Following his match Tucker makes his way to the back. He reaches the curtain and smacks it aggressively out of his way so that he can pass through. As he reaches the hallway to the locker rooms he is greeted by none other than Jim Black.
Jim-Tucker, if you have a moment I’d like to ask you a couple questions.
Tucker exhales deeply while rubbing the back of his neck before responding.
Tucker-Well if it isn’t good ole SLIM JIM
He says sarcastically before rolling his eyes
Tucker-I don’t really have the time, but hell you haven’t pestered me since before Lution. So go ahead fire away with your so called top notch reporting.
Jim-Well for starters, How do you feel after the match you just had?
Tucker-Fine. Next question.
Jim-O..Ok moving on then
Jim stammers and looks on confused but continues
Jim-Well obviously you don’t want to talk about the match. Can you however tell me and the fans watching what exactly the handshake meant at the end? I think I speak for everyone when I say that I was expecting a smack of the hand or an attack.
Tucker-First off let me explain something. Don’t you DARE ever ask me a question or anything else for those low life, selfish degenerate fans out there in attendance OR the ones sitting in their mom’s basement! I don’t owe them a damn thing!
Tucker-Now to answer YOU. It didn’t mean a damn thing. I shook someone's hand out of respect at that moment. I do know the meaning of respect despite contrary belief. It doesn’t make us friends at all, but it does make it to where I have one less enemy to worry about for the time being. We now have an understanding. Next question
Jim-I see. How involved will you be in the hell in a cell match?
Tucker is seemingly irritated by this question
Tucker-Jim I am absolutely appalled at the fact that you even asked me that! I would never do something of the sort. Besides, Solomon doesn’t need me to help extinguish Blacksmith tonight. Like I said last week Caine is a damn mastermind in this business and people need to learn to love it! No more questions. Deuces
Tucker slaps Jim across the back as he walks away.
Jim-Back to you Jake.
He says in pain as the scene fades