The Arena Explodes in a cascade of Pyro technics as the Official Wrestlution 10 Theme blares.
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The Official Wrestlution 2016 Theme Song
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Welcome everyone to WRESTLUTION 10!!!!!!!!
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We made it 11 Years later we have made it!! I can't belive it!!! |
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What a long strange trip it has been to get to this point! Tonight get set to be amazed, because for the first and perhaps only time 2 Generations of OCW Wrestlers are competing tonight!
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All those WHAT IF's, All those Dream Matches! If you ever thought what would happen if X fought Y tonight you will find out! |
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I got goosebumps, we are jampacked to capacity! The Pre-Show was amazing tonight will be the stuff of legends, so lets get to it!
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Strap in, it's gonna be one hell of a ride! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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The crowd is ecstatic as The Inner Circle Club pace the ring taking in all of the cheers. A deafening chant of 'I-C Club! I-C Club! I-C Club!' starts up as Our Hero motions for some mics. From off camera we see someone hand some mics into the ring. Casey goes to get the mics and passes them around. Casey then raises her mic.
Casey- "Who loves you? We love you!"
The Steve- "You're either with us!!"
Versus- "Or youre against us!"
Nate "Were taking over!"
Majin- "OCW...its survey time! Are you here to see...O C Dubya? Are you here to See Ambition?? Ooorrrrr... Are you here to see The..."
Majin holds his mic to the air as the sold out arena explodes in unison:
Crowd- "I... C... CLUB!"
Our Hero is sort of face palming while the crowd soaks it up!
Our hero- "Guys, guys, GUYS!!!!!, CHILL, b. Thats so 2008ish and Wrestlution 3. This is 2016, and this is....WRESTLUTION 10!"
The crowd explodes into a roar again.
Our Hero- "Now THAT,...was just... too..."
Our Hero holds his mic to the air as the arena erupts in unison once again:
The group in the ring all begin to laugh. Casey then raises her mic.
Casey- "Ok, ok, ok. Now that we got all of that outta the way.
Casey- We just thought wed come down here before we get this show started and give ya a lil run down of some of the matches all of you folks get to witness LIVE tonight.
Casey- Well,...Ok,...OUR matches. And well,...seeing as how Im not even ON the card tonight, guess well just be skipping lil ol' me."
Casey pauses and smiles.
Casey- "Yeah right! This is Wrestlution 10! The mac daddy Pay Per View of the DECADE! You think lil ol' me aint got something up MY sleeve? Well, folks better think again!"
Casey winks into the camera before we pan to Versus.
Versus: Tonight, I get to show the rest of know what, I'm gonna call it like it is. Tonight, I show all the non IC Club Members, that not only do I have smoke left in the tube, but I got a fresh bowl packed and ready to toke.
Cereal just crossed paths with the wrong guy, on a day that I don't remember. But thanks to Casey, and DVR, I saw what happened, and I didn't like it one bit.
Versus: So to prep for this next match, Casey and I took a little trip down Mexico way. I had to load up on some...special match enhancements, and I got inspired on that ride. I'm not sure if it was the trees, the breeze or some of those DD's...
Casey looks at Versus like "really dick?"
Versus: Not yours, those strippers, remember? They kept bouncing them off my head and I'd go "boing, boing", and then that one chick kept telling "my herpes is in remission", over and over and over?
Casey: She was hot...probably worth the herpes.
Versus: I guess we'll find out.
The IC Club laughs and some gag a little in disgust.
Versus: Regardless, tonight's not about herpes.
Tonight is about mosquitos.
The cockiest of all insects. Sure, you can wear spray, an OFF belt attachment, surround yourself in a net canopy, but no matter what, when you kill them, they have their little needle thing in your arm, a little of your blood in them.
I already dropped enough blood last week, and tonight, Cereal, your mosquitoing days are over.
Versus ducks and swings his arm over his head...
The rest of the IC Club, and the audience watching live and at home, saw nothing.
Versus: Dear God...this is bat country!
The Club looks at Casey as she giggles. Casey looks back, at them, and shrugs her shoulders.
