The bell rings as Drago slowly stands up. As he stands up, he realizes that his legs are too wobbly and he uses one of the ropes as leverage. The referee hands him the North American Championship as the crowd cheers.
Drago notices that Crossbones is only barely starting to stir. Drago leans on the ropes, waiting for Crossbones to finally stand up and make good on his end of the deal. Crossbones looks around at the crowd, taking his time.
The camera pans back to face Drago, behind Crossbones. He turns to face Drago, who is ready for him in case he tries to make a break for it. Crossbones leans his head downward as he removes the legendary "Mask of Bones".
He holds the mask in his hand as Drago holds a hand out. The hunter's not exactly eager to get the mask, as he realizes its importance to the pirate. Crossbones shakes his head as Drago is unsure what to make of the situation.
Crossbones finally makes a decision and plants the mask onto Drago's hand. He makes his way to the ramp as the crowd claps for him in admiration. Drago looks back at the ramp and does the same.
Crossbones keeps his head down as he makes his way to the back. The camera pans back to the hunter as he puts the mask in his vest pocket. Drago then raises his North American Championship up high as Bubba slides into the ring.
Drago notices him and points to a turnbuckle as he and Bubba climb opposite turnbuckles and celebrate their victory. The crowd goes nuts seeing Drago and Bubba celebrating. The feed fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
Say what you will about that scoundrel but he is good on his word!
Oh stop it! |
Scene opens to Tre Golden sitting in the same chair from earlier, now drenched with sweat and his face in his hands.
????: You never do change do you?
A Tan skin woman appears in front of Tre Golden, her deep warm eyes, piercing into Goldens own.
Tre Golden: Kyra! Where's the professor?
Golden looks around her expecting to see another.
Kyra: He's not coming, you're lucky I did. You always have the world by the ass, always have everything you want right in front of you, and you mess it up!
Golden gives the woman a stern look.
Tre Golden: I don't need this right now Kyra…. I'm not in a good mood.
Kyra: You should be celebrating right now, but no… You always have to prove that your better, that you're big macho Tre golden and you're the best in the world and whatever drivel you tell yourself, you had Leon dead to rights, and you tried to show off and embarrassed yourself.
Golden quickly gets up and gets into the woman's face, he backs down after a second.
Tre Golden: You're the only women who ever actually scared me.
Kyra: And you're the only man I let continue to disappoint me, no one expects you to win all the time Tre Golden, but I expect you to rise to the occasion like you used to, not be too high to walk down the ramp and running around with other grown men clad in leather and ball gags, who leave you high and dry as soon as there is a hint of trouble.
Kyra: Do you enjoy repeating the same pattern again and again? Messing with the drugs, with the women, landing in jail? Do you want to lose everything, do you want to stay a loser?
Tre Golden: I'm not a loser Kyra! haven't you been watching? Haven't you seen what I've done here in just mere months?
Kyra: Sports don't make a winner Tre, actions do, why haven't you learned that yet? You think hurting innocent people with those other psychos in that group you call Ragnarok makes you a winner? It's the opposite, my father always says……
Golden grabs the chair that he was sitting in and throws it hard into a wall leaving a gaping hole.
Tre golden: FLUCK what you father says! It's always some idealistic bullsh*t that doesn't work in the real world, you don't know dookie about it Kyra, you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth…..
Golden points to his chest.
Tre Golden: But a guy like me had to fight for everything!
Tre Golden: I don't need you, I don't need Your father, I don't need Ragnarok, I don't need anyone!
Kyra gives him a disapproving look, and shakes her head.
Kyra(sighs): Call me when you're finally tired of breaking my father’s heart, and you finally want to start really winning. have fun with your friends, wonder when the next time they'll screw you over…….
She turns and quickly leaves the locker room, leaving Golden alone. Golden begins to call out for her, but he thinks better of it. He leans against a wall and slides down to his butt.
He sits for a moment, before letting out a sigh and picks up his iPhone. He dials a number from his contacts list and places the receiver to his ear.
Tre Golden: I know I turned you down once, I thought Ragnarok was gonna change the world, that my power and Nathan vision would take us to the top….. But I'm starting to see the truth, you were right. If you want to make it to the top, you need friends at the top, and I think we can be very good friends.
Tre Golden: I understand, I'll see you on Riot.
The scene fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
Does this mean Tre is turning his back on Ragnarok
He needs to turn his back to a towel sweating all over the place! |
Jim Black is seen backstage, mic in hand, standing next to OCWs newest female wrestler, Willow.
Jim Black- "Hello ladies and gentlemen, Jim Black here. It is a privilege to have with me at this time OCWs very first, and only, second generation Superstar to ever compete in this company, Willow."
Camera pans to Willow, still wearing her wrestling gear from earlier, who seems to be staring off, completely ignoring Jim Black.
Jim Black- "First and foremost, on behalf of OCW, I would like at this time to welcome you to OCW and to congratulate you on winning your debut match."
Willow continues to ignore Jim Black, staring off into her own little world, with a soft innocent smile barely showing on her face. Her head slightly tilts and lightly, almost unnoticeable, begins to gently sway from side to side.
Jim Black- "Do you have anything you would like to say or tell us about your match?"
Willows demeanor doesnt change.
Jim Black- "Casey Paine, someone who has been like an Aunt to you your entire life, was brutally attacked right before your match. Can you give us an update on her condition?"
Willow continues to stand, staring innocently off into space.
Jim Black- "Tonight we seen former OCW Womens Champion, and another woman who has been like an Aunt to you for the past 10 years, make her return and tag with you, Sara Sykes. Your thoughts or comments?"
Nothing. Jim Black begins to slightly look confused.
Jim Black- "Ok. Maybe we can talk about your Father, Majin. What was it like growing up with..."
Willows head suddenly shakes as if coming to. We slowly start to see an all to familiar sinister, demented, twisted smile begin to show on Willows face; a smile that OCW has seen a million times over the years from her Father, as she cuts Jim Black off. In a soft, gentle, almost whisper:
Willow- "Daddy begun tucking me into bed and I told him, "Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” He looked underneath for his amusement and seen me, another me, under my bed, staring back at him, quivering and whispering, “Daddy,... there’s somebody on my bed."
Jim Black stares at Willow with an uncertain look on his face. Willow then smiles her sweet, soft, gentle, innocent smile and starts to walk away. Black raises the mic again, and speaking from the corner of his mouth, as if wanting to make sure Willow doesnt hear him:
Jim Black- "I guess the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree."
Willow then slowly walks back into the cameras view, still smiling. Suddenly she arches her back, violently flinging her head backwards, and lets out a blood curdling, bone chilling screech, screaming from the top of her lungs.
Both Jim Black and the cameraman jump, startled. Willow then again smiles ever oh so innocently into the camera, and turns and begins to walk away again. As we begin to fade we see Jim Black just standing there not certain what to make of what just transpired.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
Well it's a good thing, Majin's daughter is exactly as nuts as her old man!
I'm going to tell them you said that. The Zombie Nate will come to get you! |
Oh man It's time for the Co-Main Event of the evening! Our Hero, Mr.Sensation the C.E.O of Online Championship Wrestling takes on Mugen, with the company hanging in the balance!
This is going to be huge, its a NYC Street Fight, whoever walks away has control over our very lively hoods. Oh man my stomach hurts now this could be bad! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
Oh My God!
Woah! |
B-17 had come up short. Yet his demeanor was conflicting. Although he was shaking a drooped head, small bursts of laughter would escape his mouth. It wasn't the walk of a disappointed man, more so that of man that had quickly accepted what had happened.
An interviewer quickly caught up with him: B-17, having lost, can you express your disappointment?
B-17 stopped abruptly: Disappointment? He considered his words for a moment before continuing: Tonight, I brought my anger, I brought my rage, my hate, my sadness. Tonight I brought my demons. Not to be the best but to ensure that I left every ounce of emotion in the ring.
B-17 considers his words again before continuing: I couldn't accept either one as champion until I knew, until I knew that they were willing to bleed the way I've bled, sweat the way I've sweat, until I knew how much it meant to them. Was he the better man? Tonight, maybe, but B-17 will fly again.
B-17 walks away with a smile on his face. He makes a few more turns down the confusing hallways until he takes a left. The hallway lights begin to flicker.
B-17 watches them bemused until they turn off, leaving B-17 in utter darkness. He stands there for a few moments before a the far end of the hallway a sudden illumination breaks the darkness.
The single light in the distance reveals the dark unmistakable silhouette of Duayne Hobbs.
B-17 sneaks down the hallway, wondering how many doors he passes harbor Hobbs numerous henchmen. He stops just short of the circle of light: I was wondering when I would see you again.
Hobbs: I work better from the shadows, Mr. Caine. Allows me to do my work in peace.
Caine: How theatrical. Caine looks around and motions with hands.
Hobbs: Appropriate for tonight, I guess we both felt like demonstrating our thespian art, but perhaps the time for showmanship is at an end...
Hobbs claps his hands and the lights suddenly return to their previous brilliance. The light now reveals Caine’s suspicion, behind him the hallway is now packed with men and women, all staring at Caine.
Hobbs: You brought your anger, rage, and hate tonight. I bring power. The power to control, the power to influence, the power to......
He claps his hands again and the the crowd of people begin to file out of a nearby exit.
Hobbs: The power to command respect.....
Hobbs points at Caine with his index finger.
Hobbs: Seize the power, Mr. Caine. It's not hard to see, it's right there in front of you.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
What to do, what to do.
Do the right thing CAINE!!! |