After her title opportunity for the OCW Women’s Championship Lotus Flojo is seen making her way to the locker room when she is interrupted by Stacy Clark who is fishing for some statements from the competitors backstage.
Stacy Clark: FloJo, do you have a minute?
FloJo: *sighs* sure.
Stacy Clark: After your defeat in your match against Ashley Moore; I must ask you, what’s next for Lotus FloJo?
FloJo thinks for a minute
FloJo: I don’t know, man. Seems like I can’t catch a break. I just want to have my own defining moment here in OCW. I mean I know winning isn’t everything but just once; I wanna wear a piece of that gold
FloJo: Just this one time...Maybe.
As she is speaking Ashley Moore, who just got attacked by Valkyrie and Empress after her title defense, steps into the picture, grabs the microphone Stacy Clark was holding towards Flojo and shoves both of them away.
Ashley Moore: No matter how nice I am, you will always find someone who will attack me. Is it because I have something they want, they don’t like me or they are just bored.
She looks at Flojo.
Ashley Moore: I really tried my best, because I thought that when I am just friendly enough to everyone, no one will bother me. But instead the times someone attacked me became innumerable.
Ashley Moore: So I decided that from now on I will think of nothing but myself and when anyone thinks that she can mess with me she will be the one always looking behind around and never feeling safe.
FloJo and Stacy look at each other and then look back at Ashley. FloJo begins to chuckle.
FloJo: Hear that, Stacy? The real Moore is back. Being a selfish--
FloJo flicks Ashley’s nose: Individual
FloJo: Besides what’s the point of being friendly? You’re the champ, you have a target on your back, you blonde dumbass.
Ashley gives Flojo a death stare, but instead of going after her she calms down.
Ashley Moore: I have already shown that we don’t play in the same league, so better get lost before I change my mind.
FloJo laughs: Ha!
FloJo: Moore, sweety. Let me quote the late great Bernie Mac: “I ain't scared of you motherf*ckers. I'm gonna tell ya something straight off the motherf*cking press. I ain't coming from no foolishness”.
FloJo: You ain’t seen the last of me.
Suddenly Ashley just slams her title belt into Flojo’s face, then she grabs her hair and throws her into the wall. She follows up with several kicks against Flojo’s body and only stops because of the courageous intervention from Stacy Clark.
She pulls Ashley away from Flojo with all her force and then positions herself with outspread arms between the champion and her victim.
Ashley Moore: Why do you help her? She deserves it.
Ashley then goes away from the scene, but turns around before leaving to address Stacy.
Ashley Moore: Don’t think I will spare you again just because you are not a competitor.
The Camera Pans To The Announce Team!
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You better not be sending threats to Stacy Clark you giant BIRD!
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We rejoin the #MegaBucks as they have barricaded the door shut. Security having foiled the attempt of the catering heist.
#Austin: #Overwatch we are not clear here, I repeat we are not clear. Things have gone south very quickly and I do not mean southern fried chicken south.
#Austin looks over at Maxx and starts to use hand signals to come up with an escape plan.
Maxx just stares, watching #Austin just point at Benji, then the cart and punching his own hand.
Security continues to beat on the door as it begins to slowly open.
#Austin runs towards the door, slamming his shoulder into the door doing his best to keep the door from coming open. #Austin looks around the room watching as the #MegaBucks load up the last bit of food. A smile growing on #Austin’s face as he reaches up and pulls his earpiece out.
#Austin: #Overwatch Maxx has the coms..
#Austin pulls his shirt off, throwing it across the room.
#Austin: Its time to see if I am still worthy. #MegaBucks you get the supplies back to the lair I will handle these fools.
#Austin walks towards the door booting it open with the #moonboots, sending the 2 security guards to the ground.
#Austin: Settle this the OCW way…. You all will know the signal when you hear it….
#Austin: #Fly You fools…..
#Austin takes off down the hallway with security chasing after him.
The Camera Pans To Ringside!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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DOC GREEN vs. H20(c)
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That Boy On Turbo! |
Valkyrie is standing next to Stacy Clark
Stacy Clark: Valkyrie… what…. what the heck just happened?!
Valkyrie: OOF! I don’t know! You tell me! Empress just snapped! She backstabbed me for no reason!
Stacy Clark: We could say Empress made her Wrestlution 14 statement tonight. She wants the title and she wants it more than your friendship.
Valkyrie: I am not surprised. We have been bickering for months! I thought it was over on Turmoil, after our Tables match but then we both hoped the therapy sessions would help us! Apparently they did not work at all!
Stacy Clark: Valkyrie! We have seen both FloJo and Ashley showing a darker side of them the past few weeks. Tonight Ashley lost it completely! She snapped! And what about Empress… well, she is being Empress! She is the scum of the Earth.
Stacy Clark: It’s almost as if this Fairy Tale lacks an actual… Hero?
Valkyrie zips off her Off White hoodie to reveal an OG Straight Outta Valhalla T-Shirt.
Stacy Clark is flabbergasted as the crowd can be heard chanting Valk Valk Valk in the background.
Stacy Clark: No way…
Valkyrie: That steel chair sent me all the way back to 2018, Stacy.
Stacy Clark is about to faint.
Stacy Clark: You are telling me… the Real Valkyrie is back? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!
Valkyrie: I am done with this farce! At the Anniversary Show I lost not only my Championship but my fans as well. And for what? Nah, Stacy.
Valkyrie: I made a terrible mistake when I decided to become an American Celebrity and I turned my back on my OCW fans. Well that trip made me discover who I truly am. The true Valkyrie. I shouldn’t have turned my back on my fans! Never! The prodigal daughter has returned!
Valkyrie: Like the Americans say “The more people change the more they remain the same”. That’s exactly what happened to me! I changed so much I reverted back to my OG version. Valkyrie 1.0 we could say.
Valkyrie: At Wrestlution 14 I am coming back for what’s mine, for that thing that was taken from me and belongs to me. I don’t care if I have to go through Flojo, Empress or Ashley. Heck, I could even face all three of them at the same time.
Valkyrie: That same title that clearly drove Ashley crazy just like it drove me crazy in the end…. Well, it’s time for it to come back home. Around my waist.
Valkyrie puts her hands up as the crowd chants with her. Stacy is flabbergasted as the camera cuts back to the arena showing the crowd chanting for her.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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EVERY DOG HAS ITS NIGHT, AL!! EVERY (claps) DOG (claps) HAS (claps) IT'S (clap)NIGHT |
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Oh just shut up! This night couldn't get any worse! |