Casey: Match enhancements. Hehe.
As the IC looks at Versus in confusion, we pan to Majin.
Majin- "Matsuda,... for years youve wanted this match. Youve wanted me. Well, tonight... you get it. Tonight, get, You say youve watched me since you were a child.
Majin- Since you were a boy. Youve dreamt of this moment since your boyhood in Japan. Well,...Matsuda,...tonight youll come to realize that that dream wasnt a dream at all for all of these years.
Majin- No, Matsuda...tonight,...tonight youll realize that that dream was actually a...nightmare. And tonight...Matsuda,...tonight your... 'Boyhood Nightmare'...becomes a... reality."
Majin looks into the camera and winks.
Majin- "Where you at Guy?!"
The crowd pops at Guy Faustos name.
Majin- "Tonight Matsuda, going to show you,...reality. Tonight,...Matsuda,...Im going to show you whats its like to be inside, mind!"
The camera slowly starts to pan towards The Steve next.
The Steve: The Steve was prepared to come out here and make a big speech about how Sean McGee has shown us legends absolutely no respect, and how The Steve was going to beat the respect into him. the Steve isn't going to do that.
The Steve: But The Steve has come to the realization that beating respect into you is a futile effort. It's gone far beyond that. The Steve thought there was hope for you, but ever since you lost the OCW championship, all hope was lost.
The Steve: You showed your true colors when you lost that title. You showed that all you are is a piece of s**t human being.
The Steve: The Steve was all worried about you showing him respect, when the The Steve should have made you earn his respect in the first place.
The Steve: Tonight Sean, you need to earn The Steve's respect, because right now, you're just a transitional champion who's going to quickly fade away.
The camera moves along to Nate Ortiz.
Nate: You know what I had to get something off my chest, standing in the ring with Versus I can’t pass this chance up.
10 years ago we were 300 miles south of here and you beat me for the OCW Championship at Wrestlution 1.
You are a grade a jerk for that. All these years I haven’t said a thing but I wanted you to know that.
Nate smiles.
Nate: But you are my brother and it’s great to see you standing in this ring again with my. As it is with you Casey, Steve, Majin and Dad.
We’ve all been through a lot since Wrestlution 1. Casey remember my time with T.O.P.? Steve remember that time you stabbed me with all those needles?
Or Versus that time you ran in and Dime bag dropped me in that retirement match with Kage?
Casey, Steve and Versus all shrug and nod.
Nate: Dad you remember when you recruited Majin to throw my off that cherry picker?
Our Hero: I don't know what you're talking about Nate.
Sensation and Majin look away like they didn’t hear anything as the crowd laughs.
Nate: You know that old adage, “Time heals all wounds”, its true. I can say that standing with these 5 individuals and the times we had.
And they were good times, good times, but, regardless of our storied pasts we are all here together to write the next chapter in the never-ending story of OCW.
Nate: Tonight we all have our roles to play. Mine isn’t that of the hero or the villain. I’m not here to be that guy. I play gatekeeper tonight to a hallowed hall that all of us hold plaques to.
Nate:Tonight Paul Pugh gets to prove once and for all that he belongs on the same perch that we do. I get a chance for add number 6 to my championship wall.
Nate: I know what this night means to you Paul and nothing would make me happier than to leave you with a memory like the one I have from Wrestlution 1. Laying on your back as pyro goes off celebrating a new champion.
Nate:You know I’m not afraid to sweat, not afraid to bleed, Mr. OCW, The Gatekeeper, The Francize, Nate Ortiz!
The camera then pans to 'Our Hero' Jaysin Sensation.
DOO-RAG Sensation is in full effect as he adjusts the straps on his SWEEP THE LEG Doo-Rag. He paces around the ring looking at each and every member of the "Inner Circle" Which totally doesn't exist.
Our Hero: This is some what poetic, I am standing in the ring 11 Years later with the very same people that helped make OCW what it is today. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a day like this would come.
Our Hero: A day where at Wrestlution of all places the 10th Wrestlution of all places we would have not only the Golden Era, but the Ambition era and The Savage Era....Unreal.
