* K.D'Angelo is caught walking in the back by Stacy Clark after the vicious beating of The Artist, Earlier in the Pre-Show!*
Stacy Clark : K.D ! K.D ! What was that about?!
* K.D'Angelo doesn't stop just keeps walking . Then Stacy unwisely reaches out and grabs the behemoth by the arm . He stop turns toward Stacy then backs her slowly into a wall . He leans over to her and grins .*
K.D'Angelo : I told you and everyone else , It's harvest time !
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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A good showing earlier from K.D!
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K.D has been in every Future Investment in the history of OCW and has yet to win one. So instead he chooses to assault the Artist who did! What a JERK! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp
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Austin begins to pace around the ring waving his arms in the air wanting the crowd to get louder. Sid Harrison rolls put of the ring, reaching under it as he pulls out a t shirt Cannon and a bag of what we can assume is #Influence T shirts which are only available at HausOmarvelous.com…
Austin drops down as he rolls out of the ring, picking up a microphone from a stage hand…
Austin Lee: "#Mic Check."
Crowd: "#!"
Austin Lee: "#Marvelous!"
Crowd: "#!"
Austin Lee: "#Classy."
Crowd: "#"
Austin Lee: "#Influence……. How is everyone tonight ?"
Austin stands in the middle of the ring looking out to the crowd as Sid stands in the middle of the ring. Sid shooting the t shirt cannon off which catches Austin off guard causing him to jump.
Sid Harrison: "#My B….."
A SidBerg chant begins to grow starting from the Turmoil fans which leads to the riot fans being #Influenced to join in also as a SidBerg chant becomes louder.
Sid Harrison laughing as he looks over at Austin who responds with a nod. Sid begins to shoot the t shirt cannon spinning in a circle as Austin ducks out of the way.
Austin Lee still crouched out of firing range: "Easy Big fella don’t blow up before you get to the love shack. We would hate for the lucky winner to not get a SidBerg who isn’t at full strength…."
Sid Harrison puts the t shirt cannon down nodding at Austin who returns to his feet.
Sid Harrison: "The love shack is my power, as long as I have that. I have all my strength."
Austin shaking his head in shame as Sid continues to fire t shirt cannon.
Austin Lee: "#My ears…..#My ears…… The millions and millions of people watching this glorious night via their television screens do not need to hear that…
Austin Lee:
The night where past meets presents, the night where the pecking order changes, the night where it is nut up or shut up, the night you sink or swim and finally the night where you reach up and grasp that brass ring or you Fall short and never be talked about again…."
Austin pauses as the crowd begins to cheer.
Austin Lee: "Just being in this ring ladies and gentlemen is a big deal to me… I sat where you all sat when I was just a #Little Marvelous one at wrestlution 2 and every Wrestlution after that.
Austin Lee:
Hell I wanted to be on this card so bad I even tried to disappear for a few weeks and just show up before the show in hope I would be booked.…Hell it worked for most of them."
Sid Harrison shooting the T shirt Cannon:"#Shots Fired…"
Austin Lee: "Didn’t work out for a match as this show as it should be is a tribute for those who made it possible for me to do what I do best and #Entertain the masses of the OCW universe."
Austin Lee: "But ladies and gentlemen unlike the boys who paved the way for us….. Me and my Big buddy…."
Austin puts his arm around Sids shoulder as he shoots the T shirt cannon again.
Austin Lee: "Are just getting warmed up as they are slowly heading back to their retirement home."
Sid Harrison shooting the t shirt cannon again: "#Shots Fired."
Austin Lee: "Now before the big fella blows his last load here… or they cut my microphone off."
Crowd: "#No #No #No."
Austin Lee:" To the boys tonight representing Turmoil we salute you all…. And to the boys that paved the way we thank you….
Austin Lee:
Without your hard work we wouldn’t be here. Now to celebrate 10 years of OCW…. “The Single Mother Thriller” Sid Harrison has the winning ticket number in his hand.
Austin Lee:
Now to just find the lucky winner who gets to spend the rest of the night in the love shack as we cheer on our buddy B-17 to the Turmoil Heavyweight Title."
Sid reads the winning ticket off as the lucky lady quickly jumps the railing running into the ring and jumping into Sids arms. Sid begins to make his way out of the ring and up the ramp as he carries the lucky single mother up the ramp to the love shack.
Austin Lee: "Dear lord what a way to celebrate 10 years here. #Cheers ladies and Gentlemen #Turmoil 4Life #Stay Influenced."
Austin drops the microphone down and bows to the crowd and turns facing the locker room and bows paying his respect for the rest of the show before rolling out of the ring and heading towards the sky box with the love shack.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a couple of #cutups!
