We turn to the scene of Drago's dojo, with the camera focusing on a nearby table with the Godfather Trilogy on Blu-Ray on it as well as some bags of food and large drinks from Taco Bell.
The large cups have already been consumed, and Drago is eating what is presumably the last of the tacos. The camera pans over to Drago Cesar, who is eating some tacos, and Bubba sitting on the couch, looking directly at the camera.
Bubba reaches down and pulls out a few signs from the floor. He holds them up to the camera as they read...
Bubba holds up another sign.
The lion drops that sign and holds up another.
Bubba holds up another sign while Drago finishes the last taco. After quite a lengthy burp, he goes over to the Blu-Ray player and puts in the first Godfather movie.
Bubba walks closer to the camera so that the viewers can see the small text on the bottom of the sign.
"Warning: Drago's stomach hates Taco Bell. Viewer discretion may be advised."
Bubba puts the sign away as the hunter attempts to one-up one of Crossbones' legendary feats.....
The camera fades in to find Drago clutching his head with his hands. Bubba looks on in concern.
Drago Cesar: This was terrible idea, this was terrible idea, this was terrible idea......
Bubba grunts to get Drago's attention. Drago answers back, still intent on watching these films and not failing the challenge.
Drago Cesar: I CAN DO DIS!
We fade in to see the animal hunter now in the fetal position on the couch, rocking back and forth as his stomach growls intensely. Bubba growls as well, as if to tell Drago to forget about the challenge.
Bubba rolls his eyes. The hunter resumes watching the trilogy.
TV: ...I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart......You broke my heart!
Drago Cesar: Oh Bubba, he gonna make him humble just like how I'm gonna make the Camelbones humble!
Drago attempts to move, but his stomach growls with such intensity that he reels back, clutching his stomach. The camera fades to black.
We fade back in to the closing moments of Godfather Part III. We see Drago still in the fetal position on the couch, his stomach rumbling like mad.
His eyes are wide open, not even blinking once. Bubba's gaze switches between looking at the TV and at Drago, waiting for the precise moment when he can make his move.
The film finally cuts to a black screen as the credits start to roll. Bubba then immediately drags the hunter's leg with his teeth to the nearest restroom.
Bubba finally gets Drago to the restroom and slams the door shut. He then moves over to the camera and holds up another sign.
Drago can be heard from inside the restroom.
Drago Cesar: I am INVINCI- UGH!
Several ungodly noises can be heard from that room as Bubba does us all a favor and switches the camera off.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well that's one way to Push It To The Limit!
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You are disgusting. |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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Parker continues to play to the booing crowd, nodding and swooshing his furred cloak around his shoulders , and tilting his crown off to one side , he cusps a nad up to his ear , mockingly looking as if he is listening to the crowd , with his other hand he removes a mic from his back pocket.
Parker : What's that I hear you ask? Why the crown? Well , that's a good question...
Parker : Wrestlution 10..the biggest show in this companies HISTORY....legends coming out of every nook and cranny to collect those green stacks , rolling back the years , reminding people of glory years gone bye...and yet , something is a miss.
He removes the crown from his head, and places it under his arm.
Parker : My invitation to the party seems to have gotten lost in the mail....all these 'dinosaurs' once again roaming the OCW lands and yet me, the KING of the dinosaurs wasn't invited to the party?
He holds the crown high in the air , and then places it back on his head once again.
Parker : Versus, The Steve , Majin..even Nate has been wheeled out for his one day world tour , now, don't get me wrong, it's great to see them back , and as a fan , I'd be creaming in my tighty whities right now at what this means for OCW's future...but I have a little message for you all.
Parker : First off I want to say WELCOME BACK! Always nice to get some high calibre talent through the door, instead of the usual Ragna-raff that's been seeping through recently.
Parker : And secondly, You're welcome.
Parker : You see, I dragged this company, kicking and screaming , through the years you were gone , the 'dark days ' , I survived the crumbling of the 'Golden Era' , I survived mayhem' reign , and I witness the birth and rise of the 'Ambition Era' , and I destroyed the Ambition era , ME , I dethroned their 'He-Man' , I watched it all crumble and fall , and I rebuilt it all , I re-built Snake Mountain, granted I didn't do it all alone , I had a little help , from , and I can't believe I'm going to say this...Dupree.
Parker spits on the floor.
Parker : Ew , that's a horrible taste....So you're welcome that you have a place to return to , to once again basque in the adulation that you had long forgotten.
Parker : And I'm not gonna lie, it was tough , you have no idea what I survived , what I had to endure....Trevor McManus as Champion , Chris Ryder in the Main Event scene , Alex Robinson as GM , the Main Event of Wrestlution 5....
Parker : The retirement of Leonheart...the return of Leonheart...The retirement of Leonheart...the return of Leonheart..The retirement of Leonheart...the return of Leonheart..The retirement of Leonheart...the return of Leonheart..The retirement of Leonheart...the return of Leonheart....
