OCWFED.com Presents Riot



The camera pans backstage as Tobin Frost makes his way towards the side exit to the parking lot.

He nods to his brother Sean as he exits gym bag in hand. Another night, another dollar for the reunited SLAM U.

Tobin taps the button on his automatic starter and begins walking to his vehicle.

But before he can reach it he feels as if he’s being watched. He turns to look behind him, just as a 1983 GMC Vandura with a red stripe on the side comes screeching towards him.

He doesn’t react in enough time and it slams into him sending him flying into his vehicle’s car door.

The former OCW World Champion is basically incased into the dent into the side door. He seems as if him may have not been hit as bad as it looks, maybe a few broken ribs and bruises.

A woman in the parking lot screams as people standing by start pulling out their cell phones and calling authorities.

Unfortunately it’s not over yet, the driver of the 1983 GMC Vandura with a red stripe hops out. It’s former 2x OCW Tag Team Champion and former member of the A-Team, Mez Murdock.

Mez rushes over to Tobin putting a boot square to his skull, he begins to repeatedly stomp Tobin who is barely conscience.

Mez: Boots 2 Bustas Muthafugga...think I... fugg….in...forgot...what...you...did!

With each word he delivers another vicious boot.

Mez: Dis is for Gibbs...dis is for Dunny Muthafugga n’ dis is for me!

He places his foot on Tobin’s neck and applies pressure.

Mez: Think you and ya bish ass brother wouldn’t get yours! Waited a lonnnnnnnng time for this sh*t bish!

Sirens can be heard in the background as an ambulance and NYPD pour onto the scene. Unbelievably fast by normal standards, but Mez doesn’t let up as he continues to stomp Tobin into oblivion.

3 NYPD officers grab Mez by the arms and torso, he’s still attempting to boot his victim. One officer clubs Mez over the head with his nightstick, yet it still doesn’t stop him from trying to attack Tobin. Finally they get Mez to the ground and handcuff him.

Paramedics rush over to Tobin to check on his vitals. Mez still cursing and spitting is put in back of a squad car just as medical personnel place Tobin on a stretcher. The camera fades to a dreary black.


The camera pans to the announce team.

That is all folks!

Thank You To Everyone Who Helped! <3






