The sound of the rings and the music blast as the ref lifts Dragana's arm in victory. Dragana rubs her torso. Her limbs are sore but she is still able to stand. Johnny gets into the ring to celebrate.
EMTs rush to ringside to check on FloJo. One of them decides to radio a stretcher to come to the ring. EMT’s place a neck brace around FloJo’s neck.
Then they move her into the stretcher push her towards the ramp. Suddenly FloJo regain consciousness and attempts to get off.
Johnny: Woah. What’s she doing?!
FloJo: Get off me, assface!
EMT: Ma’am. We’re just doing our job…!
FloJo: Well, too damn bad!
Running on pure adrenaline FloJo hoists up an EMT and hit’s the Michelle Obama much to the shock of Dragana. Another EMT comes and she hits a rolling Elbow. The rest of the EMT’s runs away and FloJo looks back at the ring with the pair standing in the ring.
Dragana braces herself, keeping her fists clenched. She watches FloJo intently as she slowly makes her way inside the ring. FloJo walks up to Dragana and snatches the championship from her hands. She holds it for a few moments and stares at it, almost as if she’s looking at her own reflection. Johnny holds his hand out.
Johnny: All right, you can quit looking sad now. Give the championship back to its rightful owner.
FloJo stares at it for another moment.
Johnny: Oh come on already. We get it.
Dragana slowly places her hand on Johnny’s shoulder and shakes her head. Johnny steps back as the patient Dragana continues to look at FloJo. Finally the Stardust Crusader extends the championship to its owner. The Silent Queen slowly takes the championship and puts it over her shoulder.
FloJo: Go ahead. Raise that gold.
Dragana: ...
A deflated FloJo lowers her head. She coughs and drops to a knee.
FloJo: Damn…..
Dragana looks at her championship and back at FloJo. Instead of raising her championship, she extends her hand and grabs FloJo’s arm, helping her up.
FloJo: I knew I always liked you. You're a true champion.
FloJo raises Dragana’s arm and the scene fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Dam did she really need to beat up the EMT's! |
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The Xtron Flickers On!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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HE'S BACK!!!! |
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Dammit! |
Nothing but complete and total darkness fills the void. H2O walks towards the center of the void. He looks puzzled.
He turns around slowly in a circular motion and searches around for anything moving or anything touch. But there’s no success.
You hear footsteps echoing off into the distance. The sound of them moves in closer and closer towards him. The camera zooms in closer to Harvey as he continues to look around someone that’s very near.
The camera faces now faces him. Out from the darkness behind him is Heather Angelo. She stands so behind him he can feel her breath.
Harvey is frozen and cannot move his body. Only his eyes move as he tries to look behind him. No fear is shown. Only pure agitation reigns supreme thru his body as the presence of long forgotten ex stands right smack in the center of his comfort zone.
A red spotlight dims over the two of them. H2O looks ip to see where it projected from but cannot find it.
Heather: It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you in person. How long has it been? A year almost?
Heather moves his long hair from his face and places it behind his shoulder. She sniffs behind his ears to smell him.
Heather: You always smelled so good Papi and your hair…is like a gorgeous mane on a stallion.
Heather runs her fingers thru his hair. Harvey tries to move his head but can’t budge. The look on his face is a face of intensity. He tries with all his strength to get her off him but can’t.
H2O: What is it that you want, creature? Why can’t I move?!
Heather: You can’t move because there’s nothing you can do to stop any of us. We are infectious and we’re dominant.
Heather: All I came here for is your time. It’s all that I ever could ask for from you. Come...come see me later. Forget about ol’ Kassidy Hayes...
Heather: ...You’re not worth his time.
H2O: The only thing I care about being worthy to is OCW. Not you, not Kassidy, not Spider NOT ANY OF YOU MATTER TO ME!
H2O: None of you can deter me from stopping Kasstianity or TTT tonight! I put my life on it!
The thought of someone sacrificing their life tickles Heather in some of the most hard to reach places.
But she is surprised by how Harvey is able to clench his fists. Heather looks up at Harvey and notices him staring back at her with hatred in his eyes.
