Cobra is seen lying on the floor. He’s in a room that looks far from clean. Pizza, hot wings & of course Moutain Dew is seen around the room.
The room is mostly dark with the light source being the TV. Cobra was playing Fornite and seems to be in a passed out state.
He has Turtle Beach headset on and big pizza stains around his mouth. The camera looks to be exit the room but quickly comes back after hearing a voice.
Camera now is zoomed back on AC who’s snoring very loud. A faint voice can be heard piercing through the headset.
AC slowly moves and turns over. He takes the headset off his ears and toss them on the floor. Camera is now zoomed in on Cobra exposed feet. He used his big toe to cut the Xbox off and there’s zero light in the room.
AC can be heard snoring once again extra loud.
Scene Fades
The camera pans to the announce team.
Oh for the love of Pete!
The Xtron Flickers On!
The camera pans to the announce team.
Mistico sits backstage, thinking to himself about what happened in the last match.
Hijo de Mistico: “Jett no es lo mismo, algo lo cambió.”
He placed his headphones on over his mask and relived the match, playing it over in his match.
He knew the man he once called his best friend fought dirty, but he thought he’d have a clean fight atleast against him..
Hijo de Mistico: “I just...”
He sighed.
Hijo de Mistico: “I don’t get it.”
He looked through his bag and then rested his his on his hands, hanging his head in shame, the stuff that Jett must’ve gone though in the time in OCW must’ve pushed him past his breaking point, clouding his judgement.
He didn’t want to believe that this was what his best friend had become.
The camera outside would show him leave the locker room and he was walking away when he was approached by one of the interviewers.
Jim: “Wait! Mistico, can I get a word with you?”
He took his headphones down, putting them around his neck.
Mistico: “¿Qué? Is this about the match?”
Jim: “Actually, yes. It was almost like you didn’t have your head in the game, could you explain what was going on?”
Mistico sighed before looking the man over.
Mistico: “Well.. I’ve known Jett for 2 years, in the past our bond was unbreakable... but it seems like that has changed.
I don’t know what he’s been through here but he’s different. I expected a match where we could show off our talents but he fought dirty.
Even with his dirty tactics I came back though. Está en mi sangre, no puedo darme por vencido.”
Jim: “And do you have anything to say to Jett?”
He stood silent for a moment, then looked directly into the camera.
Mistico: “I have one question to ask him.. Why Mi Hermano?”
He shook his head, walking back to the locker room.
The camera pans to the announce team.
The sign of a broken man!
A dam shame!
Charles Young vs Ijitu Quartz
The camera pans to the announce team.
Ohh man!
Take that, take that, take that!
Stacey is standing backstage with a mic.
SC: Ladies and Gentleman, Rust Cohle.
SC: Well Rust, last week you were sitting at the announce table to see the match between Quartz and Marley, what did you learn in that match ?
Rust: Nothing. At all. But that was interesting, Jookie proved once again that he cant hang anymore.
Rust: He is getting beating up by rookies over and over again. He is not even in the minor leagues. He has no league.
SC: What about Quartz ?
Rust:... No opinion on him.
SC: Well.. You talked about Jookie not being able to rack up Ws lately, but some people might say that at least, we fights..
SC: Some are wondering, where are you ? Why arent you fighting ?
Rust: I'm banged up okey ?! Plus I had... I had... I was ill and.. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS OKEY ?! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE !