speak to my sister about her actions as I feel she did it out of jealousy.
You should keep your head up and don’t worry about watching your back as from here on out if you need a friend you can count on me.
Valkyrie: I appreciate it. But trust me, I can handle myself.
Tell you sister that even a single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows. Being outnumbered doesn’t scare me.
That said, she walks away, headphones on and volume on max.
CJ: Just to be on the safe side I’m going to talk to my sister as I know how evil she truly can be…
CJ continues walking down the hallway in the opposite direction of Valkyrie.
The camera pans to the announce team.
That's a man with integrity!
He just trying to bag, Valkyrie. Stop it!
The camera pans to the announce team.
2 weeks away!
I can't Wait!
The OCW World Heavyweight Champion Kassidy Hayes walks into the general OCW talent locker room finding Tobin Frost. Kass walks up to Tobin,
Kassidy: Just who I was looking for,
Kassidy unsnaps the championship around his waist and props it up on his shoulder,
Kassidy: You want a shot at this championship?
Tobin doesn’t respond to Kass, He just continues to get ready for the match,
Kassidy: Well if you keep your brother away from me, if you keep your brother from laying hands on me, and soften him up, you'll get one.
Kassidy: How does that sound to you?
The Camera fades as Tobin continues to stare at Kass!