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Up next two of OCW's best talkers, let actions speak louder than words!
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This is gonna be fun! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Dennis walked into his bathroom with intentions of taking a shower but stopped when he caught his reflection in the mirror. The one time the company gave him a dressing room of his own, and he couldn’t even enjoy it.
Shirtless, Dennis frowned as he looked at himself in the mirror of the dressing room designated for he and his partner in crime.
He was bruised all over and wondered how he had fallen so far, even though he was one of the few contracted in the company with gold.
He wasn’t feeling much like a Champion walking into the evening. He had been staring at himself for at least thirty minutes. A sad sigh escaped Dennis’s mouth as he observed himself.
His fists were clinched like he was ready to punch Ed...or Abbot, whomever he could find first. His fists had been like that for days, the tension in his body was normal at this point. Worst of all were his eyes, conflicted at best.
Dennis suddenly jolted as there was a knock on the bathroom door. He assumed it was a staff member who would eventually tape his ribs. He heard movement from behind the door, but decided to ignore it.
Madison crept up and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. She was wearing nothing but a large Jurassic Parker t-shirt (available at HausOfHoot.com) with nothing underneath.
He stared into the mirror at the two of them. Dennis turned around and grabbed her with almost predatory as he lightly shook her.
Dennis: The hell have you been? No call, no texts. Nothing. Then you just….stroll in here like ‘that’?!
Madison wrapped her arms around his neck and shrugged.
Madison: You left me alone. I was vulnerable, and paid the price for it. You tell me our partnership is over only an hour before a mad man drops me through a table...and you expect answers from me?
Dennis: I was worried.
Madison: You should have been there to stop it...but then again, I wasn’t there to stop you from dismantling his bikes. I’m sure he’s going to be even more aggressive with you tonight.
Dennis: He will pay for what he did. No matter how many times he knocks me down, it won’t stay down. You have my word.
Madison: I’m not liked here. My intentions with you have not been the most honest nor pure. But everything you have, we did it together. I’m not sure where this partnership you dissolved goes from here, but i’m not a victim. Not tonight. Neither are you. You won’t be Champion forever.
Madison picks up the Television title and positions it between them while looking at their reflections in the mirror.
Madison: If tonight is our last night as a trio, then we need to make sure Ed doesn’t walk away feeling like a winner. Tonight, you need to show him ‘why’ you are the future of this company. What ever it takes.
Dennis turned to face the mirror, placing the title over his shoulder.
Dennis: ...What ever it takes.
Madison: What ever it takes.
Dennis slowly turns his head to look down at her attire. He blinks several times. Not that she was barely clothed, but at ‘what’ she was wearing.
Dennis: ………..Parker?!
Madison gave a slow shrug.
Madison: What can I say? Hall of Famers Fascinate me.
The camera leaves the locker room and pans back to reveal Joe Zhivago standing by the open locker room door, listening in on Dennis and Madison.
Joe: That's right Madison - Dennis won't be champion forever - not if I have anything to do about it...
Joe strokes his beard thoughtfully before turning and stalking off down the corridor. The camera fades...
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What the heck is all that about?
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I wish I could tell you! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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Casey hops down off of the turnbuckle and swings the old OCW Womens Championship up onto her shoulder. She motions for a mic and the ring announcer hands her one through the ropes. Casey walks back to the center of the ring and raises the mic.
Casey: Well, well, well. Look at what i just so happened to bring with me tonight.
The sold out arena fills with cheers. A chant of 'Ca-sey has crabs!' ***Clap, clap...clap, clap, clap*** 'Ca-sey has crabs!' starts up. Casey shakes her head and smiles.
Casey: Really?
The 'Casey has crabs' chant turns into 'Youve got her-pes!' ***clap, clap...clap, clap, clap*** 'Youve got her-pes!'. In the ring, Casey laughs.
Casey: Never gets old!
Casey again shakes her head as the crowd settles down.
Casey: Anywho, as I was saying, look at what I have here.
Casey shrugs her shoulder motioning the Womens Title.
Casey: Ten years ago, at Wrestlution One, this Title right here was introduced and OCW had its very first match to crown its very first Womens Champion. And just who might have been in this match you may ask yourselves? Hmmmm...
Casey scratches her chin as if thinking.
Casey: I think it was someone named Tryce Quinn. And just who was that other chick? The name is on the tip of my tongue.
Casey continues to scratch her chin. She then suddenly holds up one finger as if a lightbulb went off.
Casey: Oh, thats right, it was...ME! Yours truly!
