As the camera comes into focus, we see The Steve and Casey Paine walking down a hallway, carrying on a conversation.
The Steve: Hey, you remember the time The Steve convinced Poison to drop a deuce in Sara Sykes’ gear bag?
Casey shoots The Steve a disgusted look.
Casey Paine: Must you really bring that up?
The Steve cuts her off.
The Steve: The Steve thinks that was funny. The Steve doesn't care what you think.
Casey: Whatever. By the way, when are you going to drop the third-party gimmick? It's been 9’s time to give it up.
The Steve: The Steve has no idea what you're talking about. The Steve has always spoken like this.
Casey: Steve! I know you outside of OCW. I know you don't actually speak like that on the outside.
The Steve: Nonsense.
Casey: Jonsey, don't lie to me.
The Steve whips his head toward Casey with a very angry look on his face.
The Steve: The Steve told you never to call him that.
Casey: I’ll make you break one day. So, are you pissed your match against Sean tonight isn't for the title?
The Steve: You of all people should know that it was never about the title. It's always been about the disrespect towards us. The Steve…
As The Steve and Casey turn the corner in the hallway, they run into Sean McGee.
Sean McGee: Sons and bitches…
The Steve & Sean immediately get in each other's faces and look like they could come to blows at any moment.
Casey: Speak of the devil. How ya feeling, champ? Oh, wait a minute…
Casey starts to chuckle to herself, but neither Sean nor The Steve pay it any attention.
The Steve: The Steve thought you were going to take care of business? It looked to The Steve like while you're tough in the ring, you just can't close the deal when it counts.
The Steve: Because of that, you cost both of us the main event at Wrestlution, Sean. You cost us a bigger payday.
The Steve: But more than that, more than anything else, you exposed yourself. You showed that maybe the things The Steve has been saying about you was right. Maybe, just maybe, that you're not as savage as you let on.
McGee looks The Steve up and down.
McGee: Sean McGee not Savage? Are you and Versus serious?
The Steve and Casey look at each other confused.
The Steve: Um, you do realize this is Cas…
Sean jumps in before The Steve can finish.
McGee: When you mention my name make sure you put some RESPEK on it. Do yourself a favor, and don't make this worse than its already gonna be.
Sean removes his sunglasses and stares The Steve in the eye.
McGee : I want you to look me in my eyes and tell me you have a shot in hell tonight.
The Steve glares back at McGee and begins to speak.
The Steve : Tonight your going ....
McGee : Are you finished or are we done?!?!
BUFFNESS storms between the two as he makes his way to his locker room. After Sean walks away, Casey notices the angry look on The Steve’s face.
Casey: You know that thing we were talking about before that happened? Well, maybe it's time you reconsidered.
The Steve drops his head and sighs.
The Steve: I guess maybe it is…
Casey: Come on, I have something for you.
The Steve and Casey start walking down the hallway toward the Inner Circle locker room. As The Steve and Casey walk down the hall talking, Leonheart comes into view.
Casey immediately goes silent and a look of pure hatred flashes across her face. The Steve notices this and the two stop walking. As Leon gets nearer, he smiles a dookie eating grin. Casey smirks and snickers.
Casey: Heh, look Steve, its one of the..."
Casey giggles to herself.
Casey: ...'Outer Square'..."
Casey holds her hands up and makes quotation marks with her fingers.
Casey and The Steve laugh. Leon just continues with his dookieshoe eating grin as he begins to walk by.
Leon: Casey, hows the eye?
Caseys laughter immediately stops and she starts to jump towards Leon. The Steve quickly grabs her by her shoulders and pulls her back. The Steve turns his head to watch Leon pass, who doesnt even return the look. As Leon passes, The Steve chuckles under his breathe.
The Steve: The Steve says lets go. Hes nobody. You got more important things to be doing right now anyways.
Casey bites her lip, still slightly struggling to pull away from The Steve. She then calms down, nods her head, and smiles.
Casey: You're right. His time will come.
Casey watches Leon walk away down the hall for a moment, then The Steve, with his hand still on Caseys shoulder, turns her around and the two continue to walk down the hallway again.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Looks like both men are ready to go to war!
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It ain't about Championships! It's about RESPEK! |
The camera opens onto a hallway backstage, the OCW logo and the Wrestlelution 10 logo plastered around the hall on a variety of labels and printouts.
There is a general buzz around the backstage area, people are running around, hustling from point A to point B, each person with a purpose.
One man strolls through the chaos, in white and orange ring gear with a t-shirt over his top. As the camera focuses to see the words “Drop the Mic, Start a Fight” on the front of the shirt, it becomes clear who the viewers are looking at. The Voice of the Purge, The One Man Revolution, Bobby Minio.
He walks casually, confidently, through the bustle of the Wrestlelution 10 crew, his eyes locked on the lens of the camera. He finally stops about ten feet from the camera, as the buzz of the crew backstage and the chaos in frame seems to instantly bleed away.
Bobby Minio: When I arrived in the OCW, I had no Ambition show to apply my personal ambitions. I had no rookie rush match to introduce revolution.
Bobby Minio: I had my body, my mind… and my mic. Without a platform specifically designed to make me stand out, I stood out. Above my peers and above my superiors. Above my betters and above my employers. I stood out. Because me?
Bobby Minio: I stand out in a crowd.
