The scene opens in the parking lot.
Valkyrie has just arrived at the arena on her motorbike. She is making her way to the her locker room, while talking on the phone
???: Hey.
Valkyrie: Do you have a moment?
???: Sure.
There’s a brief pause as Valkyrie is now walking down the hallway in the backstage area
Valkyrie: I need someone to talk to.
???: Nervous?
Valkyrie: Of course not.
???: ...
Valkyrie: Okay, maybe a little.
Valkyrie is now in her locker room. She puts down the bag, then puts the call on speakerphone
???: You got this. You have nothing to worry about.
Valkyrie: It’s easy for you to say it. You are not even here tonight.
???: ...
Valkyrie: Scratch that. I didn’t mean it.
Valkyrie is now putting on her wrestling gear. The locker room is completely quiet and empty
???: Do you remember that time...
Valkyrie: Oh, don’t start!
???: Do you remember that time when we had to take a test with Mr. Clark and you were super worried ‘cause you felt you weren’t prepared.
Valkyrie is now smiling
???: Do you remember what we did that day?
Valkyrie: Yes, I remember. We played hooky, grabbed a couple of bikes and went to the lake. We spent the entire day there.
???: You know what you said to me that day?
Valkyrie: I don’t remember that...
???: “I wish I could stop the time at this moment. Everything is perfect: me, you, not a single care in the world”
Valkyrie rushes to the phone and turns the speaker off. Her eyes are watery once again
Valkyrie: Why are you not here with me right now?
???: You don’t need me, Sarah. You can stand on your own.
???: These odds… they might look insurmountable to you, but you can beat them. You did it once. You can do it again.
Valkyrie: I can fight women… hell, I even wrestled “men” like B17, but demons?
???: Heather is NOT a demon! Don’t make me say it again! Furiosa does not exist.
Valkyrie: …
There’s a long pause. Neither one of them know what to say
Valkyrie: I want this nightmare to end. It’s not even a wrestling rivalry anymore. They are stalking me, day in and day out. They are everywhere I go.
Valkyrie: I go to the grocery store and they are there, watching me and laughing at me. I look at the window and I can see them there, in the street, staring silently at me.
Valkyrie: They are in my damn dreams!
Valkyrie: And I keep getting disturbing phone calls in the middle of the night. I pick up, ask who’s there, hear them laughing and then they hang up.
???: There’s only one way to end this. Go out there and slay the demon. Go out there and slay YOUR demon.
Valkyrie hangs up. She then gets up and leaves the locker room.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Get EM! |
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The Xtron Flickers ON!
Recorded earlier today…
A large stand, surrounded by potted greenery and covered in bright, colorful lettering is revealed next to a large concession/rest area inside the arena. As it zooms out we can see several platters of various strange looking… food(?) placed on top.
Terra Daturas, with a bright wide smile, stands beside the stand making the final touches, placing a sign that reads ”Free Healthy Alternatives<3” on the opposite side. As she walks back over, she grabs one of the platters and presents them to passersby with a huge smile on her face.
Terra: Hi there!
She tries to catch a few eyes with her stand, but nobody seems interested… Until someone does stop at the station…
A large man appears in front of the concession stand. He is well over six feet tall and has a powerfully built physique hidden under a black suit. His face is bearded and his hair is pulled back in tight braids.
???: You’re a new face.
Terra: Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.
Terra is startled and excited to see someone approach her. She pulls the sample platter back slightly so that she can extend her hand from the long, loose-fitting coat.
Terra: I’m Terra. Terra Daturas. Vos noscere.
???: Terra….. that’s a nice name, but unfortunately I don’t shake hands with just anyone, I’m a very important person just so you know.
The man chuckles.
Terra: Oh.. Well that’s okay. Vos noscere anyways!
???: I’m joking of course!
He takes her hand and gives it a shake and the stranger smiles back at Terra, causing her face to light up at the meeting of another kind person.
Terra: I don’t mean to intrude, but would you like to try one of my healthy alternatives? It’s really super tasty. It’s a vegan sandwich! There’s an awful lot too. It’s healthier and more filling… I think it tastes better too.
Terra, totally full of excitement, extends one of her samples to the stranger.
The stranger reaches and take a one of the sand witches, an apprehensive look on his face, he takes a bite….. and seems to love it.
???: Pretty face and a nice chef…. you’ll make a man…. Or a woman very happy someday.
Terra smiles at the stranger once again, but seems to notice something out of the corner of her eye. Her face begins to show curiosity. The stranger seems to be carrying a steel folding chair.
Terra: Uhm. Sir? Why are you carrying that old beat up chair around?
The stranger looks confused and the remembers the steel Folding chair in his grip. He takes a long look at the chair and looks back up to Terra.
???: This chair and this night, were the beginning to something….. something that I begin to finish tonight. And as much as I would love to stand here and converse with a beautiful lady such as yourself…. I have some business to attend to.
The stranger turns to walk away, and then stops and turns back to Terra.
???: Terra was it?
Terra’s look of anxiety turns back to glowing happiness when she is acknowledged, she nods back to the stranger.'
???: Do me a favor…. and stay golden.
He flashes her a wide grin and quickly turns and walks away.
Terra (shouting): Wait! I must know the name of such a kind soul!
The stranger doesn’t appear to hear her and walks out of frame, leaving Terra smiling, wondering who the mystery man could be.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Wait a minute! |
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IS THAT???!! |
The X-Tron Flickers On!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I can't wait! |
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Yeaa!! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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WOW! |
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We transition to the patented P3 soundstage. However, this time around, the set is littered with holiday decorations. Large candy canes, snowmen, and Christmas lights are strewn about.
The Limp Bizkit cover band starts to play their own holiday playlist, starting with “Baby It’s Rollin’ Outside”. The camera pans over to the snowmen, who appear to be trembling.
After a moment or two, the snowmen explode and Drago and Mugen are revealed to be the ones behind them, wearing ugly Christmas sweaters.
Mugen: Welcome one and all!
Both: OF ALL TIME!!!!
Mugen: The Platinum! Platonic! Partners!
Drago and Mugen hold up three fingers.
Both: P3!!!!! F-F-F-FOR LIFE!!!!
A huge snow pile suddenly drops from the heavens onto the set, and the pair roll up a few snowballs, throwing them at each other. They throw a snowball at the same time, and knock each other back into their respective furnitures.
Mugen: Old sport, I had to search high and low for our next guest.
Drago: What you mean?
Mugen: Drago, does Santa Claus come to your country? Like in the malls?
Drago strokes his chin.
Drago: Not really. I’m think is typically American thing, no?
Mugen’s eyes beam with delight.
Mugen: Well old friend, I have something special for you! Ladies and gentlemen, our next guest, hailing from The North Pole…….SANTA CLAUS!
Drago anxiously holds himself back in the couch. Coming out of the curtain is none other than….Nate Ortiz, dressed like Santa Claus. Or judging from his attire, (his sleeves are ripped, exposing his VASCULARITY) is more like Santa with Muscles. He sighs then pulls out a large bag from behind him. He makes it to the center of the stage before he stops.
Santa Nate: Merry Christmas everyone!
He opens his bag to reveal a boatload of shovels. One by one, he takes them out and tosses them to the audience. One of the lucky members manages to catch it, but most of them wind up getting hit in the head.
Mugen: Santa got JACKED. Must be them ho ho hoooooooooos.
Drago: Hoooooooooooooooooooooooo Train.
A cannned Choo Choo Sound starts blasting on the PA System as Santa with Muscles sighs loudly.
Mugen: So Santa? Are me and my friend over here naughty or nice this year? I know that I’ve done some less than desirable things but overall, I think since the last December 25th that I’ve been very kind to everybody.
Mugen starts whispering to himself loudly, “Please be on the nice list, please be on the nice list.”
Santa Nate: Everybody?
Mugen: Yes! Everybody! Even Mr. Sensation!
Santa Nate: Well….I wouldn’t…
Santa Nate sighs again loudly.
Santa Nate: Yes, you’re on a list. And yes, it is the nice list.
Mugen: WOOOOOO!!!!
Mugen sentons himself onto the desk in joy. Drago looks mildly amused. Bubba appears from off screen, pushing a new desk onto the stage. Drago looks at Santa and starts sitting closer to him.
Drago: Can I’m sit on your lap? We never have Santa come over in my country.
Santa Nate: No.
Drago: Come on!
Santa Nate: NO! Don’t come any closer.
Drago goes to sit on Santa’s lap but is unfortunately grabbed for the North Polar Express.
Drago gets put through the desk.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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*Sighs* |