Casey bats her eyes and pretends to blush, then curtsies as the arena fills with cheers.
Casey: And the winner of that match? Who, oh who could it have been?
Casey shrugs her shoulders and smiles.
Casey: Ah, yes, it was lil ol' MOI!
Again the arena fills with cheers. Casey begins to mockingly blow kisses towards the crowd and pretends to wipe away tears of joy. Casey then laughs to herself.
Casey: And while were on the subject of winning Womens Championships at Lution, Alex Robinson, howd your Title match go tonight, hun? Hmmm?
The arena fills with 'OOOOOHHHHs!' and then laughter as Casey giggles to herself.
Casey: Ya see, Alex, Ive noticed you've had a little hard on for me the past couple weeks. You like the way it feels when my name rolls off of your tongue. Well listen up, hun. You got something you wanna say to me, here I am.
Casey takes a step back and stares up towards the rampway. She extends her arms out to her sides as if saying 'Here I am'.
Casey: Nothing? No cute little comments or snide remarks?
Still nothing. Casey reaches over and rubs her OCW Womens Championship.
Casey: Maybe youd like to come down here and try to take this from me?
Casey: Alex Robinson, youre the next contestant on The Price Is Right! Come on down!
Still nothing from the top of the rampway. In the ring, Casey laughs.
Casey: Yeah. Thats what I thought.
Casey shakes her head and laughs.
Casey: I do however wanna take this time to congratulate OCWs new Turmoil Womens Champion. Sophia, from one Womens Champ to another, congrats!
Casey pauses for a moment still smiling.
Casey: Just watch yourself kid. You never know who might just show up to try and take it from ya!
Casey winks into the camera.
Casey: But anyways. Lets see,...just why am I out here tonight?
Casey looks over to the Title hanging on her shoulder.
Casey: Thats right!
Casey motions towards the Title.
Casey: MY OCW Women's Championship. And when i say 'Mine', I do mean its 'Mine'. This Title has been inactive since 2007 when I ran all of the original women out of the division. It hasnt been seen on TV since 2008, where it has hung above by fireplace ever since.
Casey pauses, shakes her head, and lowers it. When she raises her head again, she has a sad expression on her face.
Casey: And if any of you know my husband, my sweet, sweet T.i.T, then youll all know that it was a sad and lonely hanging Title all by her lonesome.
Casey pretends to wipe a tear then laughs.
Casey: Just playing dear. You know I love you!
The arena fills with laughter as Casey motions for them to settle down.
Casey: Ok, ok, ok. Lets get to the point. Why am I out here tonight? Why do I have my OCW Womens Championship? Im sure some folks in the back probably think that Im out here just to proclaim myself the 'New' OCW Womens Champion.
Or that Im out here to put myself into a match for the Womens Title, cause, well, you know, thats what us Legends do! We only here for the Titles and the Title shots!
Casey laughs to herself.
Casey shakes her head and laughs.
Casey: 'Savage Era'? More like 'Pampers' or 'Huggies' Era.
Casey starts to laugh again as the arena joins her.
Casey: No, Im not out here tonight to name myself the OCW Womens Champion. Im not out here tonight to put myself into a match for it.
This Title is long retired. I am however going to have a match tonight. And,...this Title WILL play a part in said match.
But its NOT on the line. No. Tonight, tonight Im GIVING this Title,...MY Title,...away. As a gift. Ya see, you folks are in for a special treat tonight.
Tonight you get to witness LIVE, an OCW first. For the past 5 years I, along with a few select others, have been training a very special person. A very special someone. Someone who is very dear to my heart and like family. Someone that i have known since they were born.
Casey pauses and smiles.
Casey: It pays getting old in this business cause you get to witness this type of thing!
Casey laughs to herself.
Casey: Someone who at the age of 19, has dominated the Independent scene for the past 3 years. Someone, whos... FATHER... I know for a fact wanted to make this announcement themself a couple of weeks ago, but was so rudely interrupted...
Casey: ...A Father that all of you just so happen to know I might add.
Tonight, OCW, it is with great honor and privilege that I give this special young lady her VERY first match here in OCW.
For her to have her debut match at Wrestlution 10! And for me to give my OCW Womens Championship Title to her as a gift to show her how proud I am of her and all of her hard work.
Because I know in my heart that some day she will earn her very own Title and some day her plaque will be hanging in the Hall of Fame right next to her Fathers and all of the greats who have trained her. OCW, everyone here tonight and everyone watching around the world, I proudly bring to you OCWs VERY FIRST second generation superstar,...Majins daughter...Willow!
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That was unexpected!
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Word! |
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