Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

The Camera pans to the announce team!

What in the hell was that!

I guess we will find out more on Riot!

H2O and Heather can be seen walking back towards the garage area of the Capital One Arena. Harvey turns his back towards the door and opens it for Heather to walk through it.

The Head Superstar follows behind her as they walk together to a waiting limo.

I can’t wait until I get home. It’s been a long night in this nation's capital.

Heather: Aww Papi. I know keeping up with Doc Green wasn’t an easy task. But I thought you would have some energy left over for tonight.

H2O: Heather it’s late. What on earth can you do at this hour in D.C.? This isn’t New York.

Heather opens the limousines door for the fatigued OCW World Heavyweight Champion. She makes a gesture for him to get in.

That’s not what he thinks.

H2O: He who!

H2O frowns quickly and looks inside the limo.

Best friend! Didn’t forget about me, did you?!

H2O eyes widen as he stands up and looks at Heather. He drops his bags and gives her a huge hug.

6ft. of space please! Get in the car!

H2O waves Heather off and hops in the limo with his long time friend ANTHONY BAKER!!!!!!

Heather motions to the chauffeur to grab The OCW World Heavyweight Champions bags as she gets in the limo with them.

Hell NO I didn’t forget about you! How the hell did you escape from Alexander?

Baker: Heh. Well. It wasn’t as ideal as I would have expected. Kass told me there was a plague coming and I needed to self quarantine.

Baker: NO MATTER what anyone said, it wasn't safe till he came and got me. Many months later, he still never came and one day I said suck me.

Baker: So I finally went outside and everyone really was in quarantine like, HELLO!

The expression on Baker’s face shows obvious disgust, and fear.

Enough of that! Let’s talk about you! I have been catching up on the last month, and you’re the man! Side note, Ashley Moore. Wheeeew. Brother, how do I get some of that?

H2O begins to say something about Ashley Moore but Heather clears her throat immediately before his response.

I’m sure Harvey wouldn’t know that. Even with all his success this season he’s been such a stick in the mud.

Heather: So when I spotted Baker roaming through Times Square, I told him to hop in my car quickly before the police could arrest him.

Heather: So who’s better to debrief him from Kasstianity than me?

Heather: Once I cleared him of all their propaganda they tried to force upon him, we decided to keep his return a secret from you.

Baker: Yeah. And All this sophisticated attitude is a bore Best Friend.

Baker flicks Harvey’s hairdo back a few times and Harvey joking pushes his hand away.

How about we blow this popsicle stand and go catch up in quarantine?

Heather: Go hangout boys. I hear the Northwest Area of DC is nice.

H2O: Isn’t that the Georgetown area?


Heather smiles and gives Harvey a kiss on the cheek. Baker takes a sneak peek of Heather’s butt as she leans over him to get to Harvey.

He gives his best friend a look guys would only understand.

Just don’t do anything out there I wouldn’t do.

The limo stops in the back entrance of a hotel reserved just for The OCW World Heavyweight Champion and his friends to enter during this quarantine.

The limo pulls off with B2O getting ready to do B2O things. Even in these times.

The Camera pans to the announce team!


Oh Stuff it!

The Xtron Plays A Video!




The Camera pans to the announce team!




A Huge Thank You To Everyone Who Joined The Discord, Watched On Twitch, and Submitted Content!