Ryu lays on his back for a few moments in the middle of the ring, he closes his eyes and takes in all the sounds for a moment. He runs his hands through his hair and gets up.
He surveys the crowd, tears coming down his face, mouthing the words "Thank-You".
He turns to his left facing the crowd and bows deeply, he turns and faces right and bows deeply, he turns towards the announce crew, points to them and points to the crowd behind them and bows deeply.
Finally he turns to the stage and Tiberius Dupree on the ramp and bows deeply. Dupree looks up at Ryu and shakes his head, he slides into the ring and comes face to face with Ryu.
Dupree stares into the eyes of Ryu and he finally sees it, he sees True Ambition. The same fire and desire for greatness he sees in the mirror every morning.
All the hatred and dislike for Ryu instantly fades. Tibby extends his forearm mouthing the words "You are Ambition".
Ryu nods and grips Dupree's forearm. Dupree pulls him in, they exchange words only they can hear. Tibby then shoves Ryu, a brotherly shove then slides out the ring. Instead of throwing up the 4 fingers for the Ambition 4...he throws up 5 fingers instead. The Ambition 5.
Chants of "Thank you Spider" continue to echo throughout the arena as Dupree disappears into the backstage area. As Spider moves to step out of the ring, a figure in black gear steps out onto the stage.
His face obscured by a black Wrestlution hoodie, the stranger walks at a brisk pace to the ring, sliding in and smoothly transitioning into an embrace much to the surprise of Ryu.
The duo commence with some sort of childish complicated secret handshake. The hooded man appears to be sharing a few inaudible words with to which Ryu smiles and nods.
The two embrace once more before the hooded figure raises Ryu's hand in victory, a sign of a career well fought, turning to the hard camera and pointing at the retiring superstar with his off hand.
A keen eye might see that beneath the hood were tufts of feathered black and blond hair--it was none other than Matsuda. The theme song of the Sendai Drinking Boys plays. Matsuda bows graciously before leaving Ryu to his adoring fans that continue to chant.
Ryu follows behind Matsuda, after taking in the chants for a few moments, stepping through the ropes and hopping down to the ramp. He slowly makes his way up the ramp, stopping to high-five and shake hands with every fan that reaches out.
Once he reaches the stage he looks back to the ring, he turns away and raises an arm. After lowering his arm he takes a deep breath and steps through the curtains for the last time.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The End of an Era....an Era of Trash! You will be missed Spider aka Pink Spider aka Illuminati aka Trash Hoot aka Ryu Matsumoto!
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Take it easy hooooooot! |
We turn to what appears to be the inside of a tool shed. The walls seem to be lined with several hunting supplies such as nets, harpoons, etc. The door swings open to reveal Drago Cesar, backpack in hand. He looks around to see what could be useful.
He packs nets, a tranquilizer rifle with some darts, as well as what looks to be a whistle similar in shape to the one he crafted for the "Big Luke Bear". He blows on the whistle.......
Drago Cesar: SHARK! SHARK!
Drago chuckles to himself as he puts the whistle inside the backpack. He looks around a bit more and notices the trap door below marked "Special Equipment".
Drago opens this door and descends down to find a room filled with different outfits that Drago's used in the past; the vests, the camouflaged shirts, it's all there.
However, one outfit in particular stands out: it's the last one hung up on the wall. The sign above the suit says "Ultimate Soldier". The outfit is comprised of a green vest slightly camouflaged with pants to accompany it. However, there are two articles of clothing that stick out:
A pair of shades.....and a red headband. We suddenly get thrown into a montage of Drago lacing up his boots, zipping his vest up, loading his tranquilizer rifle, putting on his shades, and finally, tightening his headband.
The camera pans out to the outside of the toolshed where Drago stands against the sunset with Bubba at his side.
Drago and Bubba walk off as the feed fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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It wouldn't be Wrestlution without a Montage!
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OCW's Greatest Hunter is ready! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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Smythe D. Wonder and Blue Diamond stand in the middle of the ring. basking in a stream of boos as Smythe did not show up for his Wrestlution 10 match almost deliberately. Yet here he stands in the ring at the pinnacle of E-Wrestling with an elaborate entrance for the greatest show of them all like he planned it the whole time.
Smythe: Blue... This is Wrestlution. The grandest stage in the history of E-Wrestling. This is our Superbowl, our mantra... the base of our faith. Where legends are born, where they come to die. Where stars are risen and where power moves are made.
Blue: This is incredible. There has never been anything like it and there never will be. Which brings me to the question that everyone wants to know.
The crowd just starts to shout out crazy questions: "Why are you here?" "Why did you sell out?" "We want a fight!"
Blue: What possessed you to miss your Wrestlution match? Why are you even here tonight?
