The scene opens up in a brightly lit hallway which resembles what might be a hospital or a laboratory.
The camera filming from the ground shows only a pair of all white Off White Jordan 1s moving down the hallway.
As the camera pans to what looks like an ultra-reflective metal wall, we see that the owner of those shoes are no other than The King of Kindness, The Sultan of Safety, The Lord of the Lariat, the Overlord himself, Mugen in a black coat and matching fedora.
He waves his hand across the wall and we see the wall open up right in the middle to reveal numerous scientists tirelessly working in a laboratory.
Mugen: Ladies and Gentlemen! Please tell me you have some news for me.
Mugen removes his hat and takes off his jacket and places them at the head of a conference table. We see a portly lab technician run towards Mugen breathlessly.
His name tag says simply “Ray” in some god awful handwriting.
Mugen: Ray tell me what you and the rest have found.
Ray: Well sir, the lock of hair that you have saved all these years from The Betterness himself…’s…’s…..
Mugen motions for him to carry on.
Ray: It’s astonishing! Who knew what power something like this could wield. Honestly, looking at the numbers, I mean we can’t even understand these numbers!
Mugen motions for another technician behind Ray to step forth because he is holding a binder full of figures and graphs. Mugen plops the binder down on the desk and starts thumbing through the pages.
Ray: They are in units of measurement never seen before by man.
Mugen sighs for a moment as he turns around to face the team.
Mugen: Now I love all of you like family but come on, don’t make me do your job myself.
Mugen points at a page with a weird numbers and waves of energy readings.
Mugen: This…….THIS is one of the highest readings of energy that I’ve ever seen as well in The Multiverses.
For ages, I’ve seen this unit of measurement exist in only one other place but today I finally understand its source.
Ray: Sir? You know what it is?
Mugen quickly retorts.
Mugen: YES! This unit of measurement is…………….Wumbo. And the hair has ELEVENTY.
Ray: But sir what is wumbo?
Come on now, I hired you here to show me something new yet it feels like it is I who is teaching you folks something today.
Astonished and confused at what he has just heard, Ray sulks back in line with the other scientists.
Mugen: Now tell me, has the duplication attempt been a success?
All of the scientists are bouncing up in joy as they attempt to speak to Mugen.
Mugen: Fantastic, I will take that eagerness to speak to me as a good sign so I will expect you to double the production of said hair immediately as I will require it for battle at some point.
Ray: But sir, what do you plan on doing with it?
Mugen: I will harness its powers as only I know how. Now, back to work! I don’t pay you to stand here.
Mugen starts putting his jacket and hat back on as he walks towards the exit. The scene fades to black as we scientists running around again working on Mugen’s Manhattan Project.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Oh god no.
YESSS YEEEEEEESSS (Cackles Manically)
The camera pans to the announce team.
It's gonna be...I think the kids say LIT!
I can't Wait!
Heather is seen staggering down the halls of the backstage area. Some of OCW staff members come barreling down the hallway to assist her.
The last bit a strength she has she uses it to push them away. The force pushes her back against the wall. It’s the only thing that can hold her onto her two feet.
With the look of no life in her, she turns and slides down the ice cold wall until eventually she finds her way back to her locker room. She falls down to the ground wrenching in pain.
Heather: Oh my goodness! The paaaaiiiiinnn.
One of the crew members is surrounded by her her door. One of them shouts…
Crew Member: Someone get the medic over here! She’s going into a convulsion!
Suddenly….a familiar voice.
Voice: Everyone….MOOOOVE!!! Back away from the door!
Crew Member: Harvey! Don’t go...
H2O mows thru the staff and enters the locker room. His eyes widen as he sees or the first time his once friend, partner and lover on the floor.
She shows no defense, no strength and for goodness sake no life.
Without looking, he ask the staff a question.
They’re just as puzzled as The Lightheavyweight Champion.
Without a moment of hesitation….
He picks her up off the floor. He notices her head hanging from his arm; he coddles her to keep her secure.
H2O: Heather...Heather can you hear me?! Everything will be alright now. I got you.
The camera focuses on Heather as her face lay close to the warm heart of the champion unresponsive.
Her eyes open just a little and she winks then immediately closes them.
H2O: Forgot how fast these EMTS move in The City!
H2O: Forget it! The Lightheavyweight Champ will take her to the hospital himself!
H2O takes Heather away to the hospital as OCW crew members look on.