The Camera pans to ramp as an old nostalgic tune hits and the duo of Scaggs and Poling head down to the ring!! The packed crowd roars in excitement and begins to chant "OCW" OCW" "OCW"
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Ladies and Gentleman THIS IS SUMMERCIDE 2020! |
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Are you excited? Because I am! |
We once again open in the trainer's room, with all sorts of OCW stars getting checked up or checked on. The man in question just the same as Wrex is in the process of having his injuries checked before his safety first match with Mugen.
Wrex: How’s the damage today doc?
Doc: Same as ever Ross, bad and getting worse. I would seriously advise against this match but I know I’m speaking to a wall at this point.
Wrex: I have to do this doc, you know that. Especially after last week. I need to prove I can still do this.
Doc: And you expect to do this one armed?
Wrex: If Bingo can beat Harvey fucking Ocean blind! Then I should be able to do this. I need to keep up. Need to show I’m just as good, if I can’t..
Doc: Whatever, let’s just get you bandaged up.
As the doctor turns around to grab the bandages Wrex stands up, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Wrex: No can do Doc. If last week's embarrassment is anything to go by, they’re just gonna weigh me down and get in the way come the end run, I’ll go without.
Doc: Oh for.. No, Maybe you can convince management to let you work hurt but I’m still gonna do my job and prevent anymore damage. So sit down.
Wrex: Not a goddamn chance.
Doc: Okay.
The doc slams the tape back down.
Doc Why? Why are you so hell bent on breaking what’s left inside of your body?
Wrex: Fear, doc. If anything that he said was true. That was it. I need to feel fear. I haven't feared anything in a long time, I've just run the paces and lost time and time again. I need to do this with the safety wheels off. Gotta put myself at the mercy of this lunatic, only then can I beat him.
Doc: That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, but I have other people to check on so.. do whatever you want.
Wrex: Thanks doc.
Doc: Whatever, at least wrap the damn shoulder a bit, if that pops out mid match, I’m the one who gets shit for it.
Wrex: Yeah.. Will do.
We pan into a private room in Wells Fargo Stadium sponsored by the world famous Sakuraba’s ArmBar and Grill in Scenic New York City, New York
Mugen is seen sitting at a table with a fully original laptop running TOLMC OS in front of him
Mugen: Is it working?! Can you hear me? Can you see me?
The camera fades to a luxurious suite in the arena adorned with GOLD, General Manager Tiberius Octavian Dupree is sitting at his desk with a GOLD tablet in his hands yelling into it.
Dupree: YES! What kind of name is ZAM anyways? Its a video conference app, ZAM has nothing to do with video conferences.
Mugen: Zyclonic Auditory Messaging old sport! The latest means of communication by TOLMC, how else are we supposed to have our annual conference.
Dupree: Speaking of which, where is our last member?
Mugen: The interdimensional connection can be spotty, I think he’s connecting now.
The camera pans to a poorly lit room, the lights in the room individually click on illuminating the room
We can hear distinctly robotic voices repeating the word “VIO-LATE”, the infamous Trashleks roll onto screen.
They are pushing someone restrained in a straight jacket and tied to a wheelchair. As the chair is rolled into the light we see it’s none other than the Spider Ryu Matsumoto.
RYU: Why hello! I didn’t notice you guys there!