Cameras go backstage where we see Majin in what appears to be the loading dock. Hes sitting on one of the loading crates, cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, writing something over the tape on his right hand.
As we move closer, we notice 'Willow', Majins daughter, wrote on his left hand, and hes now writing 'Inner Circle' on his right. Without looking up, Majin begins to speak.
Majin- "Matsuda,... these two names right here are the main reasons that im back in OCW. A couple weeks ago, I was going to make an announcement that my daughter was waiting medical clearance and that she would soon be debuting in OCW. Matsuda,..."
Majin pauses and looks up into the camera.
Majin- " prevented me from making that announcement."
Majin hits his cigarette. He holds then exhales through his nose. He stares into the camera for a moment then looks down to his right hand. He draws a circle around 'Inner Circle' then tosses the black sharpie to the ground. He then looks back into the camera.
Majin- "Matsuda,...THAT was mistake number one."
Majin hits his cigarette, then blows the smoke into the camera lens.
Majin- "Mistake number two? Simple. Simply thinking this old man doesnt have it in me any more. That this old man cant... hang... with you and the new kids on the block."
Majin slowly starts to smile.
Majin- "Tell me,...Matsuda,...hows that mark,...on your chest that i gave you the other night on Riot feeling? Does it burn a little? Slightly sting?"
Majin faintly laughs to himself.
Majin- "You see,...Matsuda,...what you felt on Riot Tuesday night was just a,...small,...taste of...reality."
Again Majin smiles.
Majin- "Matsuda,..."
Majins voice gets soft, almost a whisper.
Majin- "...I AM...reality."
Majins head twitches. His eyes get wide for a split second an a quick demented grin quickly flashes across his face. His voice then raises again back to normal.
Majin- "Despite my age,...Matsuda,...despite my shape and despite my conditioning,...i AM reality. Reality never changes. You see,...Matsuda,...what you see in front of you right now, exactly what everyone saw in front of them 10 years ago when i debuted in OCW. Im not a 7' tall 500 pound monster. Monsters hide in closets and under beds to scare small children. Im not a 6'6" 300 pound..."
Majin chuckles to himself.
Majin- "...'Roid monkey'...with a body that looks like it was chiseled from stone and can bench press a car. Whats the point of looking like that when you run from your own shadow? No, see,...Matsuda, 5'10" 240 pounds of,...REALITY. I dont hide under beds to scare kids. I dont,,...from my shadow. No,...Matsuda,...just like,...reality,...Ill walk right up to you and punch you in your face. Ill kick your teeth down your throat, then stomp you when youre down. Reality is...pain. Plain and simple. And thats what i bring. I AM pain."
Majin pauses to hit his cigarette. He holds for a moment then exhales through his nose. He motions over and across his scar covered face, then down to his right knee at the word 'PAIN'.
Majin- "You see this,...Matsuda? THIS is reality. Tonight, not only are you going to,...feel pain,...but youre going to,...SEE,... it coming. Every time i knee you in your face tonight, youre going to SEE pain coming before you feel it, and youre going to tell yourself, 'God Damn this is going to hurt!'. And despite what you try to do to stop it, its inevitable. You CANT stop it. Regardless of how hard you try,...its going to happen..."
Majin smiles a sinister grin and laughs to himself.
Majin- "...whether you like it or not. Thats reality,...Matsuda. And tonight,...youre going to meet it head on."
Majin hits his cigarette one more time. He inhales, holds, then exhales through his nose before rubbing it out onto the crate hes sitting on. He then hops down off of the crate and flicks his cigarette butt to the floor.
Majin- "Matsuda, i think we both know that tonights not going to be a 'wrestling' match. No. Im going to hurt you tonight,...Matsuda. Tonight youre going to find out why im an Icon. WHY im a Hall of Famer. I didnt get into that Hall of Fame for my..."
Majin again chuckles to himself.
Majin- "...'Wrestling' abilities. No,...Matsuda,...I got into that Hall for,...hurting...people. And Matsuda,..."
Majin pauses and the demented, deranged smile slowly starts to show on his face again.
Majin- "...MATSUDA, GOOD at what i do."
Majin again laughs to himself.
Majin- "Matsuda, better end this quick if you can. Cause im not going to. No,...Matsuda, not going to stop when i have you beat. Im not going to end this,...reality... until i get,...bored,...with you. Then,... and only then,... Ill give you a Legally Insane DDT,... and walk out of here a two time OCW Ex. Division Champion. And tomorrow morning,...when that... REALITY...sets in,...youll realize that this old man does still have it. Regardless of how you feel or what you think about it, theres not going to be anything you can do about it. Youll look into the mirror and see your reflection,...and see REALITY staring back at you. And at that point,...Matsuda,...youll realize,..."