The Crowd Chants This Is Awesome
Our Hero: If the lights go out tomorrrow, if the moon crashes into the earth, I will be glad to know I got to spend it when my extended family.
Our Hero points to The IC and Then To The Crowd!
Our Hero: They said we wouldn't make it, they said we couldn't make it, they try even to this day to capture the magic, to clone, to replicate, to imitate.
Our Hero: But as I say, Often imitated, NEVER DUPLICATED. And why? because the pretenders may have funds, they may have warm bodies, but they lack the crucial piece of the puzzle.....
Our Hero: Hard this game you can't half ass it, I have poured every ounce of my mind, body and soul into this place for the last 11 Years, I have dealt with heartache, both literally and figurativly, all forms of maladies, complications, chaos, mutinys, coups, politics, powerplays, I have helped shape a generation, build other organizations and I have also helped destroy them single handedly.
Our Hero: This game you people think you know, this is my life. This is why we are the best, this is why 11 Years later they are bashing the doors to compete, the legends, the future, the present et cetra....
Our Hero: Hard Work......
Our Hero: Tonight is our swan song gentlemen and ladies. Tonight we scream to the high heavens 11 years strong and say to the new generation, we here now.
Our Hero:
Tonight win or loss we prepare for battle, tonight we walk the walk that we talked about in years past. Tonight is about proving we are who we say we are or we go down swinging for the god dam fences!
Our Hero: And tonight 1 man looks to undo all of it. One man looks to like so many others try to take what is mine, try to take what is ours......that man is none other than Mugen!
The Crowd Boos
Our Hero: For nearly a year Mugen has done everything in his power to make my life a living hell. And he almost succeeded, I fought back he learned the hardway....and even still I find myself in that all too familar place of fighting for my company against impossible odds.
Our Hero: I thrive on the impossible!
Our Hero: Much to the surprise of no one
everyone once again says I can't do it, that it is a forgone conclusion but history says tonight Mugen you get your wish, you step up to the plate against the Boss.
Our Hero:
I am sure you will have people chomping at the bit to see you take me to the wood shed but you have to understand something.....but before I tell you..
Our Hero looks to the IC.
Our Hero: I know tonight is our night, but I ask you guys to stay out of my fight. Everyone assumes when things get bad Nate will come save the day, and hell now we have The Calvary!. But I need to do this alone, I need to prove to these people I got what it takes.
Our Hero looks into the camera.
Our Hero: As I was saying Mugen, everyone thinks you have the advantage, because you are younger and stronger. But you know what happens when you put a wild animal in corner right? He does everything in his power to survive.
Our Hero:
This old dog still has some teeth left, and you will have to kill me to take what I built. Are you ready to do that Mugen? Can you do that Mugen? Are you capable of that?
Our Hero: Because I know I am....
Our Hero: To quote my son in law, I ain't afraid to sweat I ain't afraid to bleed, Our Hero is gonna cripple your monkey ass, Guarandamteed!!!
Our Hero: Purge...Mugen...
Our Hero: Get Prepared.....
The IC walk around the ring smiling and nodding their heads in approval for the crowds cheers and reactions. The group then all give the 'Too Sweet' hand sign and begin to make their way up the ramp playing to the crowd and another deafening 'I-C CLUB! I-C CLUB! I-C CLUB!' chant fills the arena.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I got chills!
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You and me both! |
DISCLAIMER: This scene was recorded prior to the show
The scene opens in a doctor's surgery. Jimmy Henry is sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at some scans his doctor, Dr. Roberts, is showing him.
Dr. Roberts: There's no way you are fit enough to fight in a steel cage match, who agreed this?
Jimmy: I don't know. I only got the message after Turmoil, it's all been a bit rushed. I think Bradley sees it as a selling point to have a criminal like Tank, literally locked in a cage.
Dr. Roberts: Regardless, it's a terrible idea, look at this scan...
The doctor holds up a scan of what is clearly a brain. Jimmy stares at the scan, somewhat confused about what he is looking for.