Heather: If you think for one second that you can muster up enough willpower to push forward you’re crazy.
Heather: The records show YOU CAN’T HARVEY!!!
Just as Harvey was about to finally move his arms and feet….
Valkyrie: Harvey! Harvey! Wake up!
He is woken up by Valkyrie and KD. H2O’s body jumps in the chair like he just received a jolt of electricity thru his veins.
H2O: Sorry guys. How long was I out for?
Valkyrie: I have no clue, I just arrived here.
KD: I went to the kitchen to grab some grub. I came back and you were out. I haven’t been gone for no more than 10 or 15 minutes.
H2O: Wow. Really? That dream felt like forever.
KD: Here man.
KD passes Harvey a bottle of water.
H2O: This isn’t a bottle of Buff Blaster I hope?
KD: Does it look like I need to carry that around with me?
H2O shrugs and takes several gulps of the water.
Valkyrie: This is a big night for both of us. I get it, the tension is high and it's hard to stay focused but we have to try at least.
Valkyrie shakes her head.
Valkyrie: What the hell were you dreaming?
KD: Yeah, you were mumbling something in your sleep.
H2O gets up and sits the empty bottle down on the table. He places both hands face and rubs it vigorously to snap out of his sleepy phase.
H2O: I had dream about...
H2O turns to look at Valkyrie and stares at her for a moment. She looks back at him just waiting for a response.
She then shrugs and looks at KD. KD takes a good bite of the BBQ Chicken leg he grabbed from the kitchen as he waits for a response as well.
Harvey thinks about Valkyrie’s match later and doesn’t want her to worry more than she already is.
H2O: ….some random visitor. I couldn’t tell if it was a man or woman because the voice was very distorted and disturbing.
H2O: I couldn’t move any part of my body other than my eyes.
Without looking, Valkyrie grabs a drumstick of KD’s plate and takes a bite. She’s deep into the story.
KD is midway thru licking his fingers before he stops to look over to Valkyrie. A surprising look molds out his face as she continues to eat it without a thought.
Harvey notices KD was about to say something to her but he continues story to override what he was going to say.
KD smiles and shakes his head. He waves it off because he has plenty more left on the plate.
H2O: They kept telling me that we cannot stop TTT or Kasstianity. The more we resist the stronger they become.
KD: Sounds like the meaning of that dream is that you have some doubt in you. There’s no room for that in this group.
Valkyrie: I have a feeling there’s more to this story.
H2O: Yes, there is. I was telling her that we’re just as strong if not stronger. We will defeat and stop this infection once and for all.
Valkyrie picked up H2O saying, “Her” and “infection”. She raises an eyebrow and heads over towards the garbage bin to throw the chicken bone away.
She grabs some paper towels to clean her hands as she hears KD talking to Harvey behind her.
KD: We sure will.
H2O: You know how I know it’s true. Towards the end of the dream i was able to move my hands finally. That’s when you guys woke me up.
KD: See there’s your message! All dreams have meanings to them. Your will to defeat them was coming alive and we’re here to help you wake up and see that!
KD puts his hand on Harvey’s shoulder.
KD: There’s something willfully challenging my stomach right now. I’ll be back.
H2O laughs a bit as KD heads to the bathroom. Valkyrie finished cleaning her hands and turns to Harvey.
Valkyrie: Harvey, you referred the person in your dream as “her” and said Kasstianity was “infectious”.
Valkyrie: Was it her?
H2O takes a deep breath and exhales. He doesn’t hesitate to tell her the truth.
H2O: Yes, it was Heather.
Valkyrie: She is relentless.
H2O: I didn’t want to tell you cause I didn’t want you to worry. Whether it’s Heather that shows up or Furiosa it’s still the same person.
H2O: You got this! Isn’t that what you tell me?
Valkyrie: Kassidy was too comfortable when the fight was just him and Nomad. Now that you’re into the mix he seems a bit bothered.
Valkyrie: He’ll never admit it. But he knows you’re better than him. So it is like I said, you got this.
H2O: Thanks, Valk.
