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Scene opens with AC standing in the ring in front of the thousands of OCW crowd.
AC- I’m sad gamers (Cobra drops his head)
AC- (dramatic sigh) I’m sure we’ve played the systems with our younger siblings. We let them think they’re going to win, we toy with them. We allow them to pick our characters, settings, hell even let them use the good controller.
Crowd begins to laugh
AC- Comes a time when all that comes to an end. When your aunt you haven’t seen in 3 years brings over your obese cousin. He’s all out of breath from walking the flight of stairs.
AC- You guys play, & you get your ass handed & now you’re told to get off the sticks. I say all this to say…..
Just then the music of one Maxwale Jaykub Freeman hits and MJF comes out doing his usual dance step at the top of the ramp. Before he makes his way to the ring, MJF is handed a mic by an OCW staffer.
MJF: Akeel Clancy Cobra… That is your name right?
AC- And who are you?
MJF: Well it doesn’t matter anyway. We haven’t been formally introduced. My name is Maxwale Jaykub Freeman. That’s M-A-X-W-A-L-E.
A small chant of “That’s spelled wrong” break out in a few pockets of people.
MJF: Ahh yes. In classic Orlando fashion, none of you can unify to complete a goal. No wonder you couldn’t keep a star for your beloved Orlando Magic.
And now they are triggered. The boos are loud and in unison.
MJF: Shaq, Penny Hardaway, Tracy McGrady and even soft as hell Dwight Howard. They all moved to (Does the money sign with his fingers) greener pastures.
MJF is getting a chuckle out of this.
MJF: Good luck with Khem Birch and something called Bismack Biyombo.
MJF: But back to more important matters. Cobra, it sounds like you are a little down on your luck. Well, why don’t you let good ole Maxwale show you the door. I mean since you are on your way out, let me give you a proper send off. What do you say??
AC- You and me?? Right here?? Right now?? You got yourself a match. Let’s do this!!!
Cobra tosses the mic down and gets in the ready position. By now, MJF is at the bottom of the ramp. MJF places the mic on the apron and slowly climbs on the apron. He seems to be in no rush. MJF stands up on the apron and has the mic in his hand again.
MJF: Whoa there Andy Cleveland. Maxwale Jaykub Freeman doesn’t wrestle in a toxic waste site such as Orlando, Florida.
Here comes the chorus of boos again. MJF has a fake shocked look on his face.
MJF: You people are not worthy of having Dr. of Leganomics bless you with his in ring prowess now or ever. So Cobra, no not tonight. We will discuss this in a more proper setting.
MJF: And that setting is Riot 506.
MJF: We’ll discuss things further there. Because my name is Maxwale Jaykub Freeman. And I only wrestle in cities better that Orlando because I’m better than each and every one of you. And that includes Alexander Chestertin. And you all know it.
MJF drops the mic in the ring and hops down off the apron. MJF struts back up the entrance way as only he can as we go back to ringside.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well dam a challenge has been set!
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Well Alright now! |
The CCW title draped over #Austin Lee shoulder as he stands with his back to the camera. For once choosing to display something else over himself. A slow chuckle begins to turn into a menacing laugh as Stacy Clark joins him..
Stacy Clark: #Austin, B17 your former best friend, was rushed to the hospital with the only reports we have received was that he was responding to the medical staff but he still has yet to have movement in any of his limbs….
#Austin let’s out another laugh as he remains with his back to the camera…
Stacy Clark: I know I speak for the locker room and the OCW Universe when I ask you this…. Why #Austin? The match was over you had won the title, why would you go out of your way so far to potentially end his career?
#Austin Lee: Because this had to end… All of it and I ended this all with my hands, on my own terms.
#Austin Lee: The night B17 had been looking forward to since he screwed himself out of this opportunity last year.
#Austin Lee: It was bitter sweat to see him walk down that ramp knowing what I had waiting for him. He walked in the returning hero who changed his stars and grew to become one of the most beloved members of this company…. Only for him to leave motionless on a stretcher fearing for his life after what I did.
#Austin Lee begins to laugh again, amused by his own words
Stacy Clark: That’s not an answer, you should be suspended for your actions and stripped of that title. You are not deserving of wearing that title.
Stacy begins to step away from #Austin who reaches out. Gripping her shoulder so she is unable to leave his side.
#Austin Lee: The why is the end Stacy…
Stacy Clark: The end of what? B17?
#Austin Lee: The end of B17….The end of the Marvelous Austin Lee and the end of #Invictus….
#Austin Lee: It’s the end of the world the Turmoil faithful has grown to love….
#Austin Lee: But do not worry that precious little heart Stacy...
#Austin Lee slowly turns around facing the camera as an evil smile grows across his face
#Austin Lee: The Notorious is here to stay
#Austin Lee pulls the CCW title off his shoulder raising it to the camera before the camera fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a dick!
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Learn it LIVE IT, LOVE IT! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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