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The Arena Explodes in a cascade of Pyro technics as the Official Wrestlution 11 Theme blares.
The Official Wrestlution 2018 Theme Song
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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We have an amazing show for you tonight!
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I can't wait everyone is ramped up and ready to go! |
I’ve been sitting here in one of the best places in the world, my mind. A place solitude to prepare myself for my biggest title defense in my career. Don’t underestimate meditation.
All I could think about is how I’m actually feeling right now. Is this what Paul Pugh felt like after he lost to Tiberius Dupree? Is this what Tiberius Dupree felt like when he lost to me? I don’t like this feeling and won’t stand for it!
But the funny thing is I didn’t lose The Good Light. He stole it from me! Bobby Minio is truly underestimating me! He doesn’t know what The Good Light is or how to handle it.
The Good Light isn’t just a thing. It’s an experience.
The Good Light is The OCW World Lightheavyweight Title. But it is also me, Harvey Hamilton Ocean. It is also The Betterness Tiberius Dupree. It is also Kid Ego Paul Pugh.
It is going to be one of the greatest historical spectacles in OCW history. Why? It’s Hard 2 Obtain. It’s hard to retain. Most of all, I maintain it!
Some asked if it’s greater than The Holy Word. The Word is perceived to be many different things that leads to many misunderstandings. The Good Light is no misunderstandings.
Where I walk, there is illumination. When I talk, there is enlightenment. When I fight, there is exhilaration.
She touches my hand with a concerned look in her eyes. What she doesn’t know is that she has to earn my trust back.
But what she does know is that this Good Light does unspeakable things to her. I’ll let your imagination run wild with that.
Heather: Harvey, we’re here. Why are all the officials and police here?
The police captain walks forward and gives Harvey some paper like he’s being served.
H2O: What is this?
Officer: Mr. Ocean OCW and Orlando PD is here to inform you due to the event here tonight you are not to come in contact with Bobby Minio until your match with him
H2O: WHAT!?!?!
Officer: Orlando PD has an order to ensure Mr. Bobby Minio safety and OCW has one to ensure it’s match tonight.
OCW Official: Also, our referees will NOT seek to retrieve The OCW Lightheavyweight Title for past reasons on your part Mr. Ocean. Unfortunately, you will not come out tonight with that title.
OCW Official: You may retrieve if you have a successful title defense. Until then, Bobby Minio keeps it.
Heather steps up to the OCW official and the Orlando PD forms a line that between the officials and Harvey with Heather.
Heather: This is ridiculous! He is the champion! He should be able to come out with his title tonight! He actually earned it!
H2O pulls on Heather’s arm to wheel her away from the police officers.
H2O: It’s ok, Heather. H2O may be separated for a brief moment without The Good Light. But what Bobby and everyone here doesn’t realize that The Good Light isn’t just material.
H2O: It’s all things. It is part of who Harvey is and tonight he’ll show you that he’s still one with it. Whether these folks here like it or not H2O will walk with The Good Light.
H2O: So do not exasperate these fine folks my dear. They’re only doing their job. They’re not worth any of your energy anymore. Especially mine.
H2O: Come Heather and let us leave Orlando’s Finest to do something more productive with this disgusting city besides protecting a title from a REAL One Man Revolution.
H2O: ...And He is H-2-O!
H2O stares at all the men and bends his arm. Heather looks towards Harvey and locks her arm with his as they both walk thru and break the line together.
The two don’t even break stride as they walk into the arena and the scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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You don't hmm, a crime as commited a god dam travesty and you are here hmmm. How dare you! |
The camera pans across a convention centre, packed to the brim with booths and fans. The camera sweeps past merch vendors and cosplayers. A few cuts of fans waving to the camera are shown, along with soundbites.
Fan 1: We’re totally hyped, man, we bought tickets months ahead of time to see the show.
Fan 2: Ortiz Express, wooooo!
Fan 3: H2O is a sellout!
Fan 4: I bought like, twenty shirts!
The camera returns to an overview of the crowd in fast forward, and the title card appears.
“Welcome to OCW Fanzone!”
It fades to black and reappears at a Q&A session. Gene is presiding over the main table. The fans clap and cheer before she shushes them.
Gene: Welcome folks to this weekends segment of Speakeasy. As you now I am trying to fill the shoes of Mr. Capo Genovese, who everyone loves so much.
Crowd applauds…
Gene: However, the show must go on!!! So lets bring out these super HUNKS!!! CORT MARSHALL AND SHEP!!
Ladies in the crowd start to cheer….
Cort Marshall and Christian Shepherd arrive through a door to the right, Cort posing and hamming it up for the camera while Shepherd laughs.
