*Sid rolls out of the ring in a shock that he has just been beat by Austin.*
*#Austin Lee running out of the ring running in circles around it and jumping into the crowd celebrating his first victory. Jumping up on the barricade raising his arms in the air.*
#Austin Lee: #!
Crowd: #
#Austin Lee: #!
Crowd: #
*Austin slides back into the ring as Sid begins to attack security guards ringside.*
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That's going to leave a mark for later. |
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How can they even compete later? |
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Up next Career vs Career Dennis Black vs Seth Morrison. The Winner gets crowned the first Turmoil Television Champion! |
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Oh snap! |
Ladder Match
Turmoil TV Championship
Seth Morrison vs Dennis Black
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He's done it!!! |
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I don't belive it! |
The Xtron flickers to life as the camera focuses on a young woman holding a few pieces of paper in her hand, and a satchel slung over her shoulder walking down the arena corridors , she approaches a closed door to one of the changing rooms as random shout's of expletives and taunts can be heard through the closed door.
??? - Yeeeeeah , take that dick! Bitch!
The woman stand soutside the door, seemingly shocked, and trying to muster up the courage to knock on the door , she raiser her hand to knock...
??? - Hold DEEZ nutz mutha f**ker!!
She again hesitates.
??? - Hey Kobe , how my ass taste???
She swallows hard, and knocks on the door , she then unfolds one of the pieces of paper and waits for the door to be answered.
??? - God dammit, hey , hang on , I got someone knocking , don't be taking the cheap way out, I know where you live you little girl, and I know how your momma likes the D.
Stomping can be heard and then the door flies open , startling the woman , OCW World champion Parker Stevens can be seen stood in the doorway , in full wrestling gear, with the championship belt around his waist, xbox controller in hand, headset pulled down around his neck.
Parker : What the hell do you want? Do you realize you just ruined my killstreak?
Woman : I'm sorry sire...wait..why are you wearing your belt?
Parker : Er..none of your business , and it's a championship you idiot, belts hold up your trousers...now again, what do you want?
Woman : Sorry sir, [she hands Parker the piece of paper she was holding].
Woman : Have you heard about the charity collection we are running, it's called Project Raze.
Parker : Never heard of it, and I can tell you right now , it's not something I would be interested in at all.
Woman : Just let me explain , over 2 months ago, OCW superstar Justin Raze suffered a terrible tragedy , his personal life was shattered and his career was left in tatters.
Woman : Since then, the doctors have diagnosed him with the life threatening disease called 'Gyno-itis' , have you heard of this terrible, life changing disease Mr.Stevens?
Parker : Never heard of it in my life , it sounds similar to what Cody Storm used to have , but that turned out to be something else...please continue.
Woman : Basically, 'Gyno-itis' is the condition in where a man complains so much, his penis actually begins to transform into a vagina , naturally, without the need for surgery , it's gradual , in its basic form, the penis starts to recede up towards the pubic bone, and then actually splits in half and folds back on itself, causing severe pain and confusion to the afflicted, which in turn escalates their complaining , furthering the aggressiveness of the condition.
As a result , he has been in self imposed exile ever since.
Parker : AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you f**king serious? That's hilarious...are you sure Raze is the only person in OCW suffering from this condition? I could point you in the direction of a few others that need testing.
Woman : This is serious , Mr.Raze isn't too far gone , he is in the receding stage, and with your help , money and understanding we can save him, before it's irreversible.
Parker : I'm sorry , I'm sorry , here, let me help, Justin is a good kid , let me see...
He reaches into his right pocket and pulls out a wad of rolled up notes, he starts to count them outload as he unfolds them...
Parker : $20 , $40 , $60 , $80 , $100 .....
Woman : Thankyou so much sir , this will be greatly appreciated , thanks to your donati.......[Parker cut's her off]
Parker : Wait a minute , show me that flier again please.
She holds the flier up for him to read.
Parker : This flier says he has been in 'self-imposed' exile.
Woman : That's correct.
Parker : Over something that happened over 2 months ago?
Woman : Yes also correct.
Parker : Hang on , hang on.
He balls the money back up and puts it back into his right pocket.
Parker : I forgot, I keep my charity money in my left pocket.
Woman : No problem.
He reaches into his left pocket and rummages around, after a few seconds he pulls his hand out , balled into a fist, middle finger extended , and raises it towards the woman.
Parker : Give that to Raze , and get the f*** outta here...2 months and he's still banging on about it , that isn't 'Gyno-itis' , that's called being a little bitch , and the cure is man the f**k up!...jesus christ....
He pulls his headset back up onto his head and slams the door in his face, the force knocking all the fliers out of her hands.
The camera fades to commercial as the woman is on all fours scurrying around collecting her fliers.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He does know he has a World Championship Match tonight right! |
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He's the champion, he's stressed! |