The Camera pans to the ramp!
Our Hero: To the left of me I have all manner of threats!
Our Hero: To the right of me I have some kind of hacker, or misfit or group of misfits sending threats!
Our Hero: Above me I have Mugen sending legal threats
Our Hero: Below me I have Sean McGee calling me a racist every chance he gets.
Our Hero: I am surrounded on all sides with threats to my sanity and well being. I have no one to turn to, its lonely at the top and so heavy lies the crown!
Our Hero: But in these types of situations it pays to be prepared, I have Birdie watching my six!
Our Hero: And I have a "Special" contingency plan from here on out. I will not be OCW's doormat, I am the GOD DAMNED CEO of this GOD DAMNED PLACE, we are making money hand over fist, because of MY BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS, dragging all of those guys in the lockeroom, kicking and screaming to success!
Our Hero: And the thanks I get? It's fine, I am not here for niceties, I am here to make money and put on the best product. And with my "Special Contingency" plan in place, things are starting to bright, so bright I got to wear shades!
Our Heros makes his way to the back!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Who or what is this Contingency Plan! |
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It's for in case of emergencies dum dum! |
B-17 had already showered and dressed before Jackson Montgomery stumbled into the locker room. B-17 had been waiting for him and before Montgomery could take more than a couple steps B-17 had crossed the room, forced his forearm under Montgomery’s throat and pinned him against the wall. Jackson meekly smiled and offered no resistance.
B-17:....Take a deep breath and exhale….
Montgomery fills his lungs in a mock visiting the doctors fashion and exhales right into B-17’s face.
B-17: You’re drunk...B-17 recoils in disgust.
Montgomery: Hayz, I just had a fuw.
Montgomery stumbles across the locker room and collapses from the mixture of exhaustion and inebriation onto the cold, concrete floor just in front of his locker. He laughs.
Montgomery: Hey, B. Cans youes tell Davie that we won.
While his eyes try to focus on the approaching B-17, he tries to prop himself up on his arm.
B-17: You put me at risk out there….
Jackson: No, no, no. I'm fine…
B-17:...and Dylan, and Bill…. much fun… stupid son of a bitch.
Jackson finally succumbs to his exhaustion and his eye drop as a low snore escaped his throat. B-17 continues to look down in a mixture of pity and rage. Dropping low he takes hold of Jackson around the chest and drags him to the showers.
Propping him against the wall, B-17 aims the shower head towards Montgomery and turns the water on to a cold setting. And walks outs.
Montgomery sputters and starts shouting: Davie! What...wutz you doin!
B-17 watches sadly as Jackson tries to crawl out of the shower but only manages to flop to the floor. He may have just won a match but inside he felt downtrodden, disappointed, angry...he felt...alone. Digging into his pocket he pulls out his phone and slowly opens his contact list, scrolling down he finds the phone number for the man that had warned him this would happen.
The phone rang twice before the booming voice of Duayne Hobbs answered.
B-17: I'm in...but I have conditions that are non negotiable......
B-17: First, I'm not C4. I'm represented by the agency but C4 has no impact on my identity nor my appearance. I run my own.
B-17: Second, You help me find how far the rabbit hole goes, I want all who are responsible.
B-17: Third, and most importantly....Jackson Montgomery needs find him the best that money can buy....
Hobbs: Consider it done. I'll overnight the papers to you. Welcome home.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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...No.... |
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So it begins! |
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Up next who will answer the Bertha Stigglitz open challenge? |
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Whoever it is is going to regret it! |
Bertha vs ????????
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What the hell! |
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.... |
We fade into Drago's dojo, where we see the North American Champion in front of one of his technologically-enhanced training dummies. The dummy swings its right arm towards Drago's face and the hunter parries it, delivering a right uppercut that detaches its head from its body. Bubba goes over to the dummy's head and is about to give it to Drago when the hunter's cell phone rings. He grabs it from his pocket and answers the call.
Drago Cesar: Hey Johnny, what's going on?
Johnny Law: Nothing much man, still in the hospital.
Drago Cesar: How is the face doing?
Johnny Law: It's getting better! I'll probably have some scarring to deal with once I'm out of here, but that'll heal in time.
Drago Cesar: Good to hear! Anyways I have to get go-
Johnny Law: Just one thing before you go.
Drago's eyes narrow.
Johnny Law: So the other night I was laying here, just trying to watch some Cops in peace when all of a sudden, that Smythe guy comes to pay me a visit.
Drago's teeth clench at the thought of someone like Smythe paying Johnny a visit.
Drago Cesar: What he say?
Johnny Law: Kept wanting me to join him. Something about getting lots of money and women, I forget a lot of the details, blame the morphine for that. Anyways, the important part is that he wanted me to stop interacting with you and basically just sell out to him.
Drago Cesar: ........So what you say?
Johnny Law: I told him that I'd think about it, not that I meant that of course.
Drago Cesar: Why would you say that?!?!
Johnny Law: For God's sake Drago, I'm lying in a hospital with my face wrapped in bandages, you really think I'm gonna mess with a guy who calls himself the wrestling Jesus?
Drago Cesar: Good point. Uh, if there are any other problem let me know.
Johnny Law: One more thing, Drago. When you see him in the ring? Do me a favor.
Drago Cesar: What?
Johnny Law: Beat the s*** out of him.
And with that, Johnny ends the call. Drago smiles and turns toward Bubba.
Drago Cesar: Come with me, Bubba. You're going to be making special delivery for the Sperm Whale.
Drago laughs as the scene fades to black.
We fade into the backstage hallway, where Drago and Bubba The Lion are discussing their plans. Drago wraps a collar around Bubba's neck.
Drago Cesar: I will deploy you in the locker. When I push this button, that collar will go off. do your thing.
The camera quickly cuts to the security room, where Drago is in front of several feeds taken from the security cameras.
He eyes one monitor which shows the feed from the locker room. We see Smythe and Blue Diamond enter and discuss various things. Smythe holds up a finger as he seems to remove a phone from his pocket.
He leaves the room, leaving Blue Diamond alone. Drago smirks as he takes a remote and pushes the big red button on it. As soon as he does this, Bubba rushes out of one of the lockers and eyes Blue Diamond as she is frozen in place in fear.
Bubba lets out a massive roar, prompting Blue Diamond to scream and run around the locker room as Bubba gives chase, though he's clearly not at full speed. After they run around in circles a few times, Blue Diamond finally manages to find a door and sprints away.
Bubba stops and yawns in disappointment. The camera pans back to Drago as he lets out a hearty laugh.
Drago Cesar: Oh man, I love you Bubba!
Drago laughs again as he walks away from the security room as the scene fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh Drago don't ever change! |
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I like bubbah! |