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The backstage area is littered with people all moving in their own directions. Production guys, equipment people, other wrestlers, all making their way to their objectives. More than usual, there are a bunch of people standing by the Gorilla Position talking, going over notes, and some are just in the way.
Without any notice, Jackson Montgomery comes bursting through riding a high all show, all the while screaming and shouting, clutching the Future Investment briefcase. He stumbles over someone and spills out onto the floor.
This doesn’t even phase him. In fact, Jackson acts like he meant to do just that. Still holding the briefcase, Jackson continues to shout, basically cheering himself on.
Jackson Montgomery: WOOHOOOOO! YEA DOGGY! I knew you had it in ya old boy. Jackson Montgomery holds the key to his future! A key that’s shaped like a briefcase! WOOOO!
Jackson finallys gets back to his feet and notices all the people around him have stopped what their doing and are just staring at him. Jackson begins to feel all the eyes on him and slowly starts to turn in a circle.
Jackson Montgomery: You ain’t gettin’ yer hands on this! Jackson holds out the case. This is mine and ain’t none of ya’ll gonna take it!
Just then, someone pushes through the crowd towards Jackson. He’s a smaller man, much smaller than Jackson, wearing an OCW polo shirt with a name tag that says Winston and a headset on his head. As Jackson is turning, the man ends up face to face with him.
Jackson stops, stands upright, and stares down at the man, who is a full head shorter than him. Without saying a word, the man reaches out and takes the case, very slowly, out of Jackson’s hands. Jackson is in disbelief at the arrogance of this little production crew member.
Winston: I need to take this Jackson. It’s the only one we have and I can’t have you damaging it. It has to stay with us.
Jackson slowly lets go of the case: Oh it’s the only one? Oh ok. In that case…
Jackson yanks the case back and plants it right on the head of Winston, sending him crashing to the ground. An audible gasp is heard from the people around and a few even rush to Winston’s side.
Jackson Montgomery: I told ya! I TOLD ALL OF YA! No one gets their d*ck beaters on my case!!
Jackson then pushes himself through the crowd and continues down the hallway shouting like a lunatic. As he turns the corner, he runs smack into Jim Black, sending the papers he was sifting through flying through the air.
Jim’s sentence trails off as he sees who he has run into: J...J...Jackson! My friend! Is that what I think it is?
Jackson is holding the case to his chest like a newborn baby: YOU DAMN RIGHT IT IS! I finally have my shot Jim. I got my mojo back! With this here case and the power of the greatest country behind me, I WILL go straight to the top and I will…
Jim cuts Jackson off: Wait...wait! Let me get my papers and a pen. I need to write this down for my article in OCW Magazine.
Jim falls to the floor and begins to collect his papers that were flung about earlier. Once he’s got them all picked up, he begins to feel all his pockets for a pen. He finally finds one in the inside pocket of his cheap suit. He clicks it open and stares at the Future Investment case holder.
Jim Black: Ok go ahead.
Jackson Montgomery: Ready? Ok. With this here case and the power of the greatest country behind me, I WILL go straight to the top and I will regain what I once held. I
Jackson Montgomery: will regain the Turmoil championship from whoever holds it whether it’s Jacob Trance, who I’ve already beaten, or Austin Lee, who I’ve already beaten, or Wrex, who I’ve already beaten, or my former best friend B17, who i’ve also already beaten.
Jim Black: The Turmoil Championship has been retired. We crowned a CCW Champion back in March and the B17 is the current Champion having defeated Austin Lee who was the Interim CCW Champion back at Turmoil 200.
Jackson Montgomery furrows his brow thinking for a moment.
Jackson Montgomery: Huh....you don't say....WELL
whoever holds the title after this weekend, that’s who needs to watch their back.
Jackson Montgomery: It doesn’t matter what letters are on that title whether they be OCW or CCW. The only letters I need are USA and baby, Jim, I feel the power of the south rising inside me.
Jackson Montgomery: Those other men in that ring tonight couldn’t see past their own agendas. I’m doing this for my southern pride and my love for this country. They deserve better than B17 as champion. I DESERVE BETTER.
Jackson wipes the sweat from his brow and wipes it on Jim’s suit jacket: Now, I’m going to take this case, find a nice, quiet, seedy bar and drink until that bitch closes down! Then maybe me and the case will find some lucky woman to take back to my travel trailer and go around the world!
That remark makes Jim cringe a bit: Are you going to, um, that with the case? Better yet, don’t answer me. Congratulations Jackson. I think I saw a bar called Applebee’s just down the street from here. Have a blast.
When he hears the name Applebees, Jackson’s face twists up before he begins to laugh very loud. He starts walking away but slaps Jim on the back before he does. Jim, again, sends his papers flying into the air as he hits one knee.
Jim Black: You’re future champion everyone...
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Turmoil is doomed!
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No one man should have all that power! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Carnage!
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How can he walk after that? |
Thank You So Much
To Everyone Who Participated
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