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After the match was over H2O looks at Bobby Minio’s bandana on his wrist. He pauses for a moment.
He then looks at Bobby on the mat as he begins to sit back up from the Rip Tide.
H2O walks over towards Bobby who’s still wrenching and unties the bandana from his wrist.
Bobby looks up and as he notices his eyes opened wide.
H2O is saying something to him inaudible but he’s shaking his head back and forth like he’s saying “No”.
The camera zooms in closer to try to read his lips. It looks like he’s saying, “I’m not going to burn it.”
H2O drops the bandana onto Bobby’s shoulder and walks out of the ring quickly before he changes his mind.
H2O makes his way up the ramp and doesn’t look back leaving The One Man Revolution in amazement.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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A show of respect!
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Finally! |
We go backstage where Leon is being checked by one of OCW's medical doctors. The doctor uses a Ophthalmoscope to check into Leon's eyes.
Doctor: I think you have a mild concussion, just take it easy for a couple of weeks and you should be fine.
Leon is pretty banged up after his match with Drago. He thanks the doctor while grabbing his water bottle from the side table. He pick up his towel and places it over his shoulder before walking out the door.
Leon begins to walk down the hallway, just as he is walking past the interview prep room. He is approached by Stacy Clark.
Stacy Clark: Hey Leon, that was an incredible match you had tonight.
You can hear the Orlando Florida crowd shout "YOU STILL GOT IT!"
Leon: Drago was the ultimate test tonight Stacy. He is one of the toughest sons of bitches I have ever faced and boy did he take me to my limit.
Stacy: What everyone wants to know is what's next for Leon, I mean is that it again until next year or was that your last ever match? We been hearing rumors so I been asked to ask you that if the rumors are true?
Leon: Stacy in all the years you have known me, how many times have I said that's my last match? Six years ago after losing my Lution streak to Parker I thought I was done then but yet here I am.
Stacy: So does that mean you're resigning?
Leon: Honestly, right now I don't know but after that match. I know I got a lot more fight left in me...
Leon: This was my eleventh Wrestlution appearance and tonight marked match number ten for me. That's more than even the Franchise, Nate Ortiz himself.
Stacy: Congratulation!
Leon: Thank you.
Leon: You know a part of me does want to come back and do this all over again.
Stacy: But?
Leon: Haha...
Leon: But I have a life outside of wrestling now so I got a lot of soul searching to do.
Leon: What I do know is, I'll be at the next Riot after the break and I will have made my decision by then, on what my future will be.
Stacy: Thanks for your time Leon and again. Great match.
Leon: Thanks Stacy, but before you go...
Leon points to some cardboard copy of Kassidy Hayes that's next to where he is standing.
Leon: I know I have been gone a long time but what the hell is that?
Stacy: Erm, you mean Kassidy Hayes? That's the current OCW champion.
Leon: He looks like something that came out of twilight. I mean what in god's name is he even wearing?
Stacy: I honestly have no idea.
Leon: Well like my dude K.D Angelo would always say... SISSY!
Leon knocks down the cardboard copy of Kassidy Hayes. He then repeatable steps on it before slamming his foot down one final time.
The cardboard copy of Kass is now destroyed as the face part starts to hang down.
Leon's best friend, his penguin buddy McGraw comes waddling over.
Stacy Clark: Aww, look at the cute little penguin. He's so cute.
McGraw stands over what's left of the cardboard copy of Kassidy Hayes. He winks at Stacy before relieving himself all over it.
The crowd are loving every minute of this.
Stacy Clark: So gross.
McGraw is just about done as he waddles away.
Stacy: Leon, you do know that was supposed to be sold later in a auction.
Leon can't help but laugh.
Leon: I think you will get more for it now, it looks a hell of a lot better. I am sure someone will pay the top dollar for that.
Leon walks away laughing.
Stacy: How could anyone want this? It has penguin pee all over it!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Always the professional! AHAHA Leon!
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Outta no where!
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Oh my god! |
The scene opens in the parking lot. Echo is pacing back and forth, talking on her phone while Aerith is next to her
Aerith: Any news?
Echo: Not yet.
Stacy Clark can be seen approaching the two, along with a camera man
Stacy Clark: Everybody saw what happened between Cheryl Stixx and Valkyrie. We are wondering about her medical conditions. Can you give us an update?
Echo and Aerith look at each other, both visibly concerned
Aerith: An “update”? What update? We all saw what happened…
Echo: Actually, we all knew what was going to happen and nobody did anything about it. We saw them attempting to ruin each others careers for weeks and still, instead of putting a stop to this madness, they kept inciting them, until we inevitably got to the point of no return.
Echo: The fans knew this was going to happen, the GM knew this was going to happen… hell, even the rest of the locker room knew this was going to happen.
Echo: But hey, they had to sell tickets somehow right? Well, I hope it was worth it.
Echo: Right now, a 21-years old wrestler is crying on a hospital bed, while the doctor is telling her that she will probably never walk again.
Echo: At least we got our Wrestlution moment, though! That’s all that matters right?
Echo’s eyes are watery as Aerith grabs her by the arm, pulling her next to her and whispering something to her ear. Echo then shakes her head and walks away without saying anything, leaving Aerith and Stacy Clark alone in the parking lot
Stacy Clark: Aerith, let me ask you the question on everybody’s mind…
Stacy Clark: Is Valkyrie’s career… over?
Aerith: I’m afraid we both know the answer, Stacy.
The camera fades back to the commentary team
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Wait ....WHAT???!!
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That's what hapens when you mess with Showblitz, this ain't Ballet, HOOT! |
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