Valkyrie: No problem. I must go now and get ready for Heather.
H2O: The Inception begins tonight. It’s time to re-establish what The Old Country did for us. The Dimsmore’s, Nate Ortiz’s and Dupree’s of this business sacrificed for The New Country.
Valkyrie: The Inception? I like it.
KD: Dig that!
Valkyrie and H2O look at each other and start to laugh as KD responds from the bathroom.
Valkyrie: I’m out! You deal with that.
Valkyrie leaves the locker room. H2O covers his nose from the smell that lurks from the bathroom.
H2O: Bro, cut back on the BBQ sauce!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I can't wait for the Main Event! |
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It's gonna be great! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Wow! |
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You said it! |
A very black room fades in. Several rows of pews are in pristine condition. There is no movement and the scene is very dark. The camera pans around, studying the surroundings. A stained glass window is the only source of light inside the room.
It shines down in various colors in the center of the room. The dark room is slightly illuminated by this light protruding in, however the center is very bright. Footsteps are heard and a door slams in the background, echoing throughout the room.
The camera slowly backs up and puts the attention on the center, where the light shines. Stepping into that light is Ijitu Quartz.
Quartz squints and looks around the room with a purpose. The creaking of a throne is heard and Quartz snaps his head around to see a silhouetted figure with a large hat arising from that throne.
Quartz: Hmph. I don’t know why I had to come in here. You know this place gives me the creeps.
The silhouetted figure steps down several stairs from his throne and as he approaches Quartz his face is slightly illuminated by the light. His black face paint and jewelry glare off of the ‘holy’ light that shines from above.
Kassidy Hayes: It is very important that we meet in a sacred place.
Quartz removes his PRISTINE SUNGLASSES and crosses his arms, exhaling in a frustrated tone.
Kass: TTT has guided you son, but Kasstianity has seen your potential since long before the Trash found you.
Quartz: …
Kass: However…
Kass: The light of Kasstianity shant shine so bright on those who will not capitalize on such potential…
The light shining through the stained glass window above seems to ominously shift towards Kassidy Hayes.
Quartz looks around confused.
Quartz: What in… How are you--
Kass: Papa Kass will not be interrupted.
Kassidy Hayes is now standing in the very center of the light. Each detail can now be seen. He holds a large white scepter and rests his hand on the OCW World Championship belt, which is secured around his waist.
Kass: The darkness has consumed several failures… Kasstianity continues to grow and the darkness will continue to envelop those failures.
As Papa Kass’ soft spoken words radiate through the room, the camera sees Quartz, who is now standing almost entirely in that darkness.
Kass: Mugen… Bobby Minio… Paul Pugh… Sean McGee… KD… Nomad...
Quartz’ facial features and body continue to get darker each passing moment before stopping with just his angered face being visible.
Kass: All failures that were taken by the darkness and spit out into the gutter of OCW. Spit out by me. Spit out by Kasstianity.
Quartz responds, now looking very concerned.
Quartz: What does this have to do with me, Kass?
Kass: Well…
The light once again shifts… this time back to Quartz, he looks around once more as his body is revealed again.
Kass: You, my son… are not them. Tonight… You will prove all of them wrong. You will show the doubters who Quartz is… for it shall be written in the book of Ijitu.
Kass: Had you been a failure… a wash out like the men that have fallen at my feet so many times before… You would have been consumed already. You and I? We have a purpose. We have a prophecy to fulfill.
Quartz looks down… knowing the challenge that faces him in his match.
Kassidy takes several small steps backwards and reclaims his seat on the throne.
Quartz: But how? You never told me how I’m supposed to do this.
Kass: That… is something only you can discover.
Kass: Unlike Nomad’s location... No one is going to discover where Nomad is.
Kass smirks
Kass: A little unsolicited location enhancement, provided by Kasstianity, has taken care of the unfair triple threat.
Quartz shakes his head and peers around before looking up once more into the light. He winces at the sheer brightness and walks out in total confusion.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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It's like some kind of Punk Rock Cult I HATE IT! |
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And thats why no one likes you! |