The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
Tobin grabs a mic from ringside and paces around the ring, feeling back at home.
Tobin: Boy it’s good to be back inside the confines of these ropes.
Tobin pauses and again takes in the moment before continuing.
Tobin: I’m here tonight for two things, to let you all know where I’ve been and why I’m back.
Tobin: The last time you say me I was getting my ass kicked by Jacob Trance and his “Family”. After failing to grab the OCW Championship again I decided I needed to step away.
Tobin: To clear my mind and find my focus again. But what I discovered in my time away was a new calling altogether.
Tobin: As I sat at home I began to see all these cases in the news of black men getting beaten and gunned down by cops. I sat back and watched as our nation began to become divided in a time when we should be coming closer together.
Tobin: I saw this and decided to get off my ass and join the movement. I’ve spent the last year at protest and advocating for people of color to get their fair shake.
Tobin: I’m not here saying that the system is set up for all of us to succeed because it’s not, and I feel that anyone that thinks that needs to get their head out of the clouds.
Tobin: But I do believe that no matter how the odds are stacked against us we can overcome and rise above.
Tobin: Not by complaining and blaming the system, but by throwing up the middle finger and being successful anyway.
Tobin: I’m here to show people that we can get what we deserve without having to breaking windows and burning buildings.
The shakes his head and continues.
Tobin: I’m back because what I’ve been doing outside of this place has is been bleeding into this place in the form of my former partner Sean McGee.
Tobin: Spewing his ideology of Mr. Sensation being against black wrestlers and holding us back. Not taking to account his own shortcomings and passing it off as being held back by “The Man”.
Tobin: Running around trying to end people's careers and all that garbage when he should be trying to get the job done.
Tobin: I know he thinks this is his only way. But I’m back to show like I did in my first run here, that you can achieve anything through blood, sweat and respect!
Tobin: Then there is The Monster…
As if it was on cue the music for The Monster begins to blast through the PA system.
"Why Doesn't anyone I know sleep? Are they all just scared of their dreams?"
The Monster comes down the ramp at a pretty torrid pace; quite unlike his usual deliberate stroll to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope, visibly shaking as he gets to his feet. He pulls the mic to his face staring hard in the direction of OCW's returning moral pillar.
The Monster steps nose to nose with Frost, who refuses to back down, but also refuses to lose his temper. The Monster manages to catch a breath and quiet his voice some.
The Monster: How can you stand there and talk about respect? Respect?! Was it respect that led you to kidnap a man's mother? I'm sure it was that unflappable moral core that resulted in my solitude.
The Monster slowly removes his mask so that Tobin Frost is looking into the face of Cody Storm.
The Monster: You tried to break a man and wound up breaking two. Tobin Frost I have been waiting the longest time to look you in the eyes and tell you that you are the reason that I can't stand looking into mirrors. I am my own person stuck in someone else's body.
The Monster is clearly working himself back up, his face is turning deep red and shaking once again. Security starts filing down the ramp slowly aware that this situation is extremely volatile
The Monster: Leave such an air about this body so thoroughly saturated with spilled blood, so heavy with sorrow, so remarkably irredeemable that Cody will never want to take it back. And all of that will be on your hands, the hands of my creator.....
Tobin decks The Monster across the jaw before he's even done with his sentence. The Monster rears his arms back and lunges at Tobin but security rushes the ring quickly pulling them apart before any real damage can be done.
The Monster's shoving at security trying to get to Tobin, but Tobin's got his emotions under control again and decides to leave the ring before anything else can happen.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This is great! |
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No its not! |
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And now it's time for our Main Event. Sean McGee takes on Parker Stevens for the World Championship! |
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It's about to go down! |
Sean McGee vs Parker Stevens
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This day will go down in history! |
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Infamy you mean! |