The scene opens in the backstage area.
Valkyrie is laying on top of an equipment box, still catching her breath after the grueling contest she’s been in.
The area is mostly quiet, there’s nobody around.
She takes off her wristbands and wipes the sweat of her brow.
Stacy Clark approaches her along with a cameraman
Stacy: Valkyrie, I wanted to ask…
Valkyrie shakes her head, as if she was trying to say she didn’t want to be disturbed at that time. Stacy Clark seems to understand, nods and simply walks away
Valkyrie then lays down once again. This time she closes her eyes
But then she’s interrupted by a familiar face…
Terra: Hey… Are you --
Valkyrie: I said I don’t want no interviews right now!
Valkyrie: Oh, it’s you. I’m sorry.
Valkyrie sits up, using the strength she has left in her body
Terra: I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you. I just wanted to see if you were okay.
Valkyrie: Listen, I think I owe you an apology.
Valkyrie: I said some bad things a couple of weeks ago and I didn’t mean it.
Valkyrie: It’s just that it’s very hard for me to trust people around here. Every person I’ve met either tried to backstab me or left me.
Terra stands still with her hands together behind her back, listening intently to Valkyrie’s apology.
Valkyrie: Maybe I deserve this, or maybe I don’t. I don’t know.
Valkyrie: What I do know, though, is that treating you the way I treated you two weeks ago was completely uncalled for.
Terra: Totum tempus remittuntur/
Terra smiles at Valkyrie, maintaining control of her emotions for the time being.
Terra: All is forgiven.
Terra: Just as the sparks of Mater Natura can cause our beautiful forests to burn, so does the human spirit conflict with itself in one way or another.
Terra: I can tell the kind of person you are. It’s why everybody loves you and it’s why I am your biggest fan.
Valkyrie: Thank you, Terra. It means a whole lot.
Terra looks down at the ground… seeming to maintain control of herself as she continues to energetically shake and rock front to back on her feet. After a few moments, she peeks up at Valkyrie, who begins to chuckle at the sight.
Valkyrie: … Fine. It’s okay. Come on--
Before Valkyrie can finish her sentence, Terra lets out a tiny audible shreek in pure joy and leaps towards Valkyrie, embracing her in a large bear hug just as before.
Terra: I really needed this hug today… Don’t forget, I’ve got your back! I hope you continue to inspire me and everyone else.
Terra lets Valkyrie go, who is visibly surprised at the force of the hug she was released from. Terra smiles wide and throws a meek peace sign at her friend Valkyrie.
Terra: Bye, Sarah!
The scene ends as Terra skips off down the hall, the camera panning back to see Valkyrie lay back down on the equipment box, still trying to gather herself.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Hmm! |
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Joy can't be contained! |
The Xtron Flickers On!
Dillinger is seen pacing backstage nervously. Telos is sitting totally still on a side bench, seeming annoyed at his manager.
Dillinger: You should really be more pissed off about this! This is YOUR money too!
Telos: I thought I made it clear that I don't give a damn about your little feud.
Dillinger: Well you better care! It's going to be much harder to fund this operation in OCW without this money... and without MY money. Who markets Telos, huh!?
Dillinger angrily marches over to a table and lifts his large cellphone.
Telos: I hope you aren't implying what I think you're implying... because it's going to be much harder for ME not to break you in half if you don't fulfill your end of the bargain!
Dillinger: Listen to this -
Dillinger opens a news article on his phone and reads it sarcastically aloud to the room.
Dillinger: "Tayy Breizee returns; makes stunning statement to fans: "Don't buy my sh*t.".. Sales drop 10 fold."
Dillinger: That court ruled in MY favor. This contract is legal and I have to take action against this libel and SLANDER campaign.
Telos: ENOUGH!
Telos rips the phone out of Dillinger's hand and stares down at him. Dillinger is caught between two emotions - one of fear and one of anger.
Telos: I destroyed that little punk 5 weeks ago... I'll destroy him again if he gets in my way. What YOU need to worry about right now is making sure TONIGHT doesn't happen again.
Telos: Because trust me, Dennis... If I'm watching The Clash from a chair instead of ending people in that ring... You're going to have a lot more to worry about than a smear campaign.
Telos doesn't smash the phone, instead handing it back to Dillinger after petrifying him.
Dillinger walks over to the television, clicking the volume back up and placing his phone on the table.
Dillinger: ...Back to business... Oh look, two more guys that you could easily rip apart. You're right. I should be more angry about this!
Dillinger points his sausage finger directly at the TV before the camera catches him sneaking a look down at his phone and wiping more sweat from his brow... The camera cuts to ringside for the next match!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Rut roh! |
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Everything is fine! |
P3 vs C.Q.C*
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I have no words! |
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The camera opens up to the stranger from earlier standing in the ring, and it’s the one and only Fighter turned wrestler, Tre Golden. He still has the bent folding chair in his left hand, and is holding a mic in his right.
Golden(shouting): New Orleans!!!
The crowd gives a huge pop to the mention of their hometown, Golden takes the chair and unfolds it, and has a seat, he crosses one of his legs over the other resting his foot in his lap.