Parker : Do you have any idea of the mental strength it takes to endure that punishment?
Parker : And did I get so much as a thankyou on your return? Nope....but that's ok, I never wanted nor expected such a thing.
Parker : But to not have a seat at OCW's biggest table is unacceptable , and not only that , but to be bumped off the card for rookies ...ROOKIES....I mean...they aren't even people , they are rookies! The only place a rookie has at a PPV is to carry the bags of the legends!!
Parker : So what I'm goi..[he is cut off mid sentence]
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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Kwan sees the crowd hitting the Kwan, and he nods in approval to the dancing the crowd does, then Kwan gives the crowd a great big smile, Kwan then grabs a mic from one of the ground crews, and looks at Parker
Kwan: Parker what were you going to do?
Kwan: Because to me it just seems your crying, and this is Wrestlution biggest party of the year,and anything can happen, but one thing you getting ain't match tonight.
Kwan watts smiles at Parker to annoy him
Kwan: Parker the sad truth is no one cares about you anymore
Kwan: People wanna see the cool people like Nate, the Steve,Majin, and versus
People cheer from hearing their favorite legends names, and Kwan nods his head to the crowd and looks back to Parker
Kwan: I know its crazy Parker that even rookies like Dennis,Nathan,tre,and even I had match, and you didn't
Kwan: But you can still have a lution moment just follow me, and carry my bags like you said rookie's only place is on a ppv, because it is your only place tonight.
Crowd chants carry his bags, while Kwan hits the Kwan
Parker is looking around the ring and the arena in bewilderment as this giant man parades around the ring infront ot him.
Parker : Erm , security, security? Time keeper , ring announcer , anybody?
The ring announcer stands up and acknowledges Parker.
Parker : Should we not do something about this? I mean, are we just letting fans and cosplayers in the ring now? This is a WRESTLING ring.
The ring announcer shouts to Parker and confirms that Kwan is not a random fan.
Parker : Wait a minute, you are trying to tell me that isn't The Rainbow Power Ranger? Are you SURE?
Parker : Seriously? Smythe on laundry day is a wrestler? An ACTIVE wrestler?
He hears Kwan take a step towards him, he turns round and gives Kwan the attention he deserves.
Kwan : My name is..[Parker cuts him off]
Parker : Hold on a sec there crayons , this is MY clubhouse, you are half way up MY mountain , Snake Mountain, and I am Skeletor around here...I ask the questions.
Kwan takes a step back, and nods his head, being respectful , with a small hope that he shall receive the same respect in return.
Parker : Now , these fans seem to be reacting to you like you are a wrestler , you seem to be out here to try and get some kind of recognition , and you seem to feel that by interrupting ME , you will get the results you desire.
Kwan nods his head.
Parker : Well , we seem to be at an inpass , as I have no idea who you are , what is your name?
Parker looks him up and down
Parker : The Giant ? Michael Blackson? Silent Night? C'mon boy , answer me so we can have this little conversation you seek.
Kwan cracks a wry smile on his face
Kwan : My name is Watts , Kwan Watts.
Parker : Kwan Watts ? Isn't that a measure of electricity.
Kwan begins to chuckle to himself.
Kwan : That's KILO Watts.
Parker : How is what I said any different?
Kwan : You're very disrespectful.
Parker : Oooh I'm sorry Dear Diary , am I upsetting you? Let's not forget , you interrupted me remember.
Kwan takes a step towards Parker, standing about 3-4 inches from his face, he reaches up and removes the crown from Parker's head, and then proceeds to remove Parker's sunglasses , he folds them up, drops them onto the floor and stands on them.
Parker looks down at his broken glasses , and then looks back at Kwan and begins to snicker.
Parker : You know , Kwan Watts , do you know what happened to the last person that stepped to me like that?
Kwan : What?
Parker : 9 months later she had my child!!!
Kwan : What??
Parker : I'm gonna *beep* you til you love me Kwan Watts!!
Kwan laughs and shakes his head.
Parker : You are lucky Kwan Watts , lucky that I have mellowed with age , if this was the 'Golden Era' and you'd have stepped to a Hall of Famer like this, say a Guy Fausto , or a Majin , you'd be in a chinlock or facedown with the hysterical laughs of Casey Paine ringing in your ears right now.
Parker looks out at the crowd and shrugs
Parker : Actually Kwan Watts , I'm not as mellow as I thought!
Parker proceeds to slap Kwan HARD across the face , startling the big man , Kwan responds by slapping Parker equally as hard , again Parker slaps him, and again Kwan responds with his own slap , neither men take their eyes off each other as they both take a step back , Parker slowly picks his crown up off the floor and replaces it upon his head , all the time focused on Kwan as Kwan slowly leaves the ring backwards , never changing his glance.
