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Moments before he makes his way to the ring, “The Cyborg” Tyson Wagner comes out of his locker room pumped!
He is doing everything a gladiator would do before his event. Hopping, running in place, grunting, stretching you name it.
He is accompanied by his two American Bullies, King and Kong. They walk with him side by side with their favorite chews, elk antlers.
The camera crew comes barreling down the halls to get an interview with this man of few words.
One cameraman was ahead of the game and had a mic on a long stick to distance himself from Tyson and his dogs.
Cameraman: Tyson! Scaggs and Poling would like to have a word with you!
Cyborg grunting matches the same sound as he his dogs growling as the crew backs away from them.
The cameraman with extends his distance away from as Cyborg begins to speak.
Cyborg: Scaggs..speak. Poling….
Cyborg points his thumbs to King and Kong. The camera pans down to the two Bullies and they begin to show their teeth with the elk antlers in their mouth.
The camera pans back up to Tyson as he folds his arms to await the question.
Scaggs: Ok, Cyborg. We’ll make this very quick to ensure the safety of all of our OCW staff members.
Poling: (Scoffs)
Scaggs: Tyson, I see that you’re charged up and ready to get your hands on Ijitu Quartz and Rust Cohle.
Poling: Yeah just a few nights ago on Riot Quartz attacked you as you tried to give chase to The Snake Artist Cohle.
Scaggs: Your thoughts Mr. Wagner?
Tyson: Snake artist, Poling? You have your way with words about people sitting behind that desk like those pencil pushers back when I fought in the Philippines.
Tyson: In the Philippines I used to catch snakes and used them as lunch meat. They hide behind big headed rocks like Quartz. But tonight I won’t need a grenade launcher to decimate a rock and kill a snake.
Tyson: I can do the same damage a grenade launcher can all by myself. Wrestlution 12 is the beginning of the Year of The Cyborg Bully.
Cyborg’s can hear his music hit. He looks towards the stage and then back to the camera with a mean mug on his face.
Tyson: Hey, Scaggs. We’re in Orlando. Fire that grill up. I’m about to bring the lunch meat.
Tyson points to the ground signaling his Bullies to stay with the camera crew.
Tyson walks towards the ring as the crew is frightened to be left alone with King and Kong.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That man ready to start a war!
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Ya think? |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Wait....wait...wait! |
Gene approaches Cheryl and the two give a warm embrace. It has been a minute since the two have had a chance to see each other. The mood gets awkward as Cheryl sees Valkyrie pull up to the interview. Gene has made Capo’s Speak Easy studio very cozy. There is champagne everywhere and a few fans from all sides have been invited.
Gene looks at Cheryl and gives her a wink, and whispers---It’s ok, nothing goes down on my watch.
Gene: Good evening OCW, Welcome to Wrestlution’s segment of Speak Easy---I must warn you, it is hot and steamy here in the studio….
Fans get excited and cheer…
Gene: Im here with two very influential superstars here to discuss their upcoming match tonight amongst other things. For those new to the show, we are going to dive into this beef and find out what is really going on between The Cheryl Stixx and Valkyrie….
Gene: But first, my first question goes out to Valkyrie: Ok bish!! What have you done this season to prepare? I mean folks following you are still stuck in the woods with you. You bounced back….What happened??
Gene covers her mic and can be head saying: Mention my name and I will give you brass knuckles live and on spot………Gene then laughs playfully, then comes out with a straight stare….
Valkyrie: Ah! You are so funny Gene.
Valkyrie: Let’s make one thing clear: you, your little boyfriend Capo and miss Cowgirl over there are everything that’s wrong with this industry.
Valkyrie: I mean, think of all the kids that just want to watch a family-friendly wrestling show and instead are stuck with you three, babbling about money, fast cars and parties.
Valkyrie: But now I am going to make things right.
Valkyrie: I will win because that’s how fairy tales work: the Princess always gets to her Happily Ever After by slaying the evil Queen…
Genes quick temperment kicks in…
Gene: THIS AINT NICKELODEON!!...psshh---- Cheryl care to respond?
Cheryl: Ugh, Valkyrie you’re such a broken record girl. Seriously, can’t you hear yourself at all? I’m so not here for this Gene, I’m sorry…
Valkyrie: You are right, Cheryl. Let’s change the subject. Maybe we should talk about how I speared you through a TV screen on Riot 504…
Cheryl: Yeah, that’s right! You did! Congratulations Valkyrie, that was sooo bold. Attacking someone that was doing absolutely nothing to you, you just showed everyone the role model that you really are.
Cheryl: And if you really want to talk about it, ok… Let me just remind you that you were the one that ended up fainted on the top of that car. The thing is Valkyrie: you’re a failure.
Cheryl: You can’t be a proper heroine, because you’re unable to stand up for yourself without Aerith’s help. And you also suck at being the bad guy, because you end up crying, hurt and that’s far from intimidating. Maybe that’s why you choose to live in a fantasy realm, your reality is lame girl…
Valkyrie suddenly stands up, enraged by Cheryl’s words. The fans go quiet instantly, thinking the two might start brawling again. But then, she takes a deep breath and regains her composure
Valkyrie: I am not the one that surrounds herself with groupies and besties to compensate for her own insecurities, Cheryl. Everything I do, I do it by myself.
Valkyrie: And I don’t need Aerith to fight my own battles. As a matter of fact, I’m going to tell her to stay away and not interfere in our match tomorrow, no matter what happens.
Valkyrie: And just to be clear, I never asked for her help on Turmoil 200: I had everything under control...
Cheryl: Yeah, right… I’m sure you did.
Gene: Ok Ok Ok ladies….Lets change directions…It’s Lution, someones getting that a** waxed later!!
Fans applaud with laughter….