Golden: Woo Devils Night!
The crowd gives another Pop
Golden: This brings back memories
Golden: Three years ago on this night I ran to this ring and attacked AC Cobra after his match. Hit him with the very chair I’m sitting on. An action I regret more and more as time goes on.
Golden: But at the time I felt safe in the comfort of a group, a band of men who claimed to be my brothers. Brothers that would always have my back on the way to the top. A very naive sentiment.
Golden pauses and takes a breath.
Golden: We were supposed to be the great change in OCW, and……
Golden stops to laugh at himself
Golden: All we really accomplished was losing to Leonhart in a handicap match at Wrestlution….. but I still blame Carter for that, but I have to admit my arrogance did not help.
Golden: I made Many mistakes in my life and my wrestling career.
Golden: I never let myself heal fully from a concussion I had sustained and hid it from OCW officials and subdued my pain with substance abuse.
Golden: So understandably when I tested positive…. OCW let me go. I was crushed and a wallowed in self pity….. Well my firing was one reason I felt down on myself…. the other reason
Golden points to his hair neatly lined in cornrow braids.
Golden: I lost my Fro to Sparkle boots…. AKA Kassidy Hayes AKA the Twilight Reject.
Golden: Is that reference even still relevant?
Golden has inquisitive look one his face, which quickly returns to normal.
Golden(shrugs): Eh… either way.
Golden: I sat on my a** at home and watched everyone continue their careers pining to get back into the action, but fearing that my power was gone.
Golden: But after two years of self reflection. I had a realization OCW, I realized that I made the Fro and that I had to power to reclaim it.
Golden stands up from the folding chair and picks it up once again. While still speaking on the mic and maintaining his eye contact with the hard cam.
Golden(shouting): I sat there and achieved my Nirvana and I now know that I am destined to be here in this ring fighting day in and day out, that I am a rare mix of Power and technical skill, And that I live to fight! And to hear the sounds and cheers of the OCW faithful!
The Crowd Pops for a good minute this time, Golden waits until the cheers die down to continue.
Golden takes the steel chair in his hand and bashes his forehead with it. A small trickle of blood runs down the middle and on to the tip of his nose.
Golden: This chair was the birth of The Wolf of Ragnarok. And it is now the birth of the new Tre Golden, the fighter of the people!
Golden:[/b] I will complete my new mission in life….
Golden: The Reclaimtion of my Fro….. no matter how long it takes.
Golden walks over and hands to mic to staff at ringside. Takes a second to take one last look at the New Orleans Crowd and then steps out of the ring and walks up the ramp into the back.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Holy hell! |
We cut to the backstage area, the camera zooms past a crowd of cheering OCW fans in New Orleans
We get a flash cut to Bourbon Street and Mardi Gras parties
We cut to a fan who’s about to talk about Devil’s Night, but before they can start The Spider, Ryu Matsumoto, bursts into frame and violently pushes the fan out of the way
He looks disheveled and clearly flustered
RYU: You know, what’s cool about OCW, One of the boys in the back will say or do something, and it’ll ripple its way through the roster.
RYU: I could sit here and rattle off phrase after phrase that I’ve gotten over, but its not just me.
RYU: I remember one time Paul Pugh started hitting people with “U WOT”, some british thing right?
RYU: Month later everyone is using it.
RYU: It's not just these catchphrases though, its attitudes, it's how people carry themselves.
RYU: I actually don’t know where it started.
RYU: You have guys talking about how the thing they love, the thing they breathe, the thing the pray to be able to do…
RYU: Well they’re just not feeling it anymore
RYU: “If you wanna talk, I need a big carrot dangled in front of my face”
RYU: I have seen guys… AND IT STUNS ME, that these guys can get away with this without losing prestige.
RYU: Not losing any prestige with the boys in the back, or you all the fans, even my own fans.
RYU: You guys are letting these guys slide.
RYU: It doesn’t matter why the guy doesn’t wanna show up at 3 o’clock after the bell.
RYU: He either shows up to the fight, or he doesn’t. Those are the rules I grew up with, I’m sure you all grew up with them, they’re just the rules of the playground.
RYU: There is now, a pass given to these guys as soon as their names are printed in Gold on that Hall of Fame ballot.
RYU: There is no excuse.
RYU: The RIGHT guy will ALWAYS show up.
RYU: There will never be a time, in this sport or any other, where we will be without that top guy, the measuring stick.
RYU: Because the RIGHT guy will NEVER let a day go by where he can prove he’s the best and not show up.
RYU: The RIGHT guy will never stay at home.
RYU: So as much as it hurts you guys to say it, as soon as someone gets to that phase where you have to sit down and negotiate with someone, and they don’t know if they want to do it. They ARE NOT the best guy.
RYU: 100% every sport, from the beginning of time to the end of time… the RIGHT guy, will always step up to the plate.
Spider looks directly into the camera, as if he’s speaking through it to a specific person
RYU: So what the hell are we doing? Why are we talking to talk, why are we meeting about meetings.
RYU: Either you wanna come out here and prove that you’re still that guy
RYU: or you can step aside.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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How dare you sir! |