He continues to walk up the ramp , both men staring at each other smirking and nodding their heads , he stops when he gets to the top of the ramp and just as he turn to leave, he cusps both hands around his mouth and shouts at the top of his lungs.
Kwan : HIT THE KWAN!!!!
He disappears through the curtain as the crowd cheer and begin to 'Hit the Kwan' , much to Parker's disapproval.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Kwan think of your career, you don't want to start an issue with the King of Dinosaurs!
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BAH!!! Parker's washed up! go for it Kwan, MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS!!!!! |
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Up next a modern day retelling of David vs Goliath, DENNIS vs BIG ED!
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The Mastodon looks to dismantle the Television Champion and take what is his, or so he says! This can get ugly quick and it's next! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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By hook or by crook he's done it!
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I didn't but did, but didn't see that coming! |
The blackened room flickers to light, a lone figure can be seen leaning against a sink, hands either side , infront of a mirror, his head hung low, his wet , scraggled hair hanging down over his face , none of his features can be seen through the mass of hair, except the tip of a long , jagged scar running down the right side of his cheek.
A mask hangs by the strap from one of the taps on the sink , as the camera zooms in , it can be seen that this is no run of the mill luchadore mask , neither is it the mask of a monster , this is something completely different, this is the Mask of Bones , to some , the symbol of the Legend that continues to be written , the key to the lore ,the straps a dull, weathered leather , the actual faceplate of the mask , made of bone fragments , some say from victims of past conquests , of prizes taken and captains others , an old tatty looking mask that could be picked up at any fancy dress store in time for Halloween.
Crossbones , still looking down , his hair covering his face, begins to speak.
Crossbones : Are ye ready Quint? I hear the rumblings , I listen to the folk..they say ye can't be sunk...they say , ye are untouchable....that the gold around yer waist be cursed, a doom on any man that tries to part ye from it.
Crossbones : But what ye don't realize Quint, is that this right here [he points at the mask] This mask right here be worth more than any gold worn around the waist , more than any woman waiting for ye upon sandy shores.
Crossbones : This mask has seen things ye couldn't even dream of , it was there when Vane's light was extinguished , it was there when Teach sacked Charles Town...and do ye know what Quint? The things it's seen would drive any man insane , and ye want this Quint , ye willingly want this? Ye think that ye can continue the legend.....
He picks up the mask and slides it up over his face, fixing the straps in position and scraping his hair back ,so the glow of the flickering lantern exposes every ridge and inch of the mask.
Crossbones : Then ye must come and take it...but I will not go to the depths without a fight , I will not go quietly into that long good no....Ye want to wear the mask , then ye will have to pry it from my cold, dead , beat me, ye'll have to kill me!
He blows the light out as the room goes pitch black , the camera begins to fade as Crossbones begins to sing, in a low, menacing tone...
The Xtron Flickers On!
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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OCW's resident pirate is ready to fight to the death!
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Arrrrgggggh |
The Rhyme N' Slide All-Stars find themselves in the worst of situations. In court awaiting their manager and label owner The Artist formally Djesus Djones to testify in a pre-trial hearing for copyright infringement.
Buddy Burns and Yung Shanghai Lee are being accused by YDIZZY and kZm for stealing the lyrics to "BMW It's My Car" and GD X TAEYANG's "Good Boy". Buddy and Y.S.L. are ill represented, and I'm not talking about their mic skills.
They have no lawyer, the others have a team of lawyers. They don't even have a ounce of evidence, the others have folders, audio and videos of everything. Finally the Judge enters and everyone rises. The lengthy recess is at an end.
The bailiff smacks the side of the prehistoric television somehow rigged with Skype and The Artist formally known as Djesus Djones appears. This time he is much more composed than before, although still bruised from his post match beatdown.
JUDGE: We may proceed in the joint matter of RHYME TYME, Young Shanghai Lee and Buddy Burns, vs. YDIZZY and kZm/ GD X TAEYANG, did I say that right? Anyway..proceed with your testimony Mr. Djones…
ARTIST: The Artist ain’t saying SHIAT!, he got three words for you EFF, EYE, EFF.
JUDGE: Excuse me?
JUDGE: You know this isn’t a criminal matter, this is a Civil Case, you can’t incriminate yourself here?
ARTIST: Fo’ real?
JUDGE: Yes, you will be fine Mr. Djones
ARTIST: Aight, let the Artist tell you, it was all the bustas right here.
The Artist points directly at YSL and Buddy Burns, the two look back at him in shock, their jaws on the floor.
ARTIST: Yup, you look at all the LLCs, paperwork, patents, licences, permits, and documents, all Buddy Burns and Young Shanghai Lee. The Artist was just along for the ride, they told him everything was on the up and up.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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For the love of..
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Artist rolled over faster than a daschund on some snausages! |
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