Smythe: I did everything according to plan. Once again people just can't play the cards they are given and I have been let down!!!
As the boos rain down Blue does her best to quiet the crowd which takes a while. Blue eventually puts her arm around Smythe in disappointment.
Blue: What kind of plan did you think you had going into Wrestlution 10!!!
Smythe: It was simple. Nathan Carter and Tre Golden were supposed to meet me and Leonheart in this ring tonight for a tag match at Wrestlution 10.
This is an obvious mis match. The only way anyone thought the rookies had a chance was if I were to knock Leon out in the middle of the ring.
The fact I was even coming to the ring had the Rookies afraid for their very lives. So I did them a favor and I left Leonheart alone to face Ragnarok by himself.
Smythe: We were supposed to see the upstart future of this business destroy the old dusty Leonheart and leave him for table scraps in the ring.
Smythe: I was supposed to witness the end of Leonheart and begin the process of taking OCW into the future.
Smythe: Instead I saw the death of Ragnarok. I saw the most embarrassing match in the history of OCW. My heart was broken.
Blue: So you planned to not wrestle tonight and you planned to come out after and attack Leon?
Smythe: I planned to bring in the evolution of OCW.
Smythe: But it looks like I put my eggs in the wrong basket.
Smythe: They can't beat an old dusty Leonheart 2 on 1.
Smythe: They're lucky I hated Leon enough to not show up for our match. If me and Leon actually teamed together they wouldn't have just walked out of the area with their head held below the very ground they walked on.
Smythe: They would have left in stretchers!!!
Blue: Don't you think that Wrestlution 10 won't be the same without you in this ring wrestling? You say you're the best, doesn't you not being in this ring take away from Wrestlution itself?
Smythe: Blue, this is the greatest collection of OCW superstars ever assembled in one show. This place is sold out, Legends are everywhere, I don't have to be in the ring.
Smythe: I just have to be here and here I am. There's a saying that goes something like, If you can't get what you want, when you want it.
Smythe: Just stand in the middle of the ring and tell the world that you're here, your waiting, and that it's hard to be this good, for this long!!!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What an utter asshole!
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But is he wrong? |
Bill Ding, the charismatic builder was surrounded backstage by women...always. With a chicken salad sandwich in hand, he told tales of main eventing the first fifteen Wrestlelutions.
Random woman: But this is number ten?
Bill: We count backwards, and stop at one. Focus!
Random woman: Oh…
These women didn't know any better. They weren't even fans, just followers of the fat man. Bill chewed happily, causing a bit of lettuce to land on a woman’s face.
Bill: Anyway...building is hard work. I built the Wrestlelution stage within an hour.
Random woman #2: Within an hour?
Bill: all on my own.
Random woman: How manly…
Bill Ding: Now then...how wants the D...ing?
Bill places an arm around both women and walks off. The camera pans down to a Lego set used to build the Wrestlelution stage, ramp, and arena...
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh Bill you card!
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I hate him! |
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Up next one of the worst blood fueds in the history of OCW. And it comes to a head next!
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The Tactican of OCW has done everything in his power to mentally destroy Tobin Frost. Tonight Tobin gets a chance at revenge, or does Monster seal the deal? |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a battle!
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This feels like a Match of The Night! |
We return to the pretrial hearing where The Artist has just thrown RHYME DMC under the bus for copyright infringement. YSL is trying to hold Buddy back as he’s now trying to hurdle over the table.
Y.S.L: You can’t jump through the TV dummy...Chill b.
Judge Trudy slams her gavel, Buddy calms himself a bit and sits back down. BMW Good Boys’ lawyers stand up with a handful of documents.
GOLDSTEIN: The Artist is right, and I have the evidence he speaks of. The signatures of Buddy Burns and Yung Shanghai Lee are on every document. The evidence is above and beyond reproach. I would like to immediately move in the favor of my client, in restitution of all profits gained at their expense.
The lawyer returns to his seat satisfied. The Artist can be seen on the 80’s TV being fed grapes, to Rhyme Tyme’s fury.
JUDGE: Do you have any evidence to present Mr. Burns and Mr. Lee?
Ambitionz of a RHYMER go into a small huddle for a few seconds the return and say simultaneously;
The room erupts in laughter, even the Judge cracks a small smile before slamming her gavel down repeatedly.
Everyone immediately calms.
JUDGE: Before I deliberate on a proper decision, I would like for Mr. Burns and Mr. Lee to be properly represented with adequate counsel. So I will adjourn this case to a later date.
Everyone rises as the Judge exits, the lawyers talk among themselves as Rhyme Tyme sigh in relief as we finally fade.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Saved by the Judge!
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They better call Saul or something! |
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