Dr. Roberts: These dark spots here are scarring of the brain. One too many chair shots. Any more concussions for you, and there could be permanent brain damage.
Jimmy looks at the doctor blankly, unsure of what to say.
Dr. Roberts: And look at this...
The doctor holds up an x-ray of Jimmy's spine.
Dr. Roberts: Your spine is totally mangled. You could be one "botched move" or "big fall" away from ending up in a wheelchair for the rest of your days.
Jimmy: But, doc, I have a massive match at Wrestlelution 10 against Tank. I have to defeat him. I owe it to my mum & my country. And I owe it to myself.
Dr. Roberts: Irrelevant. Without surgery, you shouldn't be wrestling at all, nevermind a steel cage match. I'm gonna have to tell the bosses.
Jimmy: No, let me do it. At least let me keep my dignity.
Dr. Roberts: Keeping your dignity should be the least of your worries. I mean it Jimmy, it's time to be realistic. You need to face up to the fact that you are not built like these guys.
Jimmy: Sure doc, if you say so.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This doesn't feel wise!
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Common sense has never been his strong suite! |
Scene opens to Tre Golden Backstage. He has Golden beat headphones on bopping his head to music as he tapes up his wrists and his fingers for the night, he stops as his golden iPhone 6 rings and he answers.
Tre Golden: Hey! You made it! Can you believe it! Wrestlution! What section are you sitting in? Yeah I'll come meet you guys and you can come backstage and meet the fellas and get you into the friends and family skybox…..
Golden looks taken back by the answer from whoever is on the other line of the phone.
Tre Golden: You sure I mean I can get you the best seats in the house… They're my friends…. Nate seems like a creep but he's a great guy…. I swear….. He was just off guard Leon came from nowhere…..
Tre Golden: I have to go get ready, but enjoy the show I'll see you when it's all over and Leon and smythe are done for…. My heads fine don't worry, still a little dizzy from the punt to the head, but we both know something like that won't stop me….
Nathan Carter now comes in and gives Golden a “what's taking so long look”, Golden holds up one finger and mouths one second.
Tre Golden: I really have to go now, I'll catch you later.
Golden hangs up the phone as the camera pans to Kassidy who has yet to change into his Lution gear just wearing his standard street clothing. Nathan and Tre on the other hand are ready to rock and roll as we learned a few minutes ago.
Tre Golden: Tonight fellas… Tonight's the genesis of our revolution, of Wrestlelution.
Tre Golden: Tonight we show the world, that the New blood is taken over, and as much as they geriatric has beens so desperately try to cling onto their former glory, their destruction is inevitable.
Tre Golden: We have Kassidy Hayes, The Vampire King of Turmoil. Tonight he reclaims his throne that was unjustifiably stolen, currently inhabited by the Drunken Fool that is Jackson Montgomery.
Tre Golden: Nathan Carter, and I the golden wolf will end the Legends of Leon Hart, and Smythe D. Wonder. Ushering in the next era.
Tre Golden: Xander Rane….. Wait where's Xander?
Kassidy Hayes: Where Xander has gone can not be on our mind, Tonight is the coup de grâce, Tonight you two put down legends on the grand stage and I take back my Title.
Tre Golden: I know, I just tried to say that epically, y’know? Someone's always fudging
Missing. Whatever can't be helped.
Tre Golden gives a Kanye Shrug.
Tre Golden: I just seen Jackson down a fifth of jack a second ago, it's doubtful he will be even able to make it down the ring without blowing chunks…. But Caine….. Caine is Tricky, not very strong, but a weasel. You loose? Mind right?
Kassidy: I’m ready to go out there and bury them both after breaking their necks with a Turn. I’m walking out with MY belt and throwing Jackson’s away in the trash where Jackson’s career will stay while I hold the championship.
Kassidy: As for Caine, distracting him is no longer viable so from here on out, he'll have to learn his place below me at whatever cost it comes by.
Tre and Kassidy fist bump Ragnarok style and head in different directions as the scene fades out.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Wolves are ready to Rock n Roll!
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Tonight could very well be there night! |
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We kick things off with perhaps one of the greatest rivalries of our time. As Jimmy Henry and Tank look to finally settle the score.