Gene: And we’re here to answer all of your questions for the next 30 minutes! Gentlemen.
Shep: Thank you.
They sit down.
Gene: Starting with you in the red shirt!
The man stands up.
Fan: Yo, Gene! Big fan of your man Capo. I just wanted to ask… how much are Hollywood Money worth? Like… net? You must know being your his..ya know...lady...
Gene: Ask Nunya
Fan: Uhhh...Who?? Nunya?? Lastname??
A rather husky gentleman in a “Bullet Associates” t-shirt labours to his feet.
Husky Harry: Okay, firstly, who do you idiots think you’re fooling. Your gimmicksh are unoriginal and your promosh are horrible. I keep telling my mom about how bad your DDT looksh but she won’t listen! You’re all hacksh who are disrespecting the businesh, and everyone here should be watching a REAL promotion! I’m only here because my parents MADE me...
Gene looks unimpressed and disgusted at the size of this man’s abdomen.
Husky Harry: But… Valkyrie is totsch hottttt!
Gene: 2 words….Weight watchers…
Crowd laughter….
Capo: Have several seats Food Champ. Next!
Fan: Uh, yeah, Shepherd.
Shep looks up.
Shep: Hmm?
Fan: Why do you hang out with Cort? He’s a total racist asshole!
Cort: Hey! I’m working on it! Shep, tell ‘em.
Shep: Weeeellll, I can’t exactly deny that...
Cort: Why you gotta do this to me.
Shep: BUT you’re the only guy who was in the YOU KNOW WHAT I could trust. And you do have a mean right hook.
Cort:… I’ll take it.
Next up is a kid, about 8 or 9.
Kid: How much does it hurt to be Steve’d?
Cort: Imagine stepping on a Lego. But like, times a million, and you’re stepping on it with your face.
The kid gasps.
Kid: You gonna get Steve’d again?
Cort: I hope not, but no promises.
Suddenly, a black/puerto rican man stands up and yells.
BXR: Hey Cort! You a CAC!
Cort: Go stuff yourself you mother--what’s a cac?
Shep: It means, uh... Command and Conquer.
Cort: Oh? I love Red Alert! Thanks, buddy!
Shep stifles a laugh.
Another fan yells out.
Fan: Gene….Is Capo gonna win those tag belts? How does he plan to deal with the chaos of a multi-team match?
Gene: I imagine Capo is fully prepared for the Multi-team match. He has great support and I can’t see him not coming out on the positive side of this match. At the very least, you will all see why he is here at Lution this weekend
Shep: Yea well he better win his before we get ours!
Gene: Eaaaassyyy Sheppy...Carriage before the Horse...
Gene picks a lady in green.
Lady: Since I know Capo is such an expert on the area… what’s the best place to get wings?
Gene: OK You all have to come to Capos new Bar and Cigar lounge!! There is a day party going on RIGHT NOW!!! AND 25 CENTS WINGS!!!
Crowd applause fills the room.
Gene: Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure. Come support the new venue when the time allows. Capo will be honored to have you. Salute and good luck this weekend!!
The title card pops back up and the scene fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Sharp as a tack!
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Trained By The best! |
The scene opens in the Women’s locker room. Valkyrie is getting ready for her upcoming match up, while a bunch of little girls wearing the Wrestlution AXXESS Tour t-shirts are surrounding her
Valkyrie: I’m sorry that I can’t show the backstage area tonight, as they usually do for the Axxess tours. But I’m sure we can find some other way to pass the time...
Little Girl #1: I can show you my drawings… I draw a lot about you at school. Here, take a look
She shows her a notebook, filled with various drawings: in one Valkyrie is making her way to the ring, waving at the crowd. In the next one she appears to be flying across the ring, possibly going for a moonsault of some sort.
In the last one she is standing near the referee: he’s raising her hand in victory, while another woman with a cowboy hat is laying on the mat
Valkyrie: Is that Cheryl Stixx?
Little Girl #1: Yes! It’s what is going to happen tonight, you will win because it’s how you always say: heroes always win in the end and fairy tales always have a happy ending.
Valkyrie chuckles as another child is showing her another piece of paper
Little Girl #2: Here, check this out: it’s a story I wrote about you and Aerith. You are my favourite wrestlers in OCW
Little Girl #3: You can only have one favourite wrestler, you can’t have two!
Little Girl #2: Of course I can, I can have all the favourites I want!
Valkyrie: And what is the story about?
Little Girl #2: It’s about how you and Aerith finally defeat ShowBlitz and then it ends with Cheryl saying that she’s sorry and that she will retire from wrestling because she feels bad about her actions
Valkyrie: That’s unlikely to happen, but I must admit you do have a strong imagination. Props to you.