With a deserved smirk, Minio gestures around the hallway backstage, where the shine of his attire and the glare of his ego truly do, stand out on screen.
Bobby Minio: From the moment I signed a contract here at the OCW, I was pitted against the best that OCW had to offer at that current era…
Bobby Minio: I also went head to head with the best OTHER eras had to offer. I was never backed down. I was never shut up. I kept bringing it with both barrels and tonight, is the culmination of that.
Bobby Minio: It is time to face the facts. I am OCW’s veteran killer.
Bobby Minio: I make the wives of wrestlers happy. Because even though I put the bodies of their husbands through physical hell… I send these old timers home.I make them realize that this… this isn’t for them anymore.
Bobby Minio: This is not their house anymore.
Bobby Minio: They belong at home, fingers locked with their wives, watching their favorite shows on their DVRs, cutting the crust off of their old ass kid’s sammies for their sacked lunches… I send the old boys HOME to their families… and the wives… they love me for it.
He glances over his shoulder, his attitude still dripping with confidence, or, more specifically, arrogance.
Bobby Minio: So in a few minutes… I’m sending another man back to his family. Or maybe, I’m sending this burnout slob back to his drum circle. I don’t really care where Versus goes, but I know he’s gonna be gone.
Bobby Minio: The vet killer will strike again and when I’m done, I’ll finish sweeping away the rest of the old timer’s sewing circle FOR GOOD.
Bobby Minio: … and they say the classics never go out of style. Pfft.
As Minio waves his hands dismissively, the electric vibe of the crew around the hallway kicks back into high gear. The noise quickly soaks up the sound of the backstage area, with the crowd washing over Minio and the camera alike. As quickly as it had dissipated, the chaos regains control and the scene fades into the next segment.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Bobby called out The Legend Versus, and tonight they will fight!
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Bobs gonna knock Cheech back to Chong, bank on it! |
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Up next the wolves look to cement themselves as top tier as they take on not one but two legends, in Leonheart and Smythe D. Wonder!
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This is going to be the true proving ground! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I don't belive what I just saw.
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I am speechless! |
One would think that Tiberius Octavian Dupree wouldn't participate in OCW Wrestlution 10 Fan Access earlier this week. Once again he has proven to be unpredictable and contrary to common logic.
Some would say Dupree is too savage to interact with the public in an acceptable manner. If his recent highly publicized run in with the Federal Communication Commission wasn't a given then possibly his altercation at Booker T. Washington High School a month ago definitely is.
Nonetheless he's participating, he's sure to receive a shiny award for just walking in the door. OCW's most loyal fans are in attendance, Trisha Waldrop former host of "OCW In Your Crib" and current OCW Executive Ambassador of Social Media Relations is running the event.
The former OCW World Champion and Forefather of the Ambition Era seems to be content answering fans questions and signing autographs. Quite out of character compared to his recent behavior of being quick tempered and highly bitter. Is it the possible calm before the raging inferno? Quite possibly.
A man with a large forehead and double chins asks him a well placed question. A question no one has thought to ask the Canadian Dragon recently.
Doubles: Why do you hate Ryu Matsumoto so much, what really happened between you two?
Dupree: I'll tell you exactly why kid.
Doubles: But I'm not a kid, I'm 42.
Dupree: You still live with your mother don't you?
Doubles just puts his head down which is basically a yes. Tibby continues.
Dupree: Thought so kid. Anyway most people in OCW don't know Ryu like I know Ryu. He's never truly cared about anyone but himself and I even say that loosely, as Ryu Matsumoto doesn't care about anything.
Dupree: You may call this petty or whatever but it went down hill when he lost The House Show DVD. That DVD was rare footage of all our best Ambition house show matches including the last time all of us were on the same Ambition show together...a priceless relic.
Dupree: A relic I often used as a sovenier and reminder of how far we've come in this business. It was something very close to all of us...and Ryu just didn't give a....
Wary of being embarrassed by the FCC, Tibby watches his words wisely. As he also doesn't want another 5 digit fine to pay off.
Dupree: It's that carelessness...that lack of self awarness that pisses me off the most. While we were working our tails off night in and night out he just rode that momentum skyward to create this mediocre nitch he calls a career for himself.
Dupree: He never snatched OCW by the throat like a Dimsmore or Patolomai, he didn't captivate millions with his charisma like a Betterness or Overness...he was just...just there. The 5th horseman driving a trash truck.
Dupree: Anyway so the big night before my championship match against Jacob Trance, a match I didn't want to work to begin with I ask Ryu for the DVD. Of course he doesn't know where it is and doesn't really care- as a new episode of some lame anime is about to start.
Dupree: Of course I go on to lose to Trance in one of the worst performances of my career. I mainly blame Sensation for that travesty...but Ryu played his part. But in truth it's not the DVD or the match...It's the Ambition thing that boils me kid...that's why I hate Ryu Matsumoto so much...
Tibby stands up, no longer just talking directly to Doubles and Trisha. Now he's standing on the table talking to the world.
Dupree: So tonight...tonight in front of the world I'm going to bring the Savage Ambition out of Ryu by eating his goddamn lunch! I'm going to beat him so bad he won't contemplate retirement, he'll only contemplate stardom.
Dupree: Tonight he will either Ambition or Die!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Tonight 2 men who have forged two very different paths will pen the final chapter.
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Tears will be shed, Hair will be dyed, Trash will be dropped! |
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