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Both men enter the Steel Cage in what looks to kick things off with a BANG! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Good god old mighty! He is broken in halves!
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He's done it! He's done it! |
The scene took place earlier today where Leonheart is outside the Santa Clara, California arena. Leonheart is at his car picking up his in ring gear for later in the night.
Leon has left his boot open but Leon is at the front of his car digging out one of his bags. As Leon looks up, he can see a tail sticking out at the back of his boot.
Leon having no idea what it is goes to check. Leonheart gets to the back to see a big massive Lion in his boot, it seems to be tired but Leonheart realises this is not any ordinary lion.
Leonheart: "And you must be Bubba?"
Leonheart puts his hand out, Bubba roars ferociously but Leon loves animals and is not afraid. Bubba Lets Leon stroke him.
Leonheart: "You hungry?"
Leonheart goes into his pocket and pulls out one of his penguin chocolate bars. He unwraps it and tries to feed it to Bubba.
Voice: "No please!"
Drago comes running in.
Drago: "Bubba, I'm be look everywhere for you!"
Leonheart: "Relax, I am a natural with animals."
Drago: "Chocolate can kill him! No good!"
Leonheart: "I thought that was just dogs?"
Drago: "Nope."
Leonheart: "Well dookieshoes
Leonheart throws his penguin chocolate bar over the fence. Drago whistles Bubba to get out of Leon's boot. Bubba yawns before leaping out.
Leonheart: "You ready for your match tonight Drago?"
Drago: "I am always ready for the Wrestlution. You ready for the Raganrock? You ready for Smythe Sperm Whale to be your partner?"
Leonheart: "I am ready, with or without Smythe. Tonight I am going to go out to that ring and do what I always do best and put on a show. "
Drago: "Sound good."
Drago has some padding in his hand which looks like it can be built into a seat for Drago to use on Bubba. He goes to bubba and starts to put on the padding.
Leonheart: "You know Drago, when I got to fight you back at the Certified Greatness. No one has ever beaten me like that since my days of fighting Nate Ortiz back in 2007. I don't care what people say but right now you're the man to beat."
Drago stops for a second and looks at Leon, you can tell both man have respect for one another.
Leonheart: "When I survive this battle tonight and show the world that I never lost it. I just want you to know it's been a long time since I held that championship you have on your waist right there."
Leonheart points to the North American championship.
Leonheart: "Streaks are made to be broken, Chris Mania had one of the greatest streaks of all time and the one to beat him for it, was me. Then the scumbag you all know as Parker took away my amazing undefeated streak right here four years ago on the biggest stage of them all."
Drago: "After I'm deal with Camelbones, you got it: anytime, anyplace."
Leonheart: "I respect that Drago but first I have to earn my shot again. I have to show you and everyone in OCW that I deserve an opportunity for that championship so I will do that because I know..."
Leonheart looks at Drago.
Leonheart: "If I want to be the best again? Then I need to beat the best and the best, is you."
Drago: "I'm appreciate that Leon. When you gotta do what you gotta do, I'm wait. I have match to prepare for."
Leonheart: "As do I."
Drago finishes the padding for Bubba which reveals a seat for Drago to use. Drago climbs on up, Bubba begins to start running with Drago on top.
Drago: "Later Leon."
Leonheart: "I have got to get myself one of those.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Both look ready to rumble!
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But anything can happen! |
The camera pans to the front of the arena, a car roars down the road and into the back part of the stadium. 500 HP of Japanese Muscle comes to a stop at the wrestler's entrance.
Ryu Matsumoto steps out of a blue Lexus RC, he grabs his gym bag and looks up at the stadium. He smiles and slings the bag over his shoulder and walks down the barricaded off for the talent.
The fans gathered around begin to chant "PLEASE DON'T GO" Ryu smiles and waves to the crowd, high-fiving some of the fans as he walks by and signing autographs.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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It's going to be an emotional night for Ryu!
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Doesn't matter Dupree's GONNA TAKE OUT THE TRASH!!!! |
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