The camera cuts backstage to Antonio Everrett, making his way through the area. His newly won championship draped over one shoulder, his other shoulder is currently being held up by one Terra Daturas.
Everrett shrugs off multiple pats on the back and voices of congratulations from producers as he lets Terra guide him down onto a bench placed outside the medical facility. Terra remains stood up for the time being as she begins to go through some routine medical checks on Everrett.
Terra: Ant! You did it!
Everrett picks the title up off his shoulder and looks at it placed in both of his hands. He leans his head into it.
Everrett: Y’know, I think you’re right, doesn’t quite feel real yet though to be honest.
Terra lifts Everrett’s head up off the title and examines multiple cuts and bruises on his head, including one decent sized shiner below his left eye courtesy of a bingo punch.
Terra: Oftentimes our highest moments of bliss can feel like another dream! I can assure you that it is real!
Terra clasps Everrett cheeks and looks him in the eye.
Terra: Tony Two times, remember?
Everrett’s face turns from anguish to joy almost instantly, and he bursts out laughing, which almost as quickly turns into a cough.
Everrett: What I’d do without you honestly? But you’re right, I won’t take this for granted ever again.
Terra: Ehermmm. Well, the journey is far from over, Ant. There are plenty more scrumptious dubs to be had bossman, especially on the road to Wrestlelution!
Everrett leans back against the wall.
Everrett: Oh, we are absolutely far from done Miss Terra Daturas! It’s time for me to show everybody who the Ace of the Light Heavyweight division has always been, now I’ve got the gold to back it up. Wrestlelution is up next, and I have every intention of representing the Light Heavyweights for the second year running on the biggest stage.
Terra: Excellent! I am so proud of you! You inspire me to be better every day.
Everrett: I take it we’ll be going out to celebrate later then, yeah?
Terra: I am way ahead of you.
Everrett: You love to hear it. Just us two this time, yeah? Harvey and Heather were great ‘n’ all, but if I have to listen to Harvey talk about his 1940-whatever Chevrolet Subraru GTI again then I might actually go insane.
Terra chuckles and lifts Everrett to his feet.
Terra: (Of course! Anything for you, Tony Two Times. This is your night after all.
The two laugh and embrace as they walk off, hugging each other’s sides.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Cort drags his feet down the halls of the arena, hangdog expression on his face. He idly kicks a wall as he passes, upsetting his balance and sending him stumbling back in return.
Cort: God dammit!
He exclaims, swinging the foot back around and walking on as passers-by stare. He continues down the hallway, pushing the door to his lockerroom open with both hands and thumping down onto a bench, wincing as he does.
Cort: What the HELL was I thinking!? I had him. I had him laying face down on the mat, beaten down and out! I could have won. I could have ended it right there. But I had to try that one, last risk. I had to go and take the biggest leap of my career! And what happened then?
He slams a hand down on the bench.
Cort: I fucked it all up. Minute later it was all over. All the stuff I said was bullshit… all the dirty crap he’s done these past months and I screwed up my chance to give it all back. I failed. I’m a goddamn failure…
He buries his head in his hands and groans as the camera fades out.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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We are RATED M, you COWARD! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Wait what! |
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We find Joshua Tucker walking down the hall backstage at Road 2 Glory, when he sees Asher propped up against a wall scrolling through social media.
Tucker-Hey man.
He says as he approaches Asher.
Tucker-How are you doing tonight?
Alex looks up from his phone and turn is attention towards Tucker.
Asher: Oh hey man. I'm good, just been chilling on my phone, waiting to see if anything happens tonight.
Tucker-Bro, we are at ROAD 2 GLORY, there are all sorts of things happening.
He says then chuckles a bit before continuing
Tucker-Nah, I know what you mean man. It does suck to sit on the sidelines, especially at a ppv.
Tucker shrugs
Tucker-On the brightside, you picked up a big win in that triple threat match.Not to mention some good momentum heading into the battle royale coming up on Riot.
Tucker says as he move his hands up and down, alternating left to right to represent scales balancing
Alex laughs a bit and puts his phone in his pocket.
Asher:Yeah I guess you're right about that. Good match by the way. I know I didn't get to catch up with you before or after. Speaking of which, aren't you in the battle royal too?
Tucker- It’s alright man with all the social distancing and such lately I have tried to stay home as much as possible. I’m here then straight back home afterwards.
He shakes with a cold chill
Tucker-Anyway, I am in fact also in the battle royal coming up. I know I’ll see you before then, but good luck. You know as well as I do that these kinds of matches can get a bit hectic to say the very least.
Tucker-Also I hope it goes without saying, but there are no hard feelings on my end. It’s just business out there and we CAN’T pass these opportunities up. We CAN however work together a bit out there and get rid of everyone else, and then go one on one in the final two.
Asher: I got you man. It wouldn't hurt to see a friendly face out there. But don't get me wrong, if I do get the chance I'll put you over the top, I will. I expect you to do the same. We aren't a team just yet. Give em hell though.
Alex extends his hand outward for Tucker to shake it.
Tucker-That’s understandable and I don’t blame you because I'll do the same thing. Like I said before it’s all business out there.
Tucker says and the two shake hands as the scene fades
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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A Rooke Coalition to take out the other rookies in a battle royale? GENIUS! |