We turn to the office of Our Hero. The owner, founder, ruler, grand poobah of all things OCW is looking at his computer monitor with a mouse in one hand and a flight stick in the other (with the kung-fu grip). A knock is heard on the door.
Our Hero: Come in!
The door swings open to reveal Drago Cesar. An elated Sensation gets up and hugs Drago with the flight stick in hand.
Our Hero: Good to see you b!
Drago: Yeah. Tried to call you, you no answer.
Our Hero: I been busy! Have a seat!
Drago has a seat opposite Our Hero.
Our Hero: So what brings you here my friend?
The “Best in the World” looks around the office, admiring the memorabilia for a moment.
Drago: I wanna talk to you about Wrestlution.
Our Hero: Ah, yes! That’s my baby!
Our Hero looks inside a drawer underneath him and with a bit of a struggle, pulls out a giant binder filled to the brim with papers. He slams it onto the desk and flips it open.
Our Hero: Let’s see here, gotta find the right one…..
Drago peeks at the material and sees what looks to be different Lution scenarios. Each scenario is titled with something like, “If Nate Ortiz wants the OCW Championship again”, “If Nate Ortiz goes rogue”, and a special packet with radioactive symbols over it titled “If that idiot Spider gets the OCW Championship”.
Drago: All this really necessary? This seem more like mess.
Our Hero: I need contingency plans! You never know what’s gonna happen in OCW, so I need contingency plans on top of contingency plans! Ah, here it is.
Our Hero pulls out a small booklet titled, “If absolutely everything goes according to plan”. He looks through it with his eyebrows raised.
Our Hero: So what do you wish to know?
Drago: Uh, I’m want match on Lution.
There’s a bit of an awkward silence as Our Hero looks through the booklet again.
Our Hero: I don’t gotchu for Lution b.
Drago is crushed. He looks down at the floor in disappointment.
Drago: I see…..
Our Hero: I got a lot of youngsters who are hungry! They want to fight for that top spot! And...I guess I can’t really fit you here cause of that. But you know what? Anything goes wrong, I gotchu. You a good egg b. A utility player!
Drago looks back up at Our Hero in shock.
Drago: Utility…..Player…..
Our Hero: What do you want outta me b? You had TWO MATCHES at last year’s Wrestlution, it’s ok if you sit this one out!
Drago stands up from his seat.
Drago: Thanks for your time. Have to uh, go now.
He opens the door to leave.
Our Hero: If I ever need anything at the show, you’ll be the first guy I call!
Drago: Because I’m utility player.
He winks at Drago.
Our Hero: That’s right!
Drago sighs before he leaves and closes the door.
The Camera Pans To The Announce Team!
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god dam that conversation wasn't even directed at me and my feelings are hurt! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a counter! |
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Right in the breadbasket! |
We cut to a washroom in the arena; no, Ted isn’t creeping again, it’s Cort Marshall staring deeply into a mirror above the sink. He talks slowly, seriously.
Cort: This is the biggest match of your career since you faced The Steve. This is your chance to get back what’s yours. This is you, in a cage, with a man many call a monster. A man some think can’t be beat by mere men like me.
Cort turns on the water and splashes his face.
Cort: You are locked in, surrounded by hard, unforgiving steel. You cannot back down. You WILL not back down. You might end up hurt. You might get smashed into the side of the cage until you bleed all over the ring! This match… is dangerous.
Cort: But you’ve been in danger before. Many, many times. No cage is going to stop you. No juiced-up jackass thief with a mean streak is going to roll over the Marshall Express. You are going to get in there, you are going to look him in the eye, and you are going to beat. His. Ass.
His voice jumps in volume, and he grips the counter, getting more animated as he continues to stare at his own reflection.
Cort: You are going to throw him off the side of the damn cage if you have to! This is your proving ground. This is your MOMENT. And you are going to take it by the hair and spank it like it’s a college party! Woo!
Cort slaps the table--and in a break of tradition for bathroom mirror promos, does NOT smash the glass, because he is a functioning human. He nods once, setting his jaw and pumping his fist before striding out of the washroom, nearly knocking the cameraman over as he does so.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Commie Scum! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That's how you make a statment! |
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I guess we shall see! |
We return to the lair as the Mega Bucks have already begun to put their heist plan into action. Maximus is alone in the lair working the cams and making sure everything is going to plan while talking to the team through bluetooth earpieces.
Maximus: Have you reached the end of the hallway?
#Austin: Si, Big sexy is in position…
Maximus: Nope
#Austin: Thought we agreed on codenames #overwatch.
Maximus: Not happening
Maximus: Maxx I have my eyes on you.
Maxx: Woah! There’s someone talking in my ear. Is this God?
Maximus: Not bad, definitely not your best performance. Any word from Benji?
Benji: Whose idea was it to use a trash can.. This betta work.
#Austin takes this as a cue to move closer to the VIP Catering stopping at the bathroom right outside.
#Austin: #Notorious in position, wait that's too obvious… #Marvelous on scene. #Overwatch unlocks the door.
Maxx: Whatever you say weird man in my ear.
Maxx casually pushes his cart with Benji in it as he enters the VIP Catering room.
Maxx enters the seemingly empty room as he sees a buffet of food in front of him spread out through numerous tables.
Maximus: You have eyes on the target?
Maxx: So...much...food
???:Uh..What is this? Maxx? Why are you dressed like a janitor? What’s with this cart?
Out of nowhere, Jackson Montgomery leaves the seafood section and walks towards Maxx with a plate of shrimp in hand.
Maxx: Who’s Max? My name is David.
Maxx gestures towards the nameplate on his overalls that simply state “David Ramirez”
Maxx: Anyways...I am a very big fan of our work. Mister... Montgomery
Maximus: Just bribe him
Suddenly, Benji springs up out of the empty trash can he was and spooks JackMo forcing him to drop the shrimp out of his hand.
Jackson: WHOA! Boy, have you lost your mind ‘cause I’ll help you find it! You just made me drop all these delicious shrimp. Do you know how much Danny Watts paid for this? Well...DO YOU! It doesn’t matter.
Benji: That must be very good shrimp worthy to be worshiped like pumpum...
He says getting out of the trashcan
Jackson picks the shrimp back up and ‘blows the dust off’ of each one and puts them back onto his plate.
Maxx: Woah! How long were you in there?
Benji: Too long..
Maxx: I gotta get a new job. This place is crazy
Maxx puts his hand on his head as Benji sighs realizing that Maxx won’t break character
Benji: Are yu in or are yu out? That's all mi need to know.
Jackson: What do I get out of this? You know what, if I get to keep this shrimp, I’m in.
Benji: We can make that happen.. And more.
#Austin gets the cue from Overwatch and bursts through the door as the group of 4 set to empty the entire room.
The group of 4 work together and start clearing tables emptying food into large to-go boxes. #Austin doing is best to remain hidden from Jackson
Problems arise on the scene as the feed Maximus was watching cuts out.
Maximus: You would think this place would have higher quality cameras
Maximus: I’ve lost all visuals, you need to speed this up.
#Austin: #Overwatch this is #Double0Hashtag we are a go, I told you this would be to easy.
To Be Continued…
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I'm going to say one more time! This is a very very bad idea! |
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