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"Just what in the hell are you thinking out there?!"
"Me? You're the idiot that couldn't break the count!"
Shouting echoes throughout the Orlando Arena.
"What kind of... How the hell did you blow this?!"
"Says that guy who was on his back outside! You couldn't beat him if you were in the ring either!"
A Wrestlution camera follows the source of the noise, around a bustling arena. The voices becoming louder and more clear.
"Ha! Gah' damn, you are useless! How did I talk myself into..."
"I asked myself the same thing."
"...What's that? You wanna try that again!?"
"Get out of my face before I put you down outside that ring again!"
The camera walks by an open locker room door. Quartz and Rust Cohle are standing in each other's faces, continuing to spit off blame and other insults. The crowd, enjoying their frustration, begins to pop.
Quartz: "You sure you got the muscle little guy?"
Before Cohle can answer, Quartz turns around quickly, holding back his frustration.
Cohle: "I don't have to put up with this. I knew this was a bad idea! You've got no idea what you're doing out there!"
Cohle begins to storm out, looking disappointed at the back of Quartz...
Quartz: "...Wait!"
Cohle stops in his tracks, keeping his head forward, not looking behind him at Quartz. We see a familiar smug grin wipe over the face of Quartz as he turns around.
Quartz: "Look, this is good, see? This is best for both of us. Yeah."
Quartz: "You know, this is really gonna lure these milhouses into a false sense of security. What do we have? Like 1 team on this gah-forsaken show that has any chance at winning a tag team match?"
Cohle turns his head around, interested at the prospect of being the top guy. After a moment, he turns the rest of his body back and walks back into the locker room to face Quartz.
Quartz: "Yeah, yeah.. You know, those clowns with those belts only have them by default. The wonderful idiots in this crowd aren't smart enough to recognize greatness unless they see someone carrying that stupid piece of plastic."
Cohle: "...I'm pretty sure it's gold."
Quartz looks surprised at the response.
Quartz: "Gold!? What kind of budget do you think this organization has, kiddo? I think you've been here long enough to know they only spend money and pushes on you if your name is 'Hayes'."
Both Rust Cohle and Ijitu Quartz grin and look obviously straight into the camera for a moment, before recapturing character and getting back to the discussion.
Cohle: "This is easy... for me, but you have to carry your weight too."
Quartz: "Look here, shrimpy. The only reason I need you and you need me is to qualify for this stupid division. After we both get what we want, remember who pinned who last time... I'll leave it at that."
Quartz leans backwards and crosses his arms. Cohle snarls and clinches his fists... before calmly releasing them back to his sides.
Cohle: "Right... but you know you got lucky last time, you big gorilla... You proved as much earlier today."
Cohle: "...but you are right. I don't want to share a ring with you any longer than I have to."
Quartz: "Psh, you don't have a choice unless you plan on jobbing for your entire career. Let's roll, Rusty. We have someone very important waiting to talk to us."
Quartz walks right past Rust Cohle as Cohle angrily follows behind. The two continue down the halls, out of sight, continuing to bicker and argue until their voices fade out.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What to hell man! This is like an Axis of EVIL!
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Yea if they are the Evil Abbott and Costello! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh my god what a match!
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That has to go down in history as one of the best matches ever! |
We turn to the backstage area, where Johnny Law is having a conversation with Dragana as they walk down the halls.
Johnny Law: You did great out there. I think that should keep her mouth shut for a while. A NEW chapter in history has been written!
Dragana grins as Johnny puts a hand on her shoulder.
Johnny Law: Baby steps. Before you know it, both of us will be on top and we'll own the damn world. But for now, let's relax and enjoy the rest of the show.
She nods.
Johnny Law: Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta use the restroom.
Johnny walks away from the camera as Dragana leans against a nearby wall. She closes her eyes for a few seconds. As she drifts away into her thoughts, she is interrupted by a strange man.
???: Nani?!?!?!
She opens her eyes and sees a man with red shoes, a white dress shirt with black pants, and a bow tie. It takes her a second to realize, but she knows this man; the somewhat controversial Asian Ref from Wrestlution 11.
Asian Ref: Dragana-san! おはようございます!!!!!!
Asian Ref bows as Dragana meekly waves. He takes both of Dragana's hands and shakes them while keeping his head down.
Asian Ref: あなたに会うことは光栄です!
She isn't sure what to think. She smiles out of the absurdity of the situation but the man continues.
Asian Ref: 私のためにあなたの兄弟にお声をかけてください!
Dragana just nods along with the man. He releases her hands and puts his head down.
Asian Ref: ヤギがまだ私に怒っているかどうか知っていますか?
Dragana: ...
She just shrugs as the man sighs.
Asian Ref: わかりました。いつかあなたの家族を訪ねてください!
The man waves and walks away as a smiling Dragana looks on.
Dragana: ...さようなら.
Johnny returns looking befuddled.
Johnny Law: Did I just see what I thought I just saw? And did I hear what I thought I just heard?
Dragana turns around and puts a finger up to her mouth.
Dragana: Ssssshhhhh.....
She takes him by the arm and they walk away.
Johnny Law: I dunno if I'll ever figure you out.
The scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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