Gene: But anyhoo----Look at you bishes---thick thighs, bootys all firm------what are some techniques you all use to cut weight?
Cheryl: I’m going to answer this one for Valkyrie… because it’s pretty clear that she doesn't eat at all! One more great example of how “good” she is as a role model for young girls, right?
Cheryl: and about me, well... I'm sure that everyone is pretty familiar with my fitness routine, I’m always sharing everything that I do with my fans and they know what it takes to look this good. A lot of exercise, water and a balanced diet... It’s easy, anyone can do it! If you're not looking like this it’s probably because you’re too lazy... or poor! Haha…
Valkyrie: Shaming someone for her physical appearance… how lower can you go, Stixx?
Valkyrie: Since you are such an expert, you’ll sure know that 94 lbs for 5 foot is a perfect average. And I don’t need to desperately appeal to grown men in the audience unlike you, because deep inside you know and they know that Cheryl Stixx is just eye-candy.
Gene: How do you motivate wrestlers to give you their absolute best?
Cheryl: You know Gene, I'm such a big supporter of women supporting women that it’s just natural for me to go inside that ring and make my colleagues look good.
Cheryl: And you know what? I think it might be my aura or something that I don’t even know yet… But I’m just so inspiring, so when they have matches against me they’re always on their best shape. I have faced some not so talented people *wink, wink* but I’m so generous to share my light with them that even this kind of “talent” looks good!
Gene says “Oh Cheryl”…..Then playfully rolls eyes as the two laugh and engage in side eyes….
Gene: Valk, what's the hardest thing about wrestling?
Valkyrie: Having to share the locker room with you three is by far the hardest thing about OCW
Gene: Oh do tell Hunt-ty...
Cheryl: There’s nothing too hard about it if you’re as passionate about this business as I am. But I have to say that the hardest thing about it is the fact that when you’re in this business you have to work with a lot of people that wont be on your level... And yeah, it can be a little frustrating, I really wish I could just wrestle a Cheryl Stixx, you know?
Valkyrie: It’s funny, but I 100% agree with Cheryl on this one. I mean, take a look at the rest of the locker room: they are all too scared to come out and stand up to ShowBlitz, I wonder why it’s always just me around here. They all know where to find me, but apart from Aerith, nobody seems to care. Maybe they really want me dead for some reason, or maybe they are Hide ‘n’ Seek experts.
Gene: favorite male wrestlers?
Cheryl: Ooh girl, you know we gotta be really careful with our words when discussing male talents, right? But ok, are we talking favorite like the cutest? Or favorite like the best wrestler? Haha
Cheryl: Alright, now seriously. I’m a big Archer fan, not sure if a lot of people know that but he’s probably my favorite. I met him when Danny faced him on Riot and he’s sooo talented, I like his style. I’d love to wrestle him some day if that was possible. Because, basically, I kick hard and he attacks legs, it would be interesting.
Valkyrie: Archer? Really? A egomaniac who only thinks about money? I’m sure you two would be a great couple.
Valkyrie: It’s pretty hard to answer, though. Let me think: we have criminals, satanists, vampires, dictators, egomaniacal millionaires… a lot of great role models, what a great selection.
Cheryl: What’s wrong with egomaniacal millionaires, geez… And it’s a free land Valkyrie, leave satanists alone! People are free to worship whatever they want, you think you’re a valkyrie dammit...
Gene: Expectations at Lution---Whats a match you are looking forward to…
Cheryl: Thanks for this question Gene, I'm really looking forward to the fatal 4-way for the OCW World Title. I’m also really excited for all the women’s matches on Prime.
And you know Gene, it’s my first Wrestlution and in less than one year I feel that I achieved so much in OCW, just being here with a match on the main show of Wrestlution is really something special to me.
I’m committed to show all these idiots, like Valkyrie, who claim I’m just eye candy that they are wrong. I’m a wrestler and I’m a really good one. Lution is going to be a reminder that you can be a pretty girl and also kick some ass!
Valkyrie: You are a wrestler that needs to resort to all sorts of tricks and cheats to win, Cheryl. It’s mind blowing how you still see yourself as a good example for the division after everything you have done to me.
Valkyrie: And I’m not the one claiming you are eye-candy, you are portraying yourself that way. Maybe one day you’ll realise that there’s more in life than just Instagram followers and grown men in the audience drooling over you. I sincerely hope you will.
Valkyrie: I can’t believe I am actually going to say this, but deep inside I’m sure there is a nicer version of Cheryl and sometimes it comes out when you talk about being a good role model and a respected in-ring performer, like you just did.
Valkyrie: But it’s buried underneath layers and layers of evil, self-absorption and control issues, so when you try to make me look like the villain of this fairy tale, you just end up sounding like a phony.
Gene: Somebody get this chick some anti-depressants!!
Crowd laughs….
Gene:What is the beef between the two of you? Sum it up for those who may not have been following or are new.
Valkyrie: It’s easy to sum up: Cheryl here is so insecure, she always needs to be surrounded by her girl scout group and she can’t accept the fact that someone like me can be different from her.
And so she desperately tries to make me disappear, to make sure I don’t “steal” her show. But unfortunately for her, not only am I here to stay and I am not going anywhere, but I am not afraid of making a stand either.
Cheryl: blah blah blah, she jealous… that’s it. Now I’m sorry Gene, I have a lot of things to do, it’s Lution weekend, I’m super busy and I still got to make sure that I’ll be looking good on Sunday.
Cheryl: I just wanted to thank my fans for having such a good taste, you guys are going to live for the show that I’m going to put on for you on Sunday. And also my haters… like this little one here, thank you too! You guys are always paying attention to me, I feel that you’re my biggest fans after all! Get ready for the vicious showgirl!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh man this one is gonna be something!
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I can't wait! |
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