Majin pauses and smiles. He then slightly leans into the camera and whispers:
Majin- "...REALITY... is a bitch!"
Majin suddenly lets out a surprisingly loud psychotic laugh.
Majin- "Matsuda,...OCW,..."
Again Majin whispers:
Majin- "...Welcome to my mind."
Majin then begins to walk away from the camera. As we begin to fade we see Majin getting ready to walk around a corner just as Nathan Carter turns the corner coming from the other direction. The two nearly bump into each other. Both men stop, not taking their eyes off of each other, and dont say a word. We see Majin smile and slowly nod his head 'Yes' before turning and continuing down the hall.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This feels very forbodeish!
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I agree! |
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Up next The Savage Era vs The Golden Era!
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This is going to be a war! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That was everything I expected!
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And more! |
The camera pans back to the locker room as a figure's back is shown with his orange, and blue zip up, sleeveless hoodie, with the hood up, his hands sitting palms down onto the bench.
????: Who am I you may ask? You see. I'm Anthony Baker. THE "Dynamic" Anthony Baker. The new face here in OCW.
A hand slowly raised to the back of his hood as he still faced with his back to the camera.
Anthony: You see. I've always thought that becoming a fan of roses would be a big turn for me. Purple Roses you see. Look a lot better than regular roses.
Anthony quickly stood up and turned around to face the camera before he leaned down and placed his palms back to the bench.
Anthony: I have decided. To become a rose pedal to Tyler Rose's rose as he is the foundation. We are a unit. Together, the purple roses may roam successfully through the OCW.
Next to Anthony stands a man in a purple suit with a black tie.
Tyler: The foundation of the rose has something to say to the peasants who are afraid to let beauty into their life.. Remember when I said purple roses cause enchantment... Well I have enchanted one into my army, this is only the beginning..
Tyler picks up a vase that was behind Anthony
Tyler: you see.. on a rose their is many pedals not just one.. Anthony my most faithful soldier.. is only the beginning their are more.. but they will be reveled when that time comes, but for now enjoy the rest of the show and remember, you can not help but love us once you see us
Tyler reaches for his pocket and removes some purple pedals.. throws them to the camera then it fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Rookie Beauty? The Foundation of a Rose? The Purple Roses? Rose Soliders?
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It's 2016 Charles, stop being so closed minded! GOD! |
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Up next the mother of all Ex-Division bouts!
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Man this isn't going to be pretty, this isn't going to be two technicians fighting. Its going to be the aerial frenzied style of Matsuda against the 2006 always move forward rush style of Majin. Throwback! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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(puts away hoverboard) Good heavens those two fought tooth and nail!
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I don't think this is over by a long shot if I am honest! |
The scene opens up somewhere in the arena in a room that has been painted completely white from the walls to the floors to the ceilings. The only thing in the room is a glass desk with a kendo stick lying on top of it.
The Solution AKA The Lord of the Lariat AKA The Emperor of the Enzuguri AKA The Future Ruler of OCW AKA Mugen, walks into view wearing a white leather coat with a hood on his head. With his back to the camera during the whole time, he walks right to the desk and picks up the Asian beat stick with his left hand.
Mugen: Sensation. There have been four stages that lead to the final chapter of this game of life you and I have been playing.
Mugen holds up a his index finger on his right hand.
Mugen: Mind....... I am smarter than you in every aspect so do I really need to rub it in? 1-0 Mugen.
Mugen holds a second finger in the air.
Mugen: Body. Look at me. Now look at you. Do I need to say more? Victory for the Lord again.
Mugen holds up a third finger in the air.
Mugen: Spirit. It's safe to say that The Voice and The Messenger have shaken you up enough for me to claim victory there.
Suddenly, Mugen strikes the desk shattering it into pieces.
Mugen: The fourth stage, is my favorite. Horror. Horror is the best way to describe how bad I am going to destroy you tonight. Horror will be the best word to describe the faces of all the fans in the crowd tonight. Horror, will be the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize you no longer call the shots around here.
Mugen points at the shattered desk.
Mugen: This............this is just an example of what can happen to you. This is an example of your power in OCW........gone......shattered......finito. Sensation. It takes two to tango, but it only takes one to mangle..............your face. And that's me. Get prepared.
Mugen starts laughing as the scene cuts to static.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Mugen has his sights set on OCW.
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Can Our Hero stop this mad man? |
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