Valkyrie then grabs her makeup bag
Valkyrie: Since you are part of the Wrestlution 12 Axxess Tour but I can’t be your tour guide for the night, the least I can do is to allow you to help with my war paint.
Little Girl #1: War paint?
Valkyrie: Vikings often painted their bodies with symbols before battles. Tonight, we are going to do the same thing. Here, give me your hand.
Valkyrie grabs the child’s wrist and helps her spreading the war paint on her face. They first start with a small line across the nose.
Valkyrie: This line stands for “Striith”, which is the Norse equivalent of “War”. Because tonight, it won’t be a wrestling match. It won’t be a matter of winning or losing: only one us will walk out of this arena on her feet and the other… well…
Valkyrie then guides the girl’s fingers on top of her left eyebrow: there, she paints two dots, one next to the other
Little Girl #2: What does this mean?
Valkyrie: “Haro-hu-gadr”, in English is “Resiliency”. I know, only true Champions have resiliency, but tonight I must be able to dig deep if I want to come out on top.
The girl then paints one, final line near Valkyrie’s left eye
Valkyrie: This is “logn”. It means peace of mind… “serenity”. I’m going to need it when Cheryl is going to taunt me. She won’t get under my skin this time, I won’t fall for her mind games anymore.
Little Girl #4: It’s Aerith! Look!
The group suddenly turn its attention to Aerith who just entered the locker room. One of the child runs towards her and hugs her hero
Aerith: Hi, I just wanted to check on you before the match. How are you holding up?
Valkyrie: Look, I want to apologise for the way I treated you the past few weeks. I can finally say you earned my trust, after what happened on Turmoil 202.
Valkyrie: But Cheryl said something yesterday and I can’t stop thinking about it. She’s right: how can I be a true hero if I always have to resort to your help?
Aerith: She is just trying to mess with your brain, don’t fall for that. You saw what she had planned for you on Turmoil 200 and we both know what would have happened if I didn’t show up...
Valkyrie: You see? That proves her point!
Aerith: Having allies in this world is not something you should be ashamed off. Don’t let her get into your head. Stay focused.
Valkyrie: No, no. She is right: real heroes don’t need allies. I’m not like Cheryl, I don’t need to be surrounded by my own group of mercenaries… Tonight I want you to stay away from ringside, no matter what happens.
Aerith: Mercenaries?
Valkyrie: Don’t take this the wrong way, Aerith. I sincerely appreciate your help, but tonight I have to prove a point. Tonight it must be just me and Cheryl, no matter what happens after the match is over.
Aerith shakes her head, with a puzzled expression on her face
Valkyrie: You have to promise me you won’t interfere. Deal?
Aerith: Deal. But be careful. I have a bad feeling about this.
Aerith leaves the locker room, as the camera fades back to commentary
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This match is gonna be bonkers!
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I for one cannot wait! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh my god!
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Ragnarath walked through the backstage getting to the locker room walking through the door closing it behind him CJ already in the room placing his bag on the bench as he sits down looking at his partner.
Ragnarath: Hey man the place getting filled quickly looks like it’s going to be a big crowd so I know you have been a little worried about how little we have talked over the last few weeks I just figured we would let the others talk themselves up I figure we would just let our actions do our talking I mean look at our first tag match together we beat Capo and Jehst and all they did was blame CodeTerror when they would have lost either way.
CJ unzips his bag and starts taking out his personal belongings.
O’Donnell: Yeah the atmosphere here tonight is something on another level. Tensions are high. I even say a few of the vets backstage looking a little worried. WrestleLution is where legends are born.
Brief pause by CJ as he pulls out a box from his bag.
O’Donnell: Here.
He hands the box to Ricky who looks a little perplexed at CJ’s gesture.
O’Donnell: If we are going to be a team we have to look the part. And Rag you are absolutely right actions do speak louder than words. So let Hollywood Money and Code Terror get into a pissing contest it will only benefit us.
As Ragnarath opens the box. Smiled seeing the new attire bringing it out of the box.
Ragnarath: Thanks. Man we will look like the real deal tonight speaking of which I wanted to talk about the match tonight these ladder matches can get hectic so you will probably see me take some risks just because I do doesn't mean you should or need to don’t force anything and the titles will be ours.
O’Donnell: Gotcha so basically we are going to play safe wrestler and unsafe wrestler. Have no fear as The Celtic Dragons climb that ladder of success and change the tag team division forever.
The camera fades out as both Ragnarath and O'Donnell look ready for this huge
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Drink your vitamins and say your prays hoot!